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So she is his cousin? Oh no, I was wrong...I thought it was his girlfriend. In fact, I've made bad plans for her...


At home,

"Hey sis, why are you in a hurry?" Asked Taki who was sitting watching a movie on the sofa.

"It's okay, I just want to plan something." I answered. "What plan?" This kid is too cute.

"Shh, you don't need to know you're still a baby." Then I went to my room and started planning something.

"What should I do with him?? Umm..." I'm confused, what plans should I make for her..? Is it a bad plan? Or a good plan?
I saw Jay and Kay talking in the school garden.

Why does it hurt?

Because of that hurt, I went over to them. "Hey Jay, do you want to take a walk with me?" That's what I told him. Don't know why that sentence could come out of my mouth by itself.

"What do you mean?" He said while putting on a confused face. "Just accept it. Come on."

He just said, "O~okay.." Then I grabbed his arm, and I started putting on my victorious face.

But when I look at Kay's face, she looks normal. Like...all fine just fine-- when I grabbed Jay's arm and left with him. I don't care. The important thing is I have brought Jay away from her.

When we were far from Kay, I quickly removed my hand from his arm.

"So where are we going and what ride are we going to take?" He asked. "Are you asking me?" I pointed at myself. Instantly I forgot my own plan.

Then Jay seemed to be looking around like he was looking for someone. "Is there anyone else here besides you and me?" He asked back.

And I immediately remembered my plan. "Ooo..so, we'll go to..." I thought for a moment. "To the cafe."

"What cafe?"

"The cafe is far from here, and I don't know what ride are we going to take."

"Okay wait a minute, I'll call my private driver to take us there." He took out his phone, and made a call.

Oh my God. What did he say? Private driver?? Are you kidding?? This is insane..
"There you go, please come in." He let me in.

Whatt this is a limousine!!! W-what...I'm speechless.

When I entered, I heard a scream from Kay who ran after us. "Jay!!! Wait a minute!!!" She hold Jay back from getting into the car.

Oops, it doesn't seem like 'us' but him. Jay.

"What else??"

"B-but what about our ..-" Her words were interrupted by Jay.

"That can be discussed later. Now I'll go with Y/N first. Bye~" He let Kay outside, and he got into the car.

Yayy, I'm so happy!! He left her outside the car. Why am I so happy?? Because my plan went well.

Or not.

Because when I looked behind, Kay didn't seem to give up. She's still chasing us...I mean Jay, in her own car. Wow, she's so cool!!

"To XXX Cafe."
"I'll order 1 brownie with vanilla ice cream, and hot choco latte." I said to the cashier. "Then what would you like to order, sir?" She asked Jay. "I want to order...hot choco latte. That's all."

"So 1 brownie with vanilla ice cream, and 2 hot choco lattes." She's on crosscheck. "Yup." We both said.

"Okay, please wait..."

"Yes, thank you." And then we went to the empty seats.

"So why did you suddenly bring me here?"

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