9tails attack pt2\ new home

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And another update in the same day wow im really liking this already lol

Kurama's pov
I need to think of a way to protect kit, i dont want him to keep getting hurt because of me being sealed inside of him. Then i get a idea, ill train him! Yes that i will do ill train him to become stronger and protect himself. 'Gaki wake up, you need to go home your still in the alleyway.' It pained me to know that kit was left in the alleyway with out anyone coming to his rescue.

Naruto pov
'M-mhh no... i dont want to leave...' i said still tired and actually happy 'kit come on i dont want you getting sick from laying on the cold dirty floor' 'mh ok.. how do i leave?...' kuruma-nii lets out a deep soothing chuckle 'close your eyes and focus on your body' kuruma-nii responded 'ok! Ill come visit you again soon! I dont want you to be lonley.' It wasn't a lie i didnt want kuruma-nii to be lonley but i actually liked being with nii-san and i feel safe. 'Ok kit see ya soon' he lets out another of those oh I could die for chuckles
I wake up in the alleyway with blood all over my clothes,my clothes are already destroyed so it's okay I guess I still have one more pair of clothes that are still okay I start walking home I didn't want to go see Gigi like this. I arrive home and take a quick shower then dress in my nicer cloths. *kuruma-nii? Can you hear me?* I though in my head *whats up kit* I give a happy giggle that I can talk to nii-san * I wanted to ask you something, I always see ninja's running on the rooftops , do you think I could get away from the villagers if I do that too? * *hmm kit thats not a bad idea go ahead but be careful and dont fall ok kit?* I hear kuruma say in a worried like voice I giggle *oi gaki what ya giggling at?* *you sound like a over protective mother kura-nii!* after that I cut off our chat and climb out my window onto the roof, my room is the attic, its not that bad alot of space and my own bathroom. I started running on the roofs toward the hokage tower I jumped onto the rooftop area next to jijis office, jiji isn't hokage anymore so lord fourth is now. 'Jiji!' I let out a small giggle as I pounce onto jij or at least tried to. Yamato flickered in front of me before I could reach jiji. He always does it to mess with me but I know he has good intentions. 'Uncle tenzo!' I pouted as he smiled and moved for me to go to jiji .

Third person pov
Yamato had big eyes that scared off most children so when he first met naruto he was surprised that gaki wasn't scared him. Since then yamato has become fond of the little ball of energy. 'Happy birthday naruto' both jiji and tenzo said at the same time. 'Yamato take your mask off your off duties at the moment' jiji said yamato takes off his ANBU mask off and nodded. Yamato pulled out a scroll and handed it to naruto. 'Huh? Uncle yama what this?' Naruto asked when he looked at the scroll. 'These, gaki are medical jutsu scrolls and a few other jutsus.' Yamato said as he looked at naruto with happy eyes but if you looked closley you could see the sadness. Jiji then handed naruto to yamato while he went to grab something. 'Naruto you are no ordinary gaki, you are very smart almost like a nara but younge, I want to test your skill and put you in the academy.' Jiji said as he placed a Rubik's Cube in front of him. Naruto grabbed the rubiks cube and started fixing it. In less then 1 minute he ficed it showing a IQ of 200+ (idk how this works, tho is probably random as hell) a younge prodigy. Next jiji pulled out a scroll and took out the things. Different weapons were laid out. ''Choose which ever one you like mago (grandson)." Naruto looked at all the weapons laid out for him then settled on a smaller sword that fit him perfectly. That surprised jiji and tenzo for most kids would have gone with something big and flashy but naru-kun chose something suitable for him. 'Jiji! I like this sword it fits my body and its light!' Jiji let put a chuckle and held his head high 'I taught you well mago.' 'Oh jiji! How come you didnt tell me kuruma was in me?' Jiji was shocked. 'Who is kurama? ' 'the nine tails kyubi! He doesn't like being called the kyubi though' naruto responded 'oh so you've met the kyubi I mean Kurama' 'mhhm! Hes super nice and wasn't in control during the attack he was controled by a masked man!' 'And when did you meet him?' '....I met after the villagers beat me and passed out..I was able to sleep the first time in weeks though!'

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