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Naru's Pov

Soon after kibs left we had to leave, I shunshin us over to the training grounds. "Sasuke, I'ma go sit in a tree" "ok, I'ma sharpen my weapons!" I climb the tree and do a quick perimeter check, then proceed to sharpen my weapons. After a few minutes Sakura finally arrived and went to bother sasuke. Sheesh I feel bad for the emo duckbutt, having the president of the sasuke fan club on your team is a nightmare. One more check on the perimeter , kakashi is already here hiding in another tree. Silently a send a signal to sasuke and proceed to sneak up on 'kashi, "boo," kakashi didn't give much of a reaction but I can tell I startled him. "When are you going to go down?" ( God I swear to God that sounded like another thing that stands up when excited...) "Hmm, I was going to wait another hour but I guess I should go now since you caught me" going down with the rest of the team kakashi starts explaining. Once he starts counting for us to get ready to start I attack."your enemy won't wait for you to get ready." I attack for a bit then retreat. I send out a few clones and studies kashis movements.i go and find my teammates. I find sasuke first and tell him my plan, he then proceeds to talk to Sakura since she won't listen to me, and only her sasuke-Kun.I run in and act as if I fell for his trap. Then sasuke runs in and attacks while he's busy I get out of kakashi's trap and proceed to take the bells while he fought off sasuke who is sending some pretty powerful blows. Sakura then comes and attack and Sasuke retreats. The bell rang. "You failed the test, none of you were able to take the bells. I'm disappointed you'll be sent back to the academy." "Sensai, naruto has the bells, we worked together because the point of this test isn't to get the bells" sasuke voiced out. "The point was to see if we could work together in a team." Sakura then said. "And thanks to naruto we were able to figure it out and get the bells." Sasuke says because we all know Sakura will not agree and say her Sasuke-kun planned it and it was all him. We passed the test and decided to go eat BBQ! The food was good but the glares where disturbing and I kept thinking about kibs, I hope he had a better day today. And If I find Hinata hurting him again... I may as well commit a crime..

Kakashi POV

Naruto has been spaced out since we started eating,it's a little concerning, I lean in over to sasuke and ask him "do you know what's wrong with naru?" "Ah, um it's family matters, something happend yesterday and he's been a little spaced out, he will be find tho" I nod and continue eating. I noticed naru hasn't touched much of his food and I take it and start cooking it. When it's cooked I cool it off and pressed it agents his lips. And the cutest thing happens his nose twitch like a fox and he unconsciously opened his mouth and nibbled on it. He's sooo cute!! I continue to feed him till he snaps out of it and turns red. "I-i can cook the rest..." I wanted to argue but that would be weird so I only nodded and continue to eat my food. I glance over to my two other students Sakura was bugging sasuke and Sasuke was taking glances at me and naru. After eating naru and Sasuke walk out and Sakura looks sad that she got rejected. I continue on my way till I remember naru wanted to visit more often. I'll visit tomorrow, he's probably dealing with that family matter issue right now.

Sasuke POV

We walk into naru's house,(mansion? Villa? Is that how you spell that ?)
Naru runs over to the kitchen and stays cooking. I wonder wat he's going to cook. "Sasuke could you go pick the rip(ripe?) fruit and vegetables?" I do as told I really don't want nar to be mad at me. "Naru? Why are you coming so many things?" "Oh did I forget to tell you? Uncle orochimaru(Im way to lazy to search I'm his name and correct a mistake I'm sorry T-T) is coming back to the village! Lord fourth is going to take a break and The toad sage, and slug queen(?) is going to help lord third train there kids, putting orochi and Jiji in charge!" Wow that's alot to take in. I wash my hands and start helping naru knowing he might stay up all night cooking by himself. Around a three hour mark we finally finished cooking a feast. Kibs finally arrive too he took a nap while we cook. I walk over to kibs and akamaru and cuddle with them. "Sasuke, I had a good day today but I had a weird feeling in my stomach Everytime I look at this person... Why do I feel like that?" ......"ehhhhh?!?! Wierd feeling?!?" My baby is growing up... He has a crush, but doesn't even realize it. "Naru!!! Get over here! Our baby is growing up!!" Not long after that naru is right in front of kiba and hugging him. "Naru!! He has a crush!! He's growing up!! I can't let him go yet." After talking about kibs crush we ask about his day and ask for details, I now understand why kibs was so tired. But I'm happy, I think we're all happy cause he isn't on a team with Hinata anymore! But there is this new kid name sai that's on his team now. By the way kibs describe him, he sounds like hes not fully human... Like pale skin, lifeless eyes, no emotion? What in bloody merlins did that kid go threw to be some kind of, some kind of robot?

1013 words, I'm sorry for not posting sooner,I will right the last few 500 words in my next chapter,which I still have no idea what I'm going to do for it or when it's going to be out I hope your all ok and make sure to stay hydrated, wear a mask and wash your hands with soap.

Someone explain to me why my sister is so weird? And stingy? Jeans and a t-shirt plus a beanie doesn't look like I'm going out to some fancy place right? Why don't I have friends?

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