Chapter 26: The devil's of Paradise

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The cries and roars echoed throughout the mouldy grass with blood and crows fighting over big titan eyes, while beside them a big dog fight was happening. The Titans were all over Krios, piling on top of him, biting on his arms making him shout a loud cry and forming a giant pole from his back with Titans being carried up to the skies, with others flying away, being helped up by Aura with Krios giving her a dagger to fight with. Balder and Apollo were jumping from Titan to Titan, Apollo ripping their napes out and Balder slicing their eyes into tiny little shreds.

Hades and Mikasa squared off between each other with Mikasa's rain of thunder spears crashing down on the monkey's armoured hairy arms. "Argh! Not bad, bug." Mikasa used a small ditch in the ground to hide and replenish her swords and spears, while Hades recuperated, as he noticed one lone little Titan on its own. Smirking at it, he grabbed it by the head and twirled above his head like a ribbon, and crushed his body like a can of fizzy. "Where did you go?!"

Hades observed everywhere for his prey while Mikasa peaked over the edge to see him looking for her as he had the Titans head taken off holding it by the hair with blood dripping out like water dripping out a drain pipe. She looked over to Krios swinging a massive scythe chopping all the mad tyrants' heads off like champagne bottles. But then an alarming voice spoke out making her stagger and run. "There you are!" Hades crushed the head into tiny chunks of meat and pulled his hand back smashing his foot to the ground making Mikasa lurch looking back to see the big Titan's hand fly forward with meteorites of flesh hurling toward her.

She managed to roll over most of them but one victor pulled through hitting her back which made her cry out in pain as she rolled on her side continuously, the hardened dirt adding to the pain. Skidding along with the dirt she couldn't find the strength to get up and felt the ground start to shake, thuds landing on each side of her ears, looking back up to see that grinning monkey reaching down to grip her by his filthy hands. He crushed on her bones making her cry and weep, only making him crush harder which started her waterworks.

"Aww is the little girl sad? Don't worry, you'll soon be joining your ancestor in hell." Looking over to the others Hades ran over to join the beating all the Titans were giving to the other three. Back down in the caves, Isabel was still waiting for something to happen with Eren and Armin seeing nothing had occurred since they went under. But Suddenly Armin's body began to twitch with little sparks of gold thunder going by, Isabel looking in worry grabbed Eren and started running, looking back to see Armin being engulfed by a golden light with the clouds above the surface circling.

The fighting briefly stopped seeing the chaotic wind began to ramp up and pull the leaves off trees and debris from old paraphernalia. Then three massive bolts of thunderstruck down attack the surface of the ground and electrifying Titans in the blast radius. Then the light disappeared, with silence for a couple of seconds and then some bug fist came ascending out of the dirt and sent all the little Titans thrusting backwards.

"Amir..." Hades frowned as a booming roar came out from under the earth with the great Colossal Titan, Amir, his entire body producing heat, arms skinless and red, with the torso exposing his rib cage. His eyes were half-closed and looked sad, but his actions spoke otherwise, with him picking up the rubble and crushing it sending pieces down. Hades guarded with his arm but sustained temporal damage making him drop Mikasa, which was caught by Aura as she ran from the hail of stones that rained down.

Mikasa felt faint by the amount of pain her ribs took, she couldn't even lean up or move an inch, her body would've snapped if she tried to bend anymore. Most of the Titans in the area were decimated by the exploding of Amir's transformation, there were only a few stragglers left, which Krios and the other two took care of. "HADES!!!" Amir then fixed his eyes on Hades and winded up his fist and shot straight for him which Hades simply stood still and readied to catch it.

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