will I make friends?

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Just a friendly reminder that the art in every chapter isn't mines and that I don't own the anime just the plot of my story

Third pov

Naruto was finally discharge from the hospital. Kura-nii spend a little longer outside with the clone trying to stretch his time so he could protect naru, naruto has been trying to avoid going outside now and when he does no one leaves him alone, whether it's kura-nii, yama-nii, Jiji, or even Iruka Sensei, sasuke. Naruto was finally allowed to go back to school and sadly duckbutt won't leave him alone for even 2 seconds!! It was driving him crazy how the hell was he supposed to use the bathroom?!?

Naruto pov

Sasuke has been really nice and all but there's something called personal space for god sakes! Right now we were out in the field having lunch. 'naru-kun can I have one of your strawberries pleaseee' sasuke kept on asking he says my home grown strawberry taste better then store bought? Don't know how that works I've never had store bought strawberry. 'fine but seriously plant your own!' *plop* kura-nii poped out with a clone and said we could go shopping later then with another plop he was gone T-T 'Kura-nii!! Don't leave me alone with duckbutt!!' I playfully yelled only to get a smack at the head by no other then sasuke 'My name is not duckbutt and my hair does not look like one!' In the distance I heard laughing and turned to the source of it, kids my classmate where walking over and if I must be truthful I'm terrified. No one laughs and comes my way unless they want to harm me. I crawl over to sasuke and hide behind him. 'naru, are you ok? What's wrong?' sasuke asked when we felt me behind him. I just wimper in response, I know pathetic right well I'm still a kid and my life is a living hell. 'will they hurt me?!?!' I asked panicked as they got closer I just wanted to dig a hole and burry myself alive, I didn't want to get hurt. Sasuke turns and faces me and places me in his lap then faces forward again. 'can I help you shikanaru,choji,kiba?' I hide my face in sasuke's neck. 'we wanted to be friends with naruto!' kiba yells over excited. I wiggle a little and face one, I'm assuming kiba and his adorable dog on his head. 'your dog....' I whisper 'huh? What about akamaru? ' 'can I pet him?...' kiba sets akamaru infront of me and akamaru crawls into my lap, I pet him and scratch behind his ear. ' huh?!? How did ya get him to let you pet him?!? It took me a week to get him use to choji and shika!' 'animals have always been attracted to me it's ussaully foxes tho...' 'wow that's so cool!' Right when kiba opened his mouth to say something the bell rang and we got up to head to class. During class kiba kept trying to talk to me but iruka-nii kept telling him to pay attention it was funny to watch and kiba pouted , his pout was cute. After class before iruka-nii walked me home kiba and shika caught me and asked if we are friends now I said yes because I felt happy with them, kinda like how I feel with sasuke but they were more fun(shh don't tell sasuke I wrote that I don't want to die yet) then we started walking home.

Time skip brought to you by your lovely ball of sunshine,

At home
(Still naru's pov)

Once iruka-nii walked me to my house, and I was inside I started preparing dinner, I wasn't expecting visitors at all so I only made a little more to take to jiji and yama-nii with just a little extra to last me for at least two more meals for a person. I got up and went to look out the window when I saw something outside.

Kakashi pov

I was walking down the street and when I say street I mean roof because I can't stand being in a crowded place I smelt a godly smell that I swear even kami couldn't make. Walking over to the roof i pin pointed the smell I looked threw the window, there I saw the boy I saved and may have had a crush on since I first layed eyes on, naruto cooking something that I didn't recognize. He turned to look at the window and I think he saw me sooo like the ninja I am I jumped into the roof of the neighboring house and hid behind the chimney. Idk why but all of the sudden I remember minato-sensai.... He was always so kind and obito-kun he was so funny but why did they pop into my mind now? What is kami planning by inputting those memories infront of my mind? I don't like minato-sensai, if he hurts naruto I will hurt who he loves the most but I still couldn't figure out why obito was in my head? I didn't even realize I was shaking until I felt someone hug me from behind. They smell of honey and oranges? It's was strange but I smelled nice relaxing into the hold I started to unconsciously fall asleep turning around and pushing my face in to the crook of the person's neck.

Naruto pov

Like the soon to be ninja(also advance in it to a low jouning because yam-nii and kura-nii wanted to train our baby sunshine to protect himself) I climbed into the roof and look around, deciding that the place felt to quiet I walked along the roofs until I came to a specific one, a neighbor of mines was out of the village for a few days so the shaking leg behind the chimney caught my attention and made me become more alert, slowly I walked closely until I was on the other side of the chimney facing the back of the anbu that had saved me, he was hyperventilating I think and I panicked and wrapped him into a hug. He soon calmed down and moved a bit in my arms till I could feel him breathing in my scent from my neck where he had placed his head and slowly I felt his breathing slow. Just great he fell asleep slowly I tried picking him up but with the small body of mine it was harder to do so I placed him on my back and tried not to let him drag on the roof. I carefully climbed into the kitchen again and slowly make my way to the guest room I always had prepared for sudden visitors. I place him onto the bed and took off some of the things he was wearing so that he could sleep more peaceful. When I was about to depart he woke up a little and grabbed my arm not allowing me to leave so I crawled in bed with him.

Sorry this is short it's only 1008 words I'll try to write another few hundred in my next chapter to make up for the gap of a complete chapter .

Does that make sense I hope so anyway it feels like I haven't written anything in decades and I needed to release some stress. I hope y'all are doing ok ! And sorry for any spelling mistakes Ok thanks for reading bye! :3

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