Author update: taking a break

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Hey guys.

Recently I've been going through a lot, so I've decided to take a break from writing for a while. You'll be getting the Levi X Fem reader one-shot sometime later tonight, and then I'll be taking a break. Unless there's some occasional times where I might write a one-shot. I've not felt myself lately and have just been really down, so I hope you can respect my decision. One piece of information I can give you about the next chapter is this.

 One piece of information I can give you about the next chapter is this

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Chapter 28: one will fall

Little tease for the next chapter of my story, it's not fully complete, but as I start to feel like myself again, I will be back. Hope you guys understand, thank you for the votes, Feedback you've given to me, and most importantly your patience. It means the world and I can't thank you enough. Anyways, I don't know when I'll be back, but just be on the lookout for any updates.

Take care guys.

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