kakashi showed emotion ?!

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Warning mentions of the following

•bad languege

Kakashi pov

I was heading to the store when I heard screams, I started moving faster. When I got to the alley I heard screaming and laughter I looked down and saw a little boy, I don't know, or like what these men did  but I had a gut feeling neither will Ibiki-nii . I shunshined in front of him and took them out before I took out the last one I asked him what they did and why. I despised his answers. I quickly took them to Ibiki-nii and came back and tried to keep the boy awake. He passed out and that made my blood go cold I rushed to the hospital. When I got there none of these damn annoying nurses or doctors wanted to attend him, after a few minutes of arguing with a doctor another doctor and pair of nurses said they will attend him and that they don't care about the kyubi and that he is still a boy. After long hours they came and said that he was ok, a few broken bones, a little underweight but still pretty healthy. After making sure the boy was ok I left to meet with Ibiki-nii who is probably trying to figure out what to do with the civilians I brought to him.

Time skip

TI forces, I entered and talked with Ibiki-nii.
' kakashi what's with the civilians in the prisons?' I hear Ibiki-nii ask as we walk to the cells that hold the civ- nope sorry I meant the devil's minions. 'they raped and abused a boy no older then me.' I responded with venom. I could feel ibiki-nii aura darken, (Ki/killer intent/aura) and it only made me more mad knowing that he's upset too, how could they hurt the kid?. 'kashi, who was this boy? How are they doing now?' .. I debate on telling him that it's the boy with the kyubi sealed inside of him but I trust Ibiki-nii and hope he doesn't let the devils minions go. 'It was the boy with the kyubi sealed inside of him...' I feel Ibiki-nii leak out even more KI and start Walking faster.  'kashi go get lord third I'm sure he would like to join.'

How could they hurt a kid?!? He's not even older then kashi for kami's sake!  I know that lord third will love to take care of the raptis, how could they hurt the kid that holds the ninetails and is protecting us from it?!


I look at him surprised but did as instructed. 'lord third this afternoon a boy was raped and beated up and sent to a hospital, I'd like to know if you would join us today in the TI forces.' I said as I kneeled down in front of his desk. He got up and dragged me to the TI forces department building...... His aura was terrifying. 'lord third thank god your here! That brat hurts us and threw us in here!' a few civilians (devil minions=^=) said. ' SILENCE ' lord third yelled, 'do you know who you hurt this afternoon.....' lord thirds voice was deep soaked in venom. 'w-we didn't hurt anyone at all!' this angered the third because he began letting out  ginormous amount of KI. 'you hurted my grandson,naruto!' everyone in the cells paled and started to shake 'y-your grandson?!...' some whispered

Jiji pov

I told Ibiki to start torturing them slowly and painfully. They hurt my grandson, my little sunshine! And I will never forgive them for that. I asked for the one that raped my naru and told them to wait on him, I'll personally take care of him. After everyone was killed I told them to leave and that I'll take care of the raptis. 'so you raped my naru..... You will suffer greatly for that...'  I start torturing him with the dullest knifes to make it more painful, he screams of pain and agony echoed around the building. After my fun I left and hurried to the hospital to check on my naru, I sent yamato a bird with a scroll to inform him about naru.
Once I make it to the hospital I go the front desk and ask for naru's room and guess what the damn nurse said 'lord third why would you wanna see that disgrace of a child he's a demon!' she's lucky that a nurse came out before I could fire her.  As the nurse and me walked to naru's room she told me she was the one that treated my naru and that she wished she didn't have to meet naruto in this conditions and that he was a very cute boy. It seems I've found more people to watch over my naru. Once in the room with naru I asked the nurse and her team to come to my office in a few days, and asked for there names. Janeth (main nurse) left and it was only me and naruto....

'Naruto... I'm sorry I couldn't protect you...I'm sorry....'

Naruto's pov

After resting I woke up next to kura-nii, he was purring but he looked destressed 'kura-nii?.. are you ok?'. He stopped purring and looked at me, ...'kit....I'm so so so so sorry I couldn't save you I'm sorry' kurama started crying at this point. I craw over to him, since I can't walk and started to rub my head agents him and brush his soft fur back. 'its ok kura-nii it wasn't your fault.' 'kit...lord third is waiting for you.. go join him' 'no not until your ok, wait I have a idea!, Kura-nii, if I make a shadow clone and transfer some of your chakra there can you come out from the seal?' kura-nii looked surprised then started thinking really hard 'I might be able to but only for short period of time.' 'okies I'll see ya in a little bit ok! And don't you dare think about shutting yourself in and beating yourself up!'. I leave my mindscape and find Jiji and yama-nii in the room. 'jiji, yama-nii hi' my voice came out weaker and hoarse but it was ok.  'naruto!' the come over to my sides and hug me gently 'how are you feeling? Are you hungry? Any pain? '  I think for a moment before responding with a no. 'help me sit up please?' I ask and notice the worried glances 'what's wrong?' I ask getting nervous 'naruto you broke a few bones, take it easy please' I looked at them then think of kura-nii. 'shadow clone jutsu' I say and make two clones. Then proceed to add chakra for kura-nii. *Kura-nii I made the clone come join us.*A few moments later my clone started changing features, it became taller, and was wearing a red kimono, the skin turned pale and the hair and eye turned red-ish orange. 'hey kura-nii!' 'hello kit how are you feeling? Do you ok?' 'mhm no pain but they won't let me sit up' 'naruto who is this?' Jiji asked , oops forgot he was in the room. 'Jiji let me introduce ya to kura-nii! He's not actually out of the seal, only some chakra in the clone so he can look here!' I said before he thought he was free. 'well kurama, thank you for watching over naruto's' wow that was shocking I looked at him trying to figure out what happening because I did not expect him to go with it so easily.    'your ok with kura-nii with me?' 'well as long as he's there with you and protecting you I don't see a problem?' I was really exited then when I remember how am I even in the hospital? 'jiji how did I get in the hospital, who brought me?' Jiji looked startled by the question but he said he will send them a birdy to tell him to come so I could meet him! After a few hours a(by the way naruto is about 7almost 8) 9 years old came in. He wore a traditional AMBU outfit
He had hair that seemed to be questioning gravity0-0. 'lord third you called?' 'yes naruto would like to thank you I so would I, you saved my grandson and don't care about what he possessed.' 'kura-nii could you help me sit up plssss I feeling I'm dying having to lay down for the next who knows how long!?!' 'are ya sure kit I don't want you to get hurt more' 'its fine I'll just heal myself a bit but please save meee!!' kura-nii helps me sit and I proceed to heal myself, I can feel eyes on me tho and it makes me uncomfortable. 'thanks for helping me, if there is anything I can do for you please in form lord third or yamato sensai.' my voice came out slightly bubbly and high pitched.

Kakashi pov

He was really pretty now that I have a good look at him, he had blond hair that seemed to put the sum itself in shame and his eyes, they were beautiful, deeper then the sea and brighter then the sky, and if you looked closely enough you could see specs of red, but they only added to the beauty, he skin was beautiful,sun kissed and he had a little chubbines in his cheeks, he was still kinda small for his age but that's ok. I think of what I should do, he just said if I wanted anything to ask, I'm tempted to ask if we can get to know each other but that would be suspicious since yamato already knows me. 'No it's fine, what happend to you should have never happens, and I hope it never happens,to you or any other kids.' with that being said I excused myself only to find a way to get close to the blond, strange right? I have a feeling of wanting to protect and care for him but it's probably just cause of the events that happens.

Welp this wasn't really good probably all over the place sorry and thanks for reading

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