Night One

752 23 1

Kakashi pov

Steamy scene ahead, beware, I warned y'all
Also not my art, credits go to rightful owner

We got home, I sat with Obito trying to make up for the time he wasn't here with me and get to know him. I pulled out my Icha Icha Book and showed it to him, I think I scarred him for life, not my intention but it was fun teasing him.

We head to bed, I continue reading my Icha Icha Book while sitting in bed waiting for naru to come cuddle with me.

Naru comes out awhile later in just his boxers and lays with me, or so I thought he was

Steamy scene begins

As he crawls over to me I set my book down, and look at me, soon he's above me and leans in for a kiss

"Kakashi.... We never did get to mate the right way"

....mating the right way..... Oh kami... He means going all the way.

I feel Kakashi Jr get excited, I try to contain him but that got harder as naruto kissed me down my neck up to my jawline then to my lips.....

Sorry guys it's short, and I'm just not feeling ok I'll try to update more again, I'm not dead ad I'm pretty sure I'm alive, the 17th of January is my birthday do I might update a big chapter or no chapter at all, but please be patient with me,

Love you, sincerely


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