Something might blossom

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Pov Sasuke's

Great, Narutoooooo!!!!! How dare you! Leaving sai with me was a wrong move! I don't know what to do?!? Do I smell?! Should I try talking to him????

My prayers where answered when  sai asked me something, "hey Sasuke, does this look ok?"  I look over and see him holding up a drawing of a small dog and a cobra. "Wow, that's the best drawing I've ever seen" I think I showed to much emotion cause he Looked surprised

"So, um you take the bed and I take the floor?.."
"No, we can share the bed"

I feel blood rush to my face so I turn and say I'm going to go change.


Was I to blunt?... Maybe I should apologize. Yea I'll tell him I'm sorry and hopefully he won't think I'm weird. Uh feelings are complicated why did they have to come back?!? Sasuke comes back and sits on the bed, now's my chance.

"I'm sorry, if I made you uncomfortable, if you want I'll sleep on the floor"  hi head turns so fast it startled me
"No! It's fine you didn't make me uncomfortable, and it's fine the bed is big enough for the both of us"

Sasuke's mind(I hope he likes to cuddle in his sleep...)

"Oh, ok.. um btw I'm sorry if I clinge to you or something and if I accidentally grab you I'm sorry"

.... Oh- did i.... Omg T-T I'm a goner e thinks I'm weird doesn't he god forgive me let my soul rest in peace when I die from embarrassment


.....did he just?..... I feel blood rush to my face again and turn away

"It's fine, if you do I'll just wake you up..."  I get under the covers with my back facing his back and cover myself up to my chin. I hear the blankets Russel (?)
Then I hear sai say 'good night'
Im pretty sure I heard him say something else to but didn't catch it. I ignore the strange feeling and try to sleep.

I wake up feeling really warm, usually I'm cold when I sleep. I turn around to meet with Sai's sleeping face. His skin was so flawless.. and his eye lashes were super long and layed gently on his cheeks, his lips were small but cute. Then that's when I realized.... He's cuddling into me and clinging onto my shirt, I push down the blood I'm feeling rising to my cheeks and gently move him closer. I might as well take advantage of this situation.

I woke up this morning on top of kakashi's chest and may have may have not had a mental melt down. (Kakashi looked good with out a mask😏) I finally got up after a while of just enjoying his warmth and grabbed my phone(did I mention phones are in this au? No? Well to bad cause there are,/you'll thank me later) and head over to Sasuke's room to wake him up, I open the door and fawn over how cute Sai and Sasuke look together curled up tangled in blankets. I pull out my phone and snap a couple of pictures to add to my photo album. I decided to not disturb them and check on Kibs, and again have a fangirl(boy) moment at how cute kibs and Shino were, but lord why did he wear that jacket to sleep???? Isn't he hot in that? I know I would seeing as kibs is a literal heater.

I snap a couple of pics then head on down to the kitchen to make breakfast consisting of scrambled eggs, bacon grilled cheese, P.B. and J. And some drinks. I go back up to change(in the bathroom cause naru is still a bit self conscious) then head down with Kashi. We eat a bit of breakfast before kibs and Shino come down chatting quietly amongst each other. "Good morning kibs, Shino. I hope you slept well(😏 sure did bud, call cuddled and cling to each other) "
"Mhm, we both slept well. Oh! Me and Shino are going out later today. Do you have any plans??" Kiba asked as he sat down and grabbed a few pieces of bacon and some fruit from the fridge "Oh that's nice! And yea, I'ma show Sai that apartment a couple blocks down and see if he wants it. Then I've gotta go do something"  I've got a surprise for them all but I need to work on it. Later on the rest came down and we all chatted then went our separate ways. "Sai, there's a apartment a couple blocks for about 50$(I'm using American money because idk how asia does it) a month. Let's go check it out?"

Sai nods his head and we head out. "Sasuke's tsundere but he really like red fruits." I spout out random facts about Sasuke to Sai in hopes it helps there relationship evolve/progress.

Ayo sorry this was short and probably trashy, I feel like my soul left my body multiple times. My sister is a pain and pe is a pain, how do football players Not KNOW how to PLAY football, I mean y'all on the team!!! =^=
873 words including the end^

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