he kept his promise../kibs isn't ok..

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Hinode= sunrise I believe,that's from my last chapter, sorry for not putting that in there T-T

Naruto pov
(Naruto is 6 years old almost 7)
We graduated today! I'm so happy now , I don't have to sit inside and learn mentally, I need a hand on project, or learning experience and from the looks of it so did my team,(kiba,shika,choji,akamaru:team/family) Today were finding out who our team for missions are. I sit and try to be patient, but I can't and when I finally feel Iruka's chakra I got antsy. He finally enters and makes a long as hell speech.  Like we understand you'll miss us, most of us I think as I glance back at Hinata, who has bee a B**** since she won a small spar with her younger sister. Like bruh, your weak as hell, so one victory in a spar, with someone that is still below average isn't something to be very proud of and boast about. She doesn't like kiba much and says he has fleas. Though I have a strange feeling in my gut saying something not very good is about to happen. I listen for my teams name,Naruto,sakura,sasuke,your team 7. kiba, shino and Hinata, you are team 8. Team 10, shikamaru, choji, and ino. Please wait till your sensais arrive after lunch, enjoy your lunch everyone.  well that explains my guts.... Me and my team plus sasuke get together under the tree in the far side of the school. "Omg, could the girls stop chasing me?!? I'm gayyyyyy!!!!!!!" We all giggle at sasuke who is complaining about his fan girls that won't leave him alone.  I unbox my bento then reveal another bag with more Bento's "I made everyone a speacil personalized bento box! Enjoy:)" I say as I handed them each to the person they were made for. Chojis had a lot of meats and veggies, kiba had more meat rather then veggies but still plenty of veggies, sasuke had a fruit salad made with the best fruit I had In my small garden I made in the center of our district,and shika had a even mix of veggies and meat. Me on the other hand had a small portion of rice, equal amount of veggies and meat, plus a fruit salad. It was the smallest out of the entire group, I wasn't letting choji off the hook with eating, so I gave him more then me, I haven't eaten proper meals for years, and bearly started having one so out of us all I ate the least even with chojis eating disorder. "Thank you naru!" Everyone says before digging in. I always keep a spare lunch just in case tho. After lunch we waited for our sensai's to arrive. I'm worried about everyone and there teams so I made sure to give them a big hug before splitting to go with our sensai's. After about three hours I feel a chakra that I haven't felt in a very long time.... 'him'.. I was happy, and mad at the same time, one for being late another for actually keeping his promise and being a jounin teacher. I grab my shuriken I had bought last time while going kimono shopping again, and I may or may have not brought kiba with me to try on some dresses....😏😊(lol 'innocent small boi') and throw them right at the door frame when he opens the door. "hello kakashi....your late.....by three f***ing hours...." My voice is ice cold that sent chills down everyone in the room, which was only me, sasuke, sakura and kakashi.  "Sorry naru.... I forgot to do something then I had another one of those flash backs and had to calm down then a old lady dropped her groceries so I helped her and took her to her place and by the time I checked my time I was late!" .. I will not lie, but it sounded pretty true... "that doesn't explain why you haven't visited me!" I yell back. Sasuke has a look of amusement and Sakura has a look of confusion and anger,annoyance. "I'm sorry naru, you know it's not easy with my other job!" That I did know, yama-nii worked with him and I new what that evil fourth hokage does. I sigh and just tell sasuke and Sakura to meet on the roof top. Sasuke and me shunshin up to the roof were kakashi was waiting, we waited a few mins till Sakura arrived. Sitting down we waited for kakashi's instructions. "Yo, start with your introductions" "Sensai's, how do you want us to introduce ourselves? You are the one that recommend it." The pink girl said/asked . We all mentally groan how the hell did she not know how to introduce yourself. "Hm, start with your names, likes, dislikes, hobbies and dreams." "You first sensai!" I could literally see Kakashi banging his head on the wall. "Hmm.... I'm kakashi Hatake you don't need to know my likes and my dislikes have nothing to do with you. Hobbies.....your to young to know:), and as for dreams.....way to young to know0^0"  in the end he only said his name.... "Next, pinkity" "it's Sakura, get it right or don't call me at all. Anyways my name's Sakura Haruno! My likes are" she takes a look at sasuke like he's candy... Ew gross I could hear sasuke say with his facial emotions which wasn't much compared to people who didn't know a uchiha well. "*Squeals * my dreams are ........*nose bleed* and my hobbies are...*blush* my dislikes are naruto-baka! And ino pig!" At that you could feel the place darken....oops she push  the wrong buttons. "Next?" I say trying to shift topics. "Right, mr emo, your turn." Sasuke scowls but doesn't comment "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, my likes are hanging out with my family and my make shift family....and tomatoes , and naru's strawberry..My dislikes are people that don't like naru or treat someone I know bad. My hobbies are hanging out with naru and training. My dream is to find the person that will make me happy for the rest of my life."
And finally my turn. "Blondie-"
"My name's Naruto hinode! I like my family and fun. My dislikes are the same as sasuke and my hobbies are taking care of my plants,cooking and being with family! are finding foods to cook,training and helping others!" "Alright, meet me at training grounds seven at seven am." And with out explaining he left! How dare this man! "Sasuke! Wanna go on a date!" "No,hn" "naru-baka this is all your fault!" I just stare at her like she's stupid, he's gay, he's been giving clues for about a month now, sure he's not dating anyone but still. I make eye contact with sasuke and we made a silent agreement and plan, I run over to the fence and jump. Soon after I heard Sakura scream out Sasuke's name ,then sasuke appeared behind me. "Omg, her face was priceless when I jumped!" Sasuke said over the rushing winded, that we battles as we hurried over to the house. Kakashi sensai better arrive on time tomorrow. If not I'll give him a piece of my mind!

At home because idk

We arrived and the first thing I see as I open the door is a small balled up ball looking like it's hiding from all that's going around the world..... Kiba.. "kiba?... What's wrong?" I hear a sniffle then a choke and rushed over to him. "Kibs, shh... It's ok I'm here... sasuke can you cuddle with him? I'm going to make some tea and a snack for him... I'll be right back" I say as I get replaced by sasuke to go make a comfort food for kibs..I make a soothing chamomile tea and some pho, taking a few plates and putting away the rest I walk back to the living room where my baby kibs is at. I sit down and hand the plate and cup to him. Giving sasuke his share and leaving mines on the table I start again. "Hey kibs, are you feeling better now?" "Mhm...thank you..."  I know he's having a hard time, with everything so what first popped into my mind was Hinata... She probably did something to upset him and ended up bottling his emotions till he broke at home..." was it her?...."  With out looking up from his food he nods and silent eats his food then cuddles up next to us. I gently/softly sang a soft song to help him sleep, sasuke was staying the night since itachi was training him at the training grounds later tomorrow, and the training grounds 7 was closer to my house then his. Anyways when I was half way threw I heard soft little snores coming from my left and see sasuke asleep, and on my right, kibs was sleeping with his head on my shoulder.... I'm not getting up, theres no escape and I'm comfortable.

And done yeeee finally time to sleep T-T thats If i dont have lucid dreams, turns out I'm having alot of those and there super realistic so that makes me feel like I'm not sleeping enough. ,T-T GM/GM byee

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