Chapter 11

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Sorry for a confusing chapter, but things will be revealed eventually. Although, the concept is confusing in general, but we'll make it work!



I looked down at Tsukasa and chuckled softly. "Is someone jealous~?" I teased in a sing-song voice. Tsukasa changed his position as he tapped my forehead. "I can't let Amane take away what's mine," He smiled. I shook my head, my cheeks red again.

"I-I'm not yours! Last I checked, I didn't belong to anyone," I muttered softly as I was confused on my own words. The words felt so unnatural as they rolled of my tongue. There wasn't someone I belonged to. Right?

Tsukasa P.O.V (he's back!)

My hands traveled down to her shoulders. This feeling. It was coming back. There was this want-
No. A need to teach her who she belonged to. My grip on her shoulders tightened as I closed my eyes and bit my cheek. Last time she ran away. She can't run away again. I need her...

She looked up at me and cupped her hands around my cheeks. "Tsukasa?" When she said my name, it always sent me into euphoria. I bit down on my cheek harder. I had to stop myself-
"Are you alright?" Y/N asked me.

I opened my eyes and gently placed my hands on hers. My figers curling around her own. "Y/N," despite her question, I speak. "You're such a good girl," I smiled. Her eyes slowly widened as he expression suddenly turned to one of embarrassment. "Tsukasa!" She whined playfully. I laughed and gently placed a kiss atop her forehead.

"Y/N! Let's go stay in the broadcasting room tonight! You can do your school or whatever in there or we can play a game!" I exclaimed as I floated around the roof. She sighed softly as she stood up, dusting of her school uniform.

"Alright! To the broadcasting room where the evil homework awaits!" She chuckled as she ran off. "Y/N! Wait for me!" I whined as I floated after her.


The Next Morning


I yawned softly as I awoke. I ended up staying the night in the broadcasting room, per Tsukasa's request-

Flash back

"I should probably get going," I yawned softly. "Wait!" I squealed softly as strong arms wrapped around me. "Y/N! Don't go! We haven't played yet and Sakura and Natsuhiko already left," the apparition whined. I let out a sigh. "Fine," I huffed playfully with a small smile.

Flash back end

I rubbed my eyes as I looked around. "Y/N!" He hugged me from behind. I already knew who it was. The familiar introduction was enough to give it away. "Hey Tsukasa!" I greeted him. Later on, I went back to class.

After School

I stretched out my arms as I made my way to the broadcasting room. Over time, I started to always return to the broadcasting room once school was out. However, I had yet to see Yashiro or Hanako since that one day...

My cheeks slowly started to heat up. "No! Bad, Y/N!" I exclaimed as I shook my head and put my hands on my cheeks.


I stopped in my footsteps. The sound of a bell echoed throughout the hallway. It was as if it was calling out to me. My curiosity got the better of me. I went towards the mysterious sound.


It got louder the more I traveled. I stopped. A door lay in front of me. It was behind the door. It had to be....
The door creaked as I gently pushed it open. The library?

"Why did it lead me to the library?" I muttered to myself. I turned the corner to see Yashiro and another boy. "Ya-" I stopped as the two disappeared. "Yashiro! Where did you go? This isn't funny-" I spoke to myself.


The sound was loud. The loudest I've heard it. It lead me to the very bookshelf where Yashiro and her friend had vanishedd. I touched the bookcase. A blinding light came. I winced as I shut my eyes. I opened them to see a library. I investigated the books before realising they all represented humans. The living and the dead.

"Y/N~" A voice called out to me.


The bell sound came again. However, this time it came from behind me. I turned around quickly to see a floating girl. "Hi!" She exclaimed. I yelped as I fell to the ground. I looked down at her leggings. Around both her ankles were two golden bells. "You're looking for our book aren't you?" She asked with a smile as she held out her hand for me to take. "I'll show you where it is! Our story!"

"Y/N!" I looked behind me to see Yashiro, Hanako, and the other boy. "What are you doing here?" Yashiro asked, shockingly.


I looked behind myself to only see that the girl had vanished into thin air.


Heyo! Kiwi here! I know it is another confusing chapter, but we're getting to the good stuff. I have big plans for some events 😉

Also! If you all have any ideas for some scenes you would like to see, don't be afraid to tell me! Heck, even if you gave me a quote for the character I bet I could write a moment based off of that, but I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter so far.

One more question- Would you all rather have more yandere type scenes with or more of a story built relationship with more of a backstory with occasional yandere scenes? I hope that makes sense 😅

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