maybe I am

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⚠️read the end!!⚠️

I watch Sasuke's and sai's interaction, I must admit, it looked as if they were dating but in a more akward way. It was actually kinda funny. After dinner I pull Sasuke aside and ask him "Sasu do you like sai?" "I... I don't know. He's kinda cute and idk something about him takes my attention and forces me to pay attention to him." I giggle Sasuke is finally in love. I smiled and told him to get his man, he blushed but said ok. I head over to the living room and ask kakashi to stay the night. I drag kakashi over to my room before he has the chance to go to the guest room. "Soo... Was the food good?.." "yes it was, your food Is always so good naru. Sometimes I wished I could marry you to have your food everyday." I blushed after hearing his response. After a few seconds the visible part of kashi's face turns a bright red. "For that to happen you would need to ask me out lol" I said carelessly not thinking much of it. Kakashi would never be interested in a guy like me. He looks at me before pulling his makes down, then looks me straight in my eyes. "Does that mean you'd date me?" " That depends, are you asking me out?" "Maybe I am, Naruto Hinode, will you be my boyfriend" I could feel my face turn red as I said yes over and over again then jumped on him and cuddled.

⚠️ Do you want me to update more often in shorter chapters or less often in longer chapters⚠️

T-T I'm considering dropping out of school, P.E is the worse, they made us do 10 different exercises in three minutes, I saw pigeons make out and boys can't control then selfs. >:( T-T I need coffee and a granola bar T-T. Anyways! Im sorry I'm not posting often. Stay safe, bye loves

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