Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I also want to thank you all so much for 50 reads! It may seem like a small number, but it really does mean a lot! I want to do a special chapter of sorts, but I don't really know what to do. If you all have any ideas please tell me!

(Y/N) p.o.v

"I would just ask you to help me look for something," I replied simply. Tsukasa kept his hands on my shoulders as he spoke.

"Look for what?" He asked curiously. I looked at him and smiled cheekily.

"My memories," I stated. A hint of sadness in my voice. Tsukasa poked my forehead as he turned to float in front of me.

"Your memories are right in there. You don't need to look for them silly," Tsukasa told me in his normal childish voice. I chuckled taking his hand away from my forehead.

"I know that my memories are there, but the first five years of my life are missing," I told him. Tsukasa looking a little confused. I normally wouldn't tell this to anyone. But, for some odd reason I just felt like I've known him for so long. Like I could tell him anything and that I had no need to worry about this apparition betraying me.

"Well, some people don't want to remember some things. Their brain locks them away so they can't remember. Maybe that's it," Tsukasa explained as he floated down a little to grab my wrist. "Let's go," he spoke as he started to drag me through the hallways. I had started to realise that he seemed to be very clingy. Always hugging and liking any contact he could have. Even if it was just holding someone's wrist.

"I'll help you look for them. The memories that you're missing," Tsukasa mumbled. "I'll make sure that you find them," I was oblivious to what he had mumbled. But, I did notice his grip on my wrist getting tighter. His aura seeming to become darker.

"Tsukasa," I called out to him, looking up at the floating apparition. My tone of voice soft and sweet, but also worried. He didn't flinch at all, his grip not loosening. I got a little more worried at this and went a little closer to him. "Tsukasa!" I repeated a little louder this time.

This time he heard me. His grip loosening and him stopping the journey across the hallways.
"Sorry (Y/N)," Tsukasa spoke quietly. My (E/C) eyes softened at the sight of him. Him looking so sad and vulnerable. His aura turning from dark and murderous, to sad and gloomy. I looked up at him, his grip on me very loose. It was loose enough that I could walk around a little. I walked a little closer to him and used my pointer finger to poke him on the nose.

Tsukasa lifted his head to look at me. I chuckled at his reaction. "Cheer up. You look so sad like that. Let's just hurry up to the broadcasting room!" I offered. Tsukasa's attitude quickly changed back to his childish one.

"Yeah! Let's go!" He exclaimed. His grip on my wrist tightening slightly as he pulled me along to the broadcasting room. A giggle escaping my mouth as he did. I really did feel at home with this apparition. All my suspicions of him leaving.

After spending more time in the broadcasting room with Tsukasa, Natsuhiko, and Sakura, it was time for me to go home. After all, homework had to be done.

"You can't leave (Y/N)!" Tsukasa whined as he clung to me. I chuckled, trying to get him off me gently.

"I'm sorry Tsukasa. But I have to go. There's homework to be done," I whined. Sakura and Natsuhiko had left me alone with him long ago. But,I told them it was okay. But now they weren't here to help me with the clingy but adorable apparition!

"But! I do have to come back tommorow!" I told him, catching the apparitions attention as he looked at me. "I'll come after school as soon as I can!" I told him.

After making an agreement with the apparition,  I was free to leave. I left the building and walked home to my apartment. I locked the door behind me and sat down on the couch. I got out by bag and opened it. I took out my homework and brought it to the table. After finishing it I went and got ready for bed.

Once it was time for bed, I turned off all the lights and went to bed.

Beep! Beep!
I groaned as I sat up and turned off the alarm clock. I got out of bed and brushed my (H/L) (H/C) hair. I let my hair stay down, but I did some braids near the top connecting in the back. (Short hair than ignore this hairstyle) I soon got into my school uniform and put on some black capris. After eating breakfeast, I was out the door.

After making it to school, I walked into the school building and walked into my classroom. I was one of the first students in the classroom, so I sat in my seat waiting for everyone else.

Soon enough, class started and Mr.Ailoja told us to get out our notebooks. I did as told and started taking notes. Class was going good and there was no apparitions to get me in trouble until I had jinxed myself. An apoarition had floated into the classroom and went over to Yashiro. I blinked a couple times, obviously confused. Although,I made sure to not stare and went back to my paper. Tsukasa and the mokke were enough, I didn't need any more to acknowledge! I had already broken my rules enough!

Except, I couldn't help but catch a glimpse of them. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but I was wrong. That apparition, really did look exactly like Tsukasa.

Done! Thank you all for reading! We got a bit more of Yandere Tsukasa in this chapter. Although it was very mellow, he needs time to actually develop the feelings of a yandere. But, it may come a little quicker than you think. Becuase I have plans for a fluffy sort of chapter with reader and Tsukasa. That will be another chapter or two later though. Stay tuned for that! It will be cute, I will make it cute becuase I have the power to!

I have reached school break! Two weeks of writing, anime, video games, and drawing here I come! I actually had different plans for how this chapter was going to go from the garden and how it was going to end. But, I forgot about it until after I was two words away from ending the chapter. It would have added more plot, but I just feel like it would be too obvious and bring too much of the plot in on one chapter. Thank you so much for reading! Have a good day/afternoon/night!
Kiwi out!

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