Chapter 71- EXTRA Alec's POV

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Alec woke up with a bright light being shone in his eyes and he squinted as he pushed the light away from his face. He had no idea what was going on and when he heard a deep voice talking to him, he just squeezed his eyes shut and groaned as he touched his temples in pain.

"Mr Lightwood, Alexander," The man grumbled. "I'm Doctor Stevens. You gave us all quite a scare then"

"Why?" He groaned out. The last he remembered was laying on top of the building. Drugs and drink coursing through his veins as watched the stars. He didn't understand how he was now in hospital.

"Your brother, Jace, brought you in during the early hours. You had overdosed on cocaine and we had to pump your stomach due to the alcohol consumption" The doctor informed him.

"Jace? But... how?" Alec frowned more. He was alone, and no one knew about his hideaway spot.

"I tracked your phone when you didn't come home" Jace suddenly pipped up from the corner. "Why Alec? After everything you've been through in the past and how much it took for you to recover the last time... why did you go back to it?"

"Because..." Alec swallowed when he reality hit him and he remembered why he did it. "I'd rather be dead than live without Magnus"

"Then why leave him?" Jace frowned.

"I didn't! He cho-" Alec stopped when the doctor held up his hand.

"Stop it both of you. This is a hospital and I need to concentrate on your recovery. You will stay here today for observation and then tomorrow I recommend you check into a rehabilitation clinic. They can help you with not only you drinking and drug consumption but on the triggers you have which cause you to reach for that stuff," the doctor stated. "Due to you recent acknowledgement here today, if you do not free willingly go to the rehab clinic, and your family agree, I will seriously consider putting you down as high risk for self-harm and have you sectioned there under the mental health act."

"What the fuck? No! No way! I'm not going. You can keep me here under observations but I'm not going to kill myself. Just... It's just a figure of speech! I'm not going to kill myself" Alec exclaimed and looked at Jace for help but Jace only sighed and looked down.

"Alec, you need to get help. You can't keep doing this to yourself. Is Magnus really worth you putting yourself through this? Almost killing yourself, whether by mistake or purposely? To put us all through this? Again!" Jace questioned.

"I don't ask you to look after me. If you don't want to be here, then leave. I'll be fine by myself. I don't need anyone to care for me" Alec snapped.

"You know what Alec. Fine. I'll go but before I do, you are the reason your relationships fuck up. You cheated on Craig, remember. That's why he left! And Magnus, you put him in a difficult situation. Whether you want to think you didn't make him chose, you did" Jace glared back, annoyed now, "you made him feel like he had to pick between you and his son. He made the right decision. Magnus had a shit dad and so did we! He doesn't want to be a bad dad to Max, and if you really loved him like you say you do, then you should at least try and make it work"

"You know nothing about me and Magnus" Alec spat out, Jace's words hitting him harder then he expected. Normally Jace was on his side completely, but now he was against him.

"I know you. When things get hard or scary to you, you run. You hit the self destruct button but you know what Alec... Nobody is meant to know yet but... Clary is pregnant. I'm going to be a dad too. My baby isn't even here yet and I already feel so much love for him or her. I will put them first against anyone else and... well if you can't get your act together, then you won't be in there life" Jace said and opened the door. "You need to decide if you want to be in my family. I don't care if you get back together with Magnus or not, but you need to sort yourself out"

Alec looked at the door as Jace left and then sighed as he looked at the doctor who was just standing there awkwardly.

"I'm tired. I want to sleep" Alec mumbled and laid down, facing away from the door. His mind going over and over Jace's words.

Did he hit the self destruct the button? Did he really make Magnus choose? He was sure Magnus chose but maybe he made him choose. Jace was going to be a dad. Did he really want to be apart of the baby life? Jace's baby and Magnus's baby.

His mind reeling as he went over and over the questions in his head before he stood up. He pulled the needles and cannula out of his hand and arm. He found his clothes in the corner of the room. He needed to get out of the hospital. He felt fine and he needed to just get somewhere alone. Alec dressed quickly before poking his head out the door and saw a few nurses standing there discussing someone's chart. He took that moment to make a quick exit. He tried to make himself look like any other visitor as he read through a pamphlet about antibiotics.

As soon as he was out the hospital, he heard his name being called and turned around to see the doctor at the end of the corridor rushing after him but Alec didn't stop long enough for the man to catch him up. He ran. He ran as fast as his legs could take him before he took a cab and found himself outside the flat of his previous lover, Andrew. He wasn't exactly an ex, just someone he fucked when Andrew was in the band. Alec was sure he wouldn't have anything to do with the man since he left, but right now he needed to hide out for a couple of days and this was perfect.

He knew he would get in contact to say he was okay when things calmed down but for now, he was glad that he had somewhere to go and that Andrew wouldn't judge him for his drug-taking. It wasn't long before the pair were sat on the couch getting high together. Jace's voice in the back of his head telling him that he was being an idiot and to go back to Magnus but the more he smoked, the quieter the voice got and the more he relaxed.

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