Time Skip

770 22 5

Naru pov

I'm turning 15 today, well technically in 5 hours but still! Me and kakashi's relationship has been going strong. He told me today we would spend it together all day.

I walk to the door,dressed casually and open the door, kakashi stood there in a sexy but casual outfit. Damn, hope I'm not staring.

"Hey there handsome, ready to go?". -kakashi

I just nod my head and we walk out holding hands.

We stopped to get ramen the we went to the hokages monument/heads, we sat down and watched the village from up high.

We talked and talked till sunset, when kakashi told me that we had one more place to go before the day completely ended.

Kakashi lead me over to the forest of death.

Before we arrive, kakashi blind folds me and tells me were close, we walk another five minutes before I'm told I could remove the blindfold.

"Surprise!!" All my friends and family where here, even Jiji!

"Happy birthday Naru! We love you"

I started crying, it's nice to see everyone together. We went around and talked with everyone, I watched as Kakashi talked to Jiji.

Jiji pov

"Kakashi, how's it going with Naru? Are you ready to leave him"

"Lord Third, I live Naruto and I'm asking for your blessing to ask for his hand in marriage"

I choked on air then cough.

Kakashi, are you sure?, I give you my blessings in that case, but no funny business until he's 21!!!, And your not allowed to read the Icha Icha Book"

The look on his face, of pure happiness seemed off.... He better not read those books!


Kakashi pov

I got lord Thirds blessing, later tonight after he party I'm going to do it.

Were already mated, god if Lord third had found that out we were mated before married he would have my head for sure.

The last guest had just left, leave me and Naru alone.

"Naru, you have made me the happiest man in the village these past years"

The look on Narus face looked like he was scared I was saying goodbye

"And with that being said.... Naruto Kazoku Hinode, will you marry me"

Naruto starts crying, repeating his answer "Yes! Yes I'll marry you Kakashi!"

The girls(Teminari(?), Anko, Tenten) and quite a few guys planned out our wedding, but Naru and Tsunade did most of the planing.

I couldn't believe it, we were actually getting married. It almost felt unreal, often at night before bed, I'd ask Naru, am I dreaming? Cause this all feels so nostalgic.

Me and Naru had a mission a few months before our wedding.
We ran quickly, branch to branch.

Naruto was well known in the ninja world, for helping rouges find homes and peace with themselves and those around them.

We come to a clearing, we were told to wait here for someone.

When I saw who it was I broke down. He was supposed to be dead..... I watched as he died under the boulder....

"Kakashi.... It's nice to see you again."

"Obito... How?"

"Isn't that something for another day? I've been told your getting married. I'm happy for you."

"So your Obito Uchiha, I like you Kakashi always talked so fondly of you."

"You must be Naruto"

Me and naru's eyes meet, he nods and I walk closer to Obito.

"Obito, will you come to our wedding?"

"I'd love to"

"Great, you'll be kakashi's grooms men(?)"

We all laugh, and make our way home together. Obito is staying with us, naru didn't want him to leave cause he knew I needed time to realize this is real, Obito is alive, I'm getting married to the love of my life and everything in life is just good.

630 words, I've got a feeling this story is coming to a end, maybe a few more chapters.

I've already got some stories I want to write about, but if you feel like reading one about something specific I'll write it, dm me if you want special chapters and have ideas for it ʕ ꈍᴥꈍʔ

Your tired friend(who's working on publishing a book)


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