Chapter 78- Planner

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Alec and Magnus got their lunch and then headed home after. Max was asleep in the pushchair and Alec took him out, holding him to his chest and sat on the couch and smiled as he baby cuddled into his chest. A warm feeling spreading through his heart as held him.

"Are you okay with him?" Magnus asked with a smile as he sat down with his sub.

"Yeah, I actually am" Alec smiled and looked at him. "Magnus, I think I can do this"

"Really?" Magnus beamed and looked at him happily.

"I do. He is really cute and I feel happy when I hold him. Like he... I don't know, maybe it's early days but I feel protective of him" Alec admitted.

"That's great news Alec" Magnus said and leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I know we are going to be happy and I know we have a long way to go but we deserve this"

"Well, you know what else we deserve" Alec smiled, "A decent wedding, if you still want to marry me"

"Of course I do and I can't wait to marry you" Magnus chuckled and kissed his cheek again and then held up some of the sandwich so Alec could eat since he was holding Max.

"I love you" Alec said as he bit the sandwich and ate it. "Well, we should do some planning"

"Actually..." Magnus said and held up a finger before disappearing into the bedroom and coming back with a box, blushing slightly. "This is filled with wedding ideas. I started collecting when you proposed"

"So you've already planned it?" Alec smirked.

"No, no. well... maybe a little" Magnus admitted and chuckled. "Not everything though"

"Magnus it's okay. Tell me what you planned" Alec smiled.

"Okay, so I was thinking of an outdoor wedding. I found this really nice place, it has like a woodland open area where they hold the wedding and then they have this open space building that they hold the reception" Magnus explained and showed Alec some pictures. "I thought we could marry here, by the fountain, and then we could have the reception there too. It's not stupidly expensive but it is a little pricey but I didn't think that would matter"

"I like it" Alec nodded and stroked Max's head when he whimpered and gently shushed him.

"Okay, shall I book it?" Magnus asked excitedly.

"If you want to, but when do you want to do it?" Alec asked, worried that Magnus might be rushing it a little considering they only just got back together.

"Maybe in like three or four months?" Magnus suggested. "That gives you time to back out if you really decide you can't be a father to Max but also short enough that we don't have to wait too long?"

"Sounds good to me. But you'll need to see if they have any availabilities because you can't normally get a spot that soon for place's like this" Alec shrugged gently.

"I'll go and ring them" Magnus beamed and jumped up and rushed off. Alec smiled and shook his head softly at his enthusiasm and then stroked Max's cheek as he woke up and whined.

"Hey Maxie, it's okay. Are you hungry?" He said to him softly and went to the bag, taking out the bottle of sterilised water and the milk powder. He managed to awkwardly open the bottle and shook it to mix it together before laying Max down in his arm and began to feed him. Looking up when Magnus came back and noticed his shocked expression. "I can feed a baby you know? I did help my mom care for my brother"

"Oh I know, I just didn't expect it. Thank you" Magnus smiled and sat next to them. "They have two vacancies, one in four weeks, and one in two years"

"Right, so what you doing?" Alec asked him.

"Well, I said no. I'm not waiting two years to marry you." Magnus sighed.

"Magnus, ring them back and take the one in four weeks. I want this, I want you and Max. It's okay." Alec smiled.

"I don't need to ring them back" Magnus smiled slightly.

"You don't want to marry me?" Alec asked and raised an eye brow.

"I already booked it" Magnus chuckled. "I knew you'd say that I just didn't want to tell you straight away"

"You're an idiot" Alec smiled and shook his head. "So, four weeks time we get married? You have a lot to plan"

"I know WE do" Magnus smiled and kissed him softly. "I love you Alexander"

"I love you too, Angel" Alec replied happily and then looked at Max who was falling asleep while drinking his milk. "He looks like you"

"Do you think so?" Magnus beamed, actually really happy to hear that.

"Yeah, he's got your eye's and hair" Alec smiled at him and took the milk out his mouth and then laughed as Max instantly started sucking on the teat again and woke up again.

The pair spent the rest of the day picking out flowers, ordering caterers, music and also sorting out outfits and fittings. By the end of the day, They had a clearer picture of their wedding and what was going to happen. They had called everyone to tell them about the wedding and ended up receiving a lecture off Izzy because she thought she would look like a fat whale in her dress for the wedding considering she would be due anytime. It took them a while to calm her down and reassure her that she wouldn't, and promised to order a chocolate fountain for her. Which she made them do while she was on the phone to her so they couldn't back out of the offer.

By the night fell and Max had been bathed, fed and put to bed, the boys were tired and they crawled into bed. They hugged each other and exchanged soft kisses before both falling asleep holding each other close. Magnus wanted to have some fun but they just couldn't stop their eyes from closing.

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