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Third pov

it's been about a year now and personally I think my training is going well jiji called me into the his office today I'm really curious to why I've been called when he could have just came to my house, had a cup of tea and talked?

Time skip to Jiji's office

I walked into Jiji office still thinking of why we couldn't just talk at my place?
'hi Jiji!!!' I said as I walked in. He liked up at me from his worse enemy paperwork. And smiled like his savior arrived, like really why don't ya just make clones and make them do the work? *Hahah kit I can't believe he hasn't thought of that!!* I smile as kura-nii laughs like there's no tomorrow,it makes me happy to know he's happy.
'So Jiji wats up? Why am I needed?' 'naru-kun I'm signing you up for the academy.' I stare at him waiting for him to say sike. '...your what?!?! Jiji no please! They hate me!!' I cried out holding back tears.
'naruto you need to make friends, show them what ya are made of!' jiji exclaims trying to boost my spirit. After a while of debating and trying to make him say I don't have to go I give up 'fine...' I said bearly above a whisper. 'that a boy! Now go with tenzo-nii he's helping you pack and buy cloths for Monday when you start!.' I walk out with yama-nii and we went shopping it was very uncomfortable, people stared, whispered and some even tried throwing things at me. But yama-nii stopped them before they could hurt me.
After getting everything and paying we went home, yama-nii stayed with me during the weekends so when we got to my place he walked in and into the kitchen to start lunch. I went to put away my things and take a nap.


'Kura-nii! Let's cuddle!' I yelled excited to cuddle up on kura-nii's tails or head. 'hello kit, come lay down.' I heard Kura-nii's deep voice ring out from the cave I imagine to change the layout of the place. Kura-nii had a collor with half of the seal so he's not in the cage anymore and he's able to roam around my mind. He lays his head down signaling me to lay on his head. 'so kit wats got you in a knot?' kura-nii asked me with a gentle voice. 'jiji signed me up for the academy' I responded and kura-nii must have realized why I was upset cause he then let's out a soft purr in attempt to help me.

I fell a sleep like that till lunch when uncle Tenzo woke me up to eat, I have a eating disorder and don't eat much that being said I'm really skinny. Uncle Tenzo made me ramen with extra meat, it was really good almost could rival Ichiraku ramen , ALMOST.
After lunch Tenzo asked if I wanted to watch a move so we did. We cuddle up with a bucket of ice cream and a blanket, yes a bucket of ice cream those things go out fast when it's movie night, which was every Friday. After a while I must have fallen asleep because I woke up in my room. I got up and showered, got dress and made my way to the kitchen. ''good morning naruto'' I heard a sleepy yama-nii say. I was surprised yama-nii is almost never tired. '' why are you tired yama-nii?' I asked with pure curiosity. 'the evil hokage made me go out on a mission last night and said to come back before dawn,*yawn* man he's messed up we've got family to spend time with during weekends not missions!' I frown thinking that lord fourth sent yama-nii on a mission last night and said to come back before dawn, and yama-nii was off duty last night! 'yama-nii do you want to go cuddle?' I asked trying to make it seem that I wanted to actually cuddle and not just lure him in so I can make sure he's resting well. 'hm are you sure?, I know you don't like physical contact much.' he said actually worried. 'mhm I wanna cuddle' I responding in a tired bubbly like voice/ or as most people say a child's voice.
He looked generally surprised but happy. He picked me up and I latched on like a koala. We cuddles until he fell asleep, I didn't want to wake him up by accidentally moving the wrong way so I layed there for a while more then sleep consumed me too.

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