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Soo... I'm still sick T-T I'm still flipping sick, I'm getting better but still sick T-T I wasn't able to finish the chapter I wanted to post on naru-chans bday T-T

I'm sorry for not Posting, lots been going on, from my teacher wanting to send my writing to a publishing company to my teacher asking why I haven't published anything and entering my writing in a contest. It's been chaos, my grandma just got home, shes been in the hospital, I'm doing more work at school in attempts to keep all A's and then there's the fact that my migraines are coming back at me full force T-T, my sister is thinking about getting married for legal reasons.

I'm glad that I'm getting better, there was a time I was sick from September- February, worst few months of my life. My friend is in quarantine, and idk, I feel pressured, like your starting to hate me for not updating,and for alot in general, work feels like it's piling up, math is still the worse. Someday I just want to break down for no particular reason, other days I'm hyped and then feel like I'm bothering everyone, but that's not the point.

I hope you can forgive me, updates will definitely take longer to get out.

Be safe, wash your hands, wear a mask and enjoy life.

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