What to do

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Naru has been "sick" for a week now, kurama hasn't healed him.

I walk to naru's room and open it quietly,
"Hey naru, can you summon kurama for me?"

Naru nods his head then summons kurama, we walk out he room and into my room

"Why haven't you healed naru yet?"

"He hasn't told you?... Naruto is in heat, but I guess it makes sense, he doesn't have a mate yet, if he has a mate and cuddle or have some sort of physical contact it helps his heat.But I'm not allowing you to do any more then hold or cuddle naru, pervert"

"How do I mate with him?..."

"It's quite similar to your clans mating, or the inuzuka clan really, bite his neck, but it can't be forceful or my chakra will think your trying to hurt him and will reject the bond mark."

"Now go mark him idiot! My poor baby brother is suffering!!!"

I rush to naru's room and open it,

"Hey naru, how you feeling?"

"It's hot, but I feel a bit better..."

"Naru... I know why your feeling like this, and kurama told me how to help ... But I need your permission to do it."

"I need to mark you, like a bond, but you have to accept it, if not it will only heal and won't bond"

"Ok, so it's kinda like kibs does it?"

"Yea, will you allow me to mark you"

Naru nods his head, and crawl up to his neck, and sniff his neck(he took his mask off), looking for the right place to mark. I lick the area I'm going to bite, then bite down, naru makes a sound, I can't tell if it's pain or something else. I unclench my mouth from his shoulder/neck and look at naru,

"Are you ok?.."
"I can feel emotions, but their not mines..."

I blush already knowing that the bond is starting to from, meaning he can feel a bit of my emotions.

"Their mines..."


We cuddle after a while, after a week of cuddling non-stop, not including when he's in the bathroom, naru is finally ok again.

Aight, I wanna know if you'd like me to do a skip to where there adults or something, I feel like y'all don't like how it's all to fluffy, or whatever the hell I'm writing, put it in the comments pls, I wanna know what y'all think, I write for you<3

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