The End.....

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Obito's Pov

After retiring to my room I prepared to go to sleep. I was already laying in bed, sleep just almost take over, when I heard it.....moans ..... Guess their busy ... I'm not going to get any sleep tonight am I?

It was around 4 am when they finally finished and finally fell asleep

The next morning, or technically this morning I was already out and about in their kitchen when I hear shuffling behind me.

"Morning, you know... You should seriously use silencing seals, or have some shame, you have a guest here."

"Obito...Oh LORD....Naruto told me he put then up?!?!!!! I'm so sorry you had to hear that!!"

"You owe me two bowls of ramen and some sango I can share with Itachi when I go out on a date with him later"

."yea sure.....WAIT WHAT?!?? You and itachi?!?!! How?!?!"

"Technically it's not only us...Shisui is in on it to"

"....I missed out on alot, damn...seems like everyone I knew that died somehow joined a organization that was assumed to have wanted to destroy the world is actually good..... To much information"

"You make it sound alot worse then it is ....."

Time skip....

kakashi pov

I'm getting married today I get married to the love of my life

We went through the ceremony with out trouble, and we were finally officially married. Now....for kids😏...

ANYWAYS Shisui, Obito and itachi plan on getting married too. Naruto build a bigger house for us, all of us. I guess you can say, I'm finally home... They say home is where the heart is, I didn't have a heart...but now I do, I have a heart for my naru, and I appreciate life, Im sorry that I didn't before, I was blind.

I'm still upset about sensei and kushina, but because of them I met naru, and I'm ok with that, I won't forgive them, but I thank them for having given birth to naru. I don't know we're I would be with out him.

I guess...this is where my story ends, I'm happy, their happy and it just feels right.

Andddd it's over! I finished, I'm sorry this was trash, hell you probably expected more, but with my grandma passing away, testing, the over taking feeling of being a disappointment and letting people down has been Killin me. I'm so so so sorry .. I hope you don't hate me, but I'm working on other story's, hell if I would have been told I would be writing a story and actually publishing it 6 years back I would have laughed, looked you straight in the eyes and said, with my living conditions I will probably end up dead in the streets, but I'm alive and I'm making things possible, I'm writing stories, making peoples days. I don't know what I'm saying, but thank you all. If you want to, please check out my other stories, I think I might continue my Banana fish story ... But I'm not sure yet. Thank you for joining me in this journey, your support has been my fuel for this, and my need to do better.

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