will you talk with me

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Naruto pov
I woke up and felt warm, a little to warm I try to move but I can't I start panicking. Why can't I move?! Relax kit you brought a visitor in last night. Kura-nii voice echoed in my head. Slowly I  try to wiggle out again and eventually I get out of this humans grip. I look at the alarm clock and notice I woke up 2 hours early so I decide to go out and shop for food of course I'm in a henge so no one tries to attack. On my way back home I release my henge and walked slowly enjoying the view, ever since we fixed up my apartment, can it even be called a apartmet anymore? I mean yama-nii extended it so now its even bigger, anyways after fixing my home we went around the district I was living in, not pretty there were thugs, drunks and more all over the place sooo we opened up a program to help them then we planted trees and flowers, to be truthful it looks even better then the main district and everyone likes me well not everyone but most people do.  As I was walking to my home I see someone I never wanted to see again, "kushina-sama,hokage-sama what can I do for you." I said in a monotone and those that were close enough to hear only watched ready to step in at any moment to help me. "Why are you calling us by name? We're your parents call us mom and dad. " Kushina-sama said, minato only nodded agreeing with her. "Kushina-sama, you are not my mother and lord fourth you are not my father, you may be my sperm donor and you may be the one to give birth to me but you are no parents to me." "We are your parent and your coming with us!" Kushina-sama yelled grabbing me by my now not so malnourished arm and tried to drag me away, but the people around surrounded us and started yelling profanity to the fourth and his wife. "Leave naruto alone!" " Go away and leave naru alone this is his home!" "Don't touch naruto-sama!" It was new, I never noticed how much everyone liked me some even called me sama, I'm not better them so why did they call me sama? I'll have to ask later. Kushina-sama let go of my arm after she was startled and yelled back saying something about me being a demon and needing to be in prison and that shes my mother, like bish you really think I'm willing to accept you into my life after neglecting me and confessing in front of everyone here that I'm a demon and need to be in prison? Hell nah. After half a hour they finally
Left and i was finally free to go home. When I got into the safe comfort of my home I went to the kitchen and put away the groceries I didn't need. I started making breakfast and waited for
My guests to come out to eat.

I laid out the food on the table and just in time the Anbu, dog finally came out of the room.with his mask and fully dressed again.
"Good morning! Come sit and have breakfast." He sat down said thank you for the food and started eating. I didnt want to push him into answering my question so I waited after breakfast.

Yo, sorry for not posting sooner, some things have been happening and my emotions are all over the place, I'll write a longer chapter sooner 

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