the wolf pup tells his story

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Yo sorry for the late update, have fun reading


I sat down and started eating, he didn't say anything and didn't look at me or even try peeking at my face. It was new, having Gai after me all the time makes it nice to not have to worry since naruto didn't care. I finished eating and sat still till he finished. "Are you feeling ok?" I look up at naruto, he had a sad smile on his face...why? "I'm fine, thank you for sheltering me I will take my leave." "Ehh? But you just woke up. Stay a while I'll make tea."

Time skip by, crazy events in the future i want to write

After tea I slowly started talking, I don't know but he gave off a good vibe, made me feel safe... " My father was a well known ninja, but after refusing a mission to harm his friends he was looked down apond and miss treated after a few years he couldn't take it and ... And killed himself... Later on a mission my teammates died in battle... And no matter how hard I try to think positive.. I always feel depressed.."  I didn't raise my head scared he would look disgusted and no longer be friendly. I feel arms wrap around my body and tense, human contact isn't something Im good with, I like my nin kins, paku and the rest but humans scare me, I get attached and they die or something happens, suddenly I feel my face feels wet, I move my hand to my face and realize I'm crying... "Your one of a kind, your father was a good man, not many would reject a mission from the hokage especially to make sure there friends aren't hurt, and your a tough soul, you don't need to be alone anymore feel free to visit me anytime you want."  His voice was so soft, and filled with emotion... And then I cried my heart out, I screamed in pain, and grief. After some time passed I finally stopped crying and naruto was there comforting me the whole time, not even trying to make me stop, but letting me released all the emotion I had bottled up. My eyes were puffy and my throat was soar. "Come ,lets get you into bed, I'll make you a tea to help your throat do you want any food?" I looked at him and shook my head, he helped me to the room I'm staying in and helped me adjust a bit of clothes before going to make tea. He came back a few minutes later with tea, it tasted like honey and oranges, kinda like how he smelled?... I fell asleep after drinking my tea.

Naruto pov

After listening to how much pain
He was in, like I could have just listen to his screams and cries and would have thought he was being tortured. .... Dang it! I still don't know his name! =^=.  I went to check of him later and brought a damp towel to wipe his face as I finish cleaning his face he started moving,and once again im in the same bed of a semi stranger. Later that day a little after lunch hour I woke up and untangled myself from him to make lunch, some veggies and pasta. I walked back to the room and gently shaked him awake. "Hey I made lunch, you can go ahead and eat. I need to do something" "ok... What time will to you be back". "hm not sure, I've gotta take food to Jiji and yama-nii. I think I'll be back in 30 minutes." With that said I left to take Jiji and yama-nii food. "Good afternoon naruto!" The villagers around me greeted "good afternoon everyone!" I smile at them and continue on my way. At the hokage tower I walked in said hello to the front desk lady, who smiled and gave a nod indicating I can go see lord third.  "Good afternoon Jiji! Where's yama-nii?" Yama-nii pops up behind me and hugs me. " I brought you lunch! I have guest at home so I can't stay to long but come visit soon yea?"
I walked out and back home on the way the villagers whispered and insulted me but none tried doing anything to me....strange. when I get into the "red light district" I stopped by a small shop with some clothes, "Naruto! How can I help you today:)" "I'm looking for a kimono and some supplies for school." Ah wait right here, I just got a order in with many beautiful kimonos I think you would love!" "Ok!" He came back a few minutes later with a hanger rack full of kimonos " wow these are beautiful" " go ahead and look threw them! Choose any you like and I'll give you a discount"  "thank you!" I look threw the kimono and pick out a few, some of them wear a solid color others had cute designs like foxes,pups, trees and other animals one of them caught my eyes the most, a golden kimono with a orange bow and strap on the waist. I walk around after choosing my kimono and look for some thing for school. Walking over to the cashier to pay we talked awhile till I remember "that reminds me, the other day some villages called me sama, if you here them call me sama remind them that were all equal please"  he smiled and nodded. And now I'm on my way home. "I'm home!"  "Welcome home naruto."  I smiled at him and walk over to my room and leave my bags. Then walked back to the kitchen to find the Anbu at the table waiting for me to sit down. "You didn't eat?" "Eating alone isn't fun, I waited for you to come back."  I sat down and say thank you for the food then start eating. " AMBU dog, you never told me your name..." He looked at me then back at his food "you can call me kakashi" "hmm..Kakashi~ I like the sound of our name." "Don't say it like that baka!"  "Ehh? I didn't do anything!" "Yes you did! Finish your lunch baka" "fine"  After our lunch I sat down on the couch and talked with kura-nii. "Hey kit why's the Anbu that saved you here?" Found him hyperventilating on the neighbors roof.  After that kura-nii was silent the rest of the day. Probably sleeping, lazy fox . I was falling asleep till kakashi sat next to me. "Hey kakashi, how did you end up on the neighbors roof?" He looked at me the back down, the tips of his ears were pink. "I smelled something good and came to check it out..."  I let out a giggle already assuming the rest.  He laid back and relaxed, I did the same.  After a little bit of dozing of and waking up then repeat I got up and adjusted  kakashi then I got on top of him and laid there till I fell asleep.

Kakashi pov

I woke up to something blond in front of my face and a light weight on me. I moved the blond blob and sat up then looked back down to see naruto. Then the cutest thing happened. He sneezed then curled up on himself to stay warm! And when he sneezed his nose twitched like a fox!  I go back to the room I've been staying in and grab a blanket and go back and place it on him. He snuggles up into it then continues sleeping. I go back to the room and look for my little bag, it has a picture I want to make sure is still there. Once I find it I put it in my shirt pocket. I walk back out with my things and set them next to the door. Then I walk back to naruto and wake him. "Hey naruto, wake up. I need to go and want to say good bye.". "mhhm. Don't leave yet kakashi~," I can feel my face go red, is he doing this on purpose?!? "Naruto I need to go, the hokage needs me ." After saying that he opens his eyes and liked at me with pleading eyes, "don't go...I don't want to be alone..." I'm not going to make it out of here alive if he doesn't stop being cute!!! I look at him one more time then came up with a idea, "naruto have you started the academy yet?" "Yes why?" "I'll become a jounin when you graduate to teach you and I'll came visit sound good?" With that he finally let me leave and I went over to the hokage tower to tell them I would drop from Anbu to jounin if they let me reach my naru........ Wait a bloody minute did I just naruto nar and MY naru.... He doesn't even know what he's doing to me T-T

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