Night 1

756 20 4


"Naruto, if you continue I won't be able to stop myself...."

"Kakashi, I love you"

The last thread holding me together snapped, I pin Naruto down and lower down to his ear, letting out a husky breath,

"Even if you beg me to stop ....I won't stop naru-chan. You brought this apon yourself beautiful"

My cock grinded against naru's as I kiss him and go down his jaw to his name, kissing the mate mark I then gently bite it and continue down to his collar bone, leaving multiple hickeys and bites♥️

The soft mewls that come out of naru's plump lips make me feel so horny, God he's in for a ride tonight💕💕

Gently sucking on his rosy nipples I Love the small sounds he makes, I stop when I notice him cover his mouth with his hand, stopping the sounds I loved to hear.

Gently Removing his hands I bring them up to my lips and kiss them,. "Naru, don't cover your mouth, I want to hear all the sounds you make ok?"

Naru only nods his head and I give him a french kiss, I love watching his pretty face turn red from a embarrassed blush because of something I did.

Going back to where I left off I ask for permission before going lower Which he grants me. I take in his member, it's pretty big honestly, but definitely not as big as mines 😏

Slowly taking him in a suck on the tip like how kids suck on their icecream, except my icecream isn't cold, it's a sticky white substance.I fondle his balls before pushing a finger down to his pink hole. Slowly teasing him making him moan hitch when my finger tip slipped in but slip right out.

Kashi! Just fuck me already!

I push a finger in, honestly I'm surprised at how lose he is....

Hey naru, did you stretch it out while in the shower

Naru turns red, and hides his face in his arms.
Chuckling I aline myself before slowly pushing in, kissing naru in case it hurts him so as a distraction. I let him adjust to my size before naru gives me the ok. Slowly pulling out, slowly pushing in. The moans that escape naru's throat made me so happy

Faster....Kashi go faster

I pull out before quickly pushing back in, going harder Everytime till in slamming into him and Naru is a moaning mess underneath me. It's quite noticeable that he can't think straight anymore and is just enjoying the over simulating pleasure I'm delivering

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