First meet?

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Mostly sai's pont of veiw for this chapter

Sasuke(emo duckbutt)

After a few days kibs invited us to go eat with his team. And of course naru took the over up on not having to cook to day because of how sore his body was from his private training with kakashi-san(Private training???👀) I didn't question not knowing if I wanted to know. Sakura didn't come saying she was on a diet and being near food like that would be difficult for her so luckily she's not with us. We were walking into the restaurant when I heard our baby kibs call for us. God dang it him and akamaru (pretty much everyone in the make shift family) were going to be the end of me with how cute they are! Naru rush over and sat next to kibs. His sensei was already seated next to kibs and who I'm assuming was sai was on the other side of the table. I sat next to him and stayed quiet while everyone but me and him talked. I gave him a glance over and noticed how he looked extremely pale, giving even me a Uchiha a run for their money. "Are you done checking me out?" He said quietly enough for only me to hear, I slightly panic and only whispered back, "I'm not checking you out..." I can't lie even if he was almost a scary pale white his skin looked soft and healthy, his eyes were a deep black and even if the looked lifeless I can see(imagine) how they would look if he found some sort of way for happiness. "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, what's your name" "sai, you should eat." I looked carefully and noticed he wasn't eating.. I cook some then blow on it before it up to sai's mouth. He looked at me before eating it. His tongue flicked out and he licked his lips, god dang that tongue was thin and small. "Beautiful..." The words slipped past my lip in such hush I hope no one heard. I glance over to sai and noticed a small shine in his eyes. Blushing I get up and tell them I'm going to the bathroom. Wat the hell just happened.... I know I'm gay but ... Nvm. I wash my face and try to cool off. Once I have I go back and take a seat. "So Sasuke, kibs, do you wanna go home now?"  I get up nod my head, say thank you and wait outside. 

Sai pov

After Sasuke went to the bathroom , kiba asked me if something happened., I said I didn't know. I will I get this weird feeling in my stomach Everytime he glanced at me or when he fed me. I wonder why. I might ask Kiba some other time. "Hey kiba? Do you mind if I visit you sometime soon?" He gives me a nod before saying thank you to our sensei and walking out with everyone else. I walk home looking at the scenery's, they were... Pretty?... It was pleasnt  on the eyes. As much as I did not want to admit it, Sasuke kept popping up in my mind. He seemed really close to everyone except our sensei and Shino. 

I walked into my small apartment and take a shower then get ready for bed. If I had known what kind of dream I was going to have I wouldn't have slept.

I had a nightmare(lol did you think it was a wet dream?) Everyone I knew, died in front of me. At that moment I realized that what I'm feeling isn't just a little small emotion, no even if I didn't have a close connection with them they didn't treat me like others did. I am part of their group now and I love Sasuke. Call me crazy for saying it was love at first sight, but I can't help it. I want to have him here with me, make sure he's ok in my arms, or me in his arms. I loved the way kiba and shino looked like high school girls in love, and how Naruto seemed to lighten any mood with his smile, even if they called him a demon.... I loved them like family. I want to be family . I get up and grab a book and a glass of water. I won't be able to sleep until I see that their ok and I doubt I will be able to go to sleep again after that.

My choice of reading was always strange, I wanted to know what human emotions where, but now here I am with more emotions then I can explain. The story I  was reading was about two highschool students who didn't even know the other existence until they were put in teams for a group project.-------.........

By the time I finished the book the sun was up. I got up and made tea and some toast the proceed to go meet with my team. Kiba and shino were sitting together and chatting about bugs, I could hear them as I got closer. Akamaru was chasing some butterflies in the meadow a little bit farther. "Kiba, can I come over to your place tonight." "Huh? Oh sure! Naru would love to have you try his new recipe! Shino,you should come too!" We make small talk till our sensei arrives and tells us we will be using our day to do   #d rank missions and try to get to know each other at another extension. After finishing up our small missions we head over to kiba's house. "Oh, Sai I just wanted to tell you that you can call me kibs, everyone calls me that!"  I now see why everyone likes kiba-kibs he's adorable and akamaru just adds to the cuteness. They tilt there head at  the same time. I nod my head and keep walking a little behind them. We enter the red district and I get a little uncomfortable, when I was still in training they told us that here was where all the bad things happen. I move a little closer to kibs and shino. We continue walking and I soon realize that it's nothing like what we were told, some parks, many small shops, the air smells cleaner then the main district. It's, really nice. "We are in the red district right?" I ask a little above a whisper. Kibs looks at me and nods his head before smiling "naru helped rebuild the area! He started programs to help people and made small fruit, and vegetables gardens to feed the people, since he was moved here everything changed. Naru is well known and respected" I didn't show, but I was impressed and god smack, naru, a small abused kid did all of this, I look around again and realize that there are suprisingly alot of kids and I looked like adults where handing out things to them. They place looked better then main district. "Are there any free apartments I could rent here?" "Hm, I think so, but you'll have to talk to naru he knows everything about the district." Soon we arrive at a apartment, all the balconies have small pots with flowers and other plants. The air smelled of something good, we stopped at a door and kiba opens it. "I'm home! I brought guest!" Naru comes out with sasuke and kakashi-san from what I'm assuming is the kitchen. "Hii! Welcome make yourself a at home we're almost done cooking"  we say ok and kiba leads us to a living room. "I'll go get us some tea" kibs says and walks out. I start spacing out. Is it weird that I'm feeling so many emotions after meeting Sasuke? What exactly is he doing to me? Naru kiba comes back and tells us food is ready, I look around and noticed the tea on the small table in front of me. I get up and walk over to the table, there was only one empty seat, right next to sasuke. I sat down and we say thanks for the food and dig in. There's a little bit of chatter but it's nice, makes it feel like a cozy home. "Oh naru! Sai asked me if there where any apartments available in the district, do you know of any places?" Naru pauses and puts on a thinking face. "I think there is one a few blocks away that for rent. The pass owners moved away. We can go check it out sometime" I nod and say a quick thank you and continue eating the food that was made. At some point I end up just moving it around my plate. Sasuke grabs my chop sticks and puts food up to my mouth. " You haven't eaten much, you'll collapse if you don't eat enough" I was going to respond but right when I opened my mouth he pushed the food into my mouth.

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