Chapter 21: A sad desire

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A whole ten days went by since the group left the United States, and were now in the Pacific Ocean and were just a few days out from paradise island. The girls were at the front having some girl talk while Chaz and Eren were back steering the ship while Armin, Cody and Ed were playing cards down in the cabin.

"Six years huh, damn, must've been hard for you." Annie said as Isabel looked back at Chaz seeing him conversing with Eren about their destination, as she grew a sad smile. "Yeah... I talked to so many people and not a single one knew anything." Isabel said loading some ammunition into the clip of her pistol. The air was lukewarm and firm, with the boat going at a steady pace, the water splashing up very few times.

Mikasa had her scarf on her legs as she rubbed it gently admiring its condition, although she had for six years and have had Eren say to her time and time again to get a new one, she would never through swap it for anything else. It had meaning to her as if this was a shield to protect her from negative energy, which would explain why without it she got so much anger and resentment towards her... even from Eren and Armin of all people. She had no one but herself to blame for all the immaturity actions she committed and all the sadness she brought upon others.

"You must really adore that scarf... did Eren give that to you?" Isabel asked curiously making Mikasa come out of her longing glance at her cherished item. "Yeah... it was the cutest gesture I ever experienced. He was so shy when he gave it to me, hehe... I'll never forget that day." She said warmly moving her hand across it feeling the silk material giving a pleasurable feeling on her hand. Isabel and Annie both smiled and looked out to the horizon, seeing the clear blue sky, with not a single cloud in sight.

Eren and Chaz gazed over at the girls and smiled, seeing how their bond was growing. "They'll be friends alright, like another trio but girls." Eren said as Chaz chuckled to that, seeing the three of them laughing and smiling. But then his smile was gone as he saw the fuel monitor seeing it was close to low, and that the boat had approximately a day or two left in her.

"Ah shit, we're low on fuel. How far away are we to Paradise Island?" "Uh, I don't know probably at least a few days that's not gonna be enough. We have to stop somewhere and restock." Eren said as Chaz stared blankly for a second, before laughing sarcastically at him. "Hahaha! Ok yeah sure, let's just stop at a random place and get fuel... we've got no money Eren!!" Chaz blustered causing a happy mood to dial down, with the girls hearing the bad news.

"We'll do you have any better ideas?! Besides being stuck out here on a floating ship, what else do you want to fucking do?!" Eren loudly asked getting aggressive with Chaz as Chaz squared up to him, with his Titan marks coming out slowly. "Don't test me Eren." Eren glared with half lifted eyes with his eyes starting to glow green with a flicker of blue appearing ever so quickly like changing the Channel at the speed of a hamster running on a wheel.

"Guys stop!!" Isabel shouted getting in between them both as Mikasa pulled Eren away with Isabel by Chaz's side. They both exchanged a glare before leaving to go opposite ends of the boat. "Now what the hell was that about?" Annie asked with a bothered tone, as Chaz tutted frustratedly looking away as Isabel grabbed his chin pulling it back to face her. "Chaz! I need you to calm down okay?! Calm down!" Isabel hissed at him as Chaz looked down angrily at the floor.

"Fucking idiot he knows we need fuel! And we don't know if we have enough to even get us there!" Eren ranted as Mikasa gripped both his hands looking directly up at him whilst on her knees since he was looking down at his feet. "Eren calm down! Don't let your anger spiral out of control again." Mikasa warned him, seeing his eyes illuminating a pale blue, as he closed them a breathed in heavily and exhaled opening back up his eyes seeing they were back to normal.

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