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"Why were you running around earlier? And why is Ms. Cindy chasing us?" You asked.

He replied, "She was chasing me to be exact."


He sighed, "That's because I didn't do the homework from her. And I ran away from her room."

You're shocked, "You didn't do homework from her and then you ran away from her room??!"

"Ishh ish!! Bad boy!!! How can you not do homework from her?!?!!" You beat him. Because you might also be called by her even though you didn't do anything wrong. Why? Because she is the principal as well as a history teacher.

He lowered his head, "That's because I don't know what she's explaining when she teaches my class. The way she talks is a bit weird so I can't hear clearly what she's saying."

You hit him again.


You didn't care and continued, "Don't make excuses! If you don't understand something, you can ask me...you stubborn bastard!"

Of course you got very angry with him because you were afraid to get into his troubles too.

Finally you say, "Watch out if you're like that again!" You pointed at him.

"Because if you do that again, I'll squeeze your cute cheeks out of your face and I'll make them into  squishy.." You said while demonstrating your action.

He shuddered in fear, "O-okay please don't do that. I love my cheeks, don't you dare do that to them. From now on I will be diligent in doing my homework."

You smiled and stroked his head, "That's my good lil bro."

He smiled too. "By the way, how did you know that Jay was going to change schools? Did you know that long ago?"

You shrugged your shoulders, "I just found out at school."


You checked the message you sent to Amber.

Still unanswered, not even read.

You plopped down on the bed, "Huuftt, why is she like this? Didn't she ever say that if one of us has a problem or is sad, we can share stories..?"

"She was always there for me..but that was then. Since she didn't go to school with me, she just disappeared."

"I feel like I've been lied to by her. But I can't just think negative right away...maybe she's busy or something." You let her not read your message.

Besides, you can still tell your family.

Yeah double update for today! ^^
Because yesterday i was forgot to update since yesterday is the one year of this book hehehe :)

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