Life in general

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I hurry over to The land I bought and build a wall out of wood. Then I start my process of building. It will have three floors, a attic and a basement as well. I make the skeleton of the house then build the walls. In total I did have to ask kura-nii for chakra to continue, after a while I decided I it was built enough and that I should probably go finish the other plans I have.
I hurry over to the store and buy more groceries then go home and get dressed formally in my kimono. I then head to the Hokage tower. I walk in and ignore the looks I get from the Shinobi there. I walk past the receptionist and into the hokages office ignoring the shouts of not being able to enter from the receptionist.

"Lord fourth,clan heads I've hoped your mornings have been good."

"Why is he here!!"  I hear one of the clan heads yell while I'm sitting down next to Jiji.
Jiji responds before the fourth can,
"Naruto is a clan head of the clan Hinode, the papers have been filled and you have no control over it. Now shut up so that this can get over with"
Never thought I'd live to see the day Jiji yelled at another clan head like that, I say to kura-nii as we watch what's happening.

"Ehem. As I was saying, There has been rumors about the red light district, and seeing how Naruto-(cough) Hinode, is the only clan head that actually lives there I've called you all to listen to what he says."
I sigh, I should have known word was going to get out and the damn Hokage would try to pry.

" One, I can't help if I don't know what the rumors are. 2, I am not the only clan head there and 3 don't drag me in to your petty plans to take over the red district cause no one likes you there" I say bluntly as I get up and sit in kakashi's lap, seeing as he's the last of his clan he's probably going to be forced into the program where they force him to reproduce by force.

I can tell almost everyone is mad at me for taking to the Hokage like that but I don't care, Im going to speak the truth.

"We just want a update on how things are going, seeing as last time we 'visited' there were less thugs and less drunks..."

"I have started 2 programs, one for druggies and alcoholic, one for adults to help kids. We've made community gardens all over the place, adults are going to school to learn what they couldn't and take classes for basic survival. There are less kids in the streets, less depts and more trees, and clean air. At the moment where working on building apartments for the homeless that the can have for the simple payment that they help out in our community." I say as i snuggle up on kashi's lap. He's suprisingly really war right now .

I can hear the murmurs but ignore them until I'm being squashed In between black clothing and scents I know by heart.

Mikoto and Fugaku but hug me tightly then start fussing over me. I can see kura-nii sweat drop as the Uchiha are usually very close off.

"Aww am naru-chan is growing up to be a wonderful man!" I hear Mikoto say. "Mikoto, your going to choke him!!!"
I laugh when she finally let's me out of her choke hold, she is definitely not one to be weak. "Auntie Miko, can we talk later! We can go shopping together!"
"Oh course! We can buy you some dresses and more kimono!"

"Ehem, that is wonderful to hear Hinode, is there anything we can do to help?"
"No. You weren't there to help when they asked, we built what we are today with out you and it will stay that way."

Bros.....I'm in pain, like wth my legs hurt, I can bend my right knee, it hurts to bend at my hips T-T screw P.E., it's cursed and I hate it. Anyways, this is part 1 part 2 will be out soon! And please check out my other account! I have a story there that I'd like to one day make big thank you! Hope your all ok and thank you to my followers, I don't feel like I'm writing to a few people cause I know your reading:) Anyways stay safe, wear a mask, wash your hands and have fun! Byeeeeee

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