part ,2

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I sit in my seat in boredom. Until naru comes and sits in my lap, he continues talking while he snuggles into my lap, god he's so cute. Mikoto and Fugaku come and hug naru and they continue talking, I zone out and just wrap my arms around him.

After the evil meeting with the man I once admired and the council me and naru head home, but before we go the third stops us. "next time you decide to annoy the council, don't do something like that again, stop sitting in this perverts lap!!!"

He says that but he reads the same books I read. Who the hell you calling pervert, pervert=^=

Naru makes food then we all eat together

"Ahh, I'm so tired and the food was warm. Now I want to sleep"

Naru goes to his room after biding us a good day( still not night yet). I excuse myself after I finish eating. I casually(but quickly) walk to narus room. Naru was in bed already dozing off. I climb in bed and pull him close, naru is like a cat. He lays on top of me as he sleeps, soon I sleep too.

I wake the next morning, someone was breathing on my neck. Thinking nothing of it, (he thinks it's paku or one of his mind dogs) I ignore it, but that goes out the window when I hear a small whimper. I open my eyes and look down. Naru was sleeping on me. I was about to ask if he was ok,(obviously after waking him up) when I hear him give a small sound.

Naru's pov

I was dreaming of the night they tried to.... Do that to me. I woke from that dream and talk to kura-nii in the mean time, it was still to early and I didnt want to get up.

"Kit, there's something I need to tell you..."

"Sure what's up?"

" do I explain this?....well seeing as foxes grow faster then humans, your technically a adult in the fox way.... And seeing as you haven't...mated yet you'll begin feeling hot.

Wth was that supposed to mean?!?

I then start feeling really hot, and bothered(not sexually idiots, like when you need to get in the pool with alot of guys during pe but your insecure of your body/totally not referring to me)

I wake up, kakashi looking worried and me feeling even more hot, was I having a fever?

"Naru, are you ok? " I just nod.

Kakashi rushes to get me a glass of water then comes back.

Btw, I started playing guitar, my fingers are in pain. Orry it's so short, hope you enjoy and thank you for following,liking and reading in general. As I said, I'll be publishing my first ever paper book soon, by the pen name Ryan Miranda hopefully, I'm so excited because my teacher wants to take us to a publishing company, but if that can't happen she want to take us to Ronald Reagan library so I'm exited

Aight take care, be safe0^0

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