Chapter 4

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Okay so, I was doing school work for sooo long today. All I wanted to do was write the next chapter! But I couldn't!! But, now I have the chance too hehehe(the evil laugh is there for no reason. I just felt like doing it) Please enjoy the next chapter!

Y/N p.o.v

Tsukasa finished speaking and floated down to me and smiled. I blinked and it seemed like that scary aura of his was gone and his eyes were back to normal. Almost as if I had imagined it.

"What kind of game?" I asked him nervously. My hands close to my chest and legs close together, nervously waiting for an awnser from the apparition.

"How about Hide and Seek?" He offered happily. At this moment Sakura and Natsuhiko walked in. Natsuhiko carrying a tray of muffins and Sakura carrying some tea carefully. Sakura set it down on a nearby table, Natsuhiko doing the same with the muffins. Tsukasa smiled as he immediately floated over and ate a muffin quickly.

"Thank you Sakura! We're going to go play Hide and Seek!" Tsukasa exclaimed as he waved at her and grabbed my wrist dragging me along. I waved with my other hand nervously.

"Bye!" I quickly called out before Tsukasa had led us out the door. I could have sworn that I saw Sakura have a look of pity on her face. But why? I didn't have time to examine her expression more because the door closed behind us and Tsukasa stopped and floated in front of me.

"Alright!" He started happily as he smiled. "Rules are that you will go hide for twenty minutes anywhere around the school. I will try to find you. Whoever wins get's what they want. For example! If I win you have to come back tommorow!" Tsukasa explained to me. I nodded my head slowly.

"Okay," I agreed slowly. I didn't really understand why the game had to be twenty minutes long! It seemed way to long to me. But, for some reason I was scared to ask why. Normaly, I was always curious and known for asking lots of questions. But, I just felt so small at this time compared to him. But! This was a game. A game I wasn't going to lose so easily. It couldn't be too hard. I just had to find a good hiding place.

"Yay!" Tsukasa smiled and hugged me. At this time I had gotten used to the contact. I could tell that this was going to happen a lot. "Okay, I'll count for one minute! Now go!"

As soon as he started counting I went off into the school, I did look back to see if the apparition was peaking or not. I snickered quietly as I thought of a good place to hide. I looked in front of me and saw that I almost ran into a wall, very close to slamming my face into it. If I had run into the wall, I could have made a dent. I'm sure the school would like to have a nice wall engraving of my face.

After running through the halls a little I made it outside the school. He did say anywhere around the school, he never said I couldn't go outside. I saw some bushes and hid in them. I was hugging my knees to my chest and kept my head low. My (H/L) (H/C) hair draping over my shoulders. The bushes were pretty thick, so I was hoping I would be okay. I was determined to win this. After all I was the Hide and Seek Champion.

Around fifteen minutes had passed. I was sure I had won this. Three more minutes had passed and I sighed. I started to count down the remaining tine left. I smiled as I looked at the bush around me. It was a actually very pretty. I got lost in admiring the plant until something brought me back to reality.

I felt cold hands wrap around me. Cold breath against my ear. I was frozen in place. I couldn't think straight!

"I found you, (Y/N)," a voice called out slowly and in a sadistic type voice. I got scared and acted without thinking. I yelled and hit whatever was behind me on the head and ran out of the bush. I was out of the bush and kept waving my hands around frantically as I kept my eyes closed tight. If anything followed me they would get a face full of punches that probably wouldn't hurt at all! "Ow," I heard someone groan.

"Huh?" I opened my eyes and walked over to the bush skeptically. I looked and gasped and put my hands over my mouth. "Tsukasa? Oh right! Hide and Seek!" I realised as I held out my hand and smiled. "I'm sorry. But did you have to be so scary?" I asked as he took my hand and floated himself up.

"Don't be sorry! Your reaction was priceless! By the way, I won. You were close! I didn't think of looking outside. But, you could have chosen a better place," Tsukasa explained to me. I pouted and crossed by arms. I turned around so that he could see my back.

"I'm glad me being terrified entertains you," I mumbled. Tsukasa put his hands on my shoulders.

"Please don't be mad!" Tsukasa pleaded as he looked up at me with big, Amber eyes. I held my head up high and glanced at him. I saw his expression and looked away quickly. Must keep pouty face! Don't give in to the super cute face (Y/N)! "Come on! Please," He whined carrying out the e sound. I sighed and smiled at him.

"I'm not mad at you! I'm looking forward to seeing you tommorow!" I exclaimed as I continued to smile. He smiled as well.

"I am too. Hey, what would you have asked of me if you won?" The apparition asked. I smiled at him and chuckled nervously before speaking.

And there we go! Sorry if it's a little of a cliffhanger. I have to do them as an evil author XD. As I was writing this chapter I payed a visit to one of the first books I made on Wattpad in July last year. It is sooooooo cringy. It's not up anymore but I already feel so much better with this book. I also just want to thank you all for reading and giving feedback! It really does inspire me to write more for you all! If you ever have any ideas for a filler that could happen in the story just tell me! Who knows? It could spark an idea or could be put in. Bye! Have a good morning/afternoon/night!

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