Chapter 16

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Hello! Kiwi here! I've been in a writing moon, so let's see how much I can write today! I've already gotten one chapter out today and it's only noon! Time to write until my fingers can not anymore!! And do I have a surprise for all of you! You love Tsukasa, you'll hopefully like this chapter ><



I grumbled softly as my eyes fluttered open. I looked down to see that Tsukasa was sleeping. Do apparitions even sleep? My face went red as I realised he had laid his head on my lap and fell asleep. I smiled as I ran my fingers through his hair. His hat was put of to the side and his hands were wrapped around my torso. I smiled and continued to play with his hair.

Over time, I'd grown quite fond of the ghost. However, the moment with Mitsuba came into my mind. Kou did seem worried when I had fallen unconscious. I stopped playing with Tsukasa's hair as I thought. Is it right to stay with Tsukasa? He did save me after all...

"Y/N~ don't stop," Tsukasa grumbled as he brought my hand back to his hair. My face went beet red. "You're awake! Were you just pretending to be asleep?!" I exclaimed as I closed my eyes, flustered.

Tsukasa whined playfully. "You wouldn't do it if I was awake!" Tsukasa exclaimed playfully. He floated up and hugged me tightly. "Y/N!" Tsukasa smiled as he rubbed his cheek against mine, like a cat would. "You're finally awake! I got to see Amane again as well!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

I chuckled. "That's awesome Tsukasa! I'm happy for you!" I chirped as I pat his head playfully. "Say, what happened to the apparition?" I asked nervously. Tsukasa's grip on me tightened. "Tsukasa?"

Tsukasa's eyes went dark. "Stay with me, Y/N. You'll be safe in the broadcasting room. Sakura and Natsuhiko will protect you. I'll always be here with you too!" Tsukasa exclaimed as he moved in front of me, a frantic look on his face. He almost seemed afraid.

I wasn't sure how to respond. After what I've seen, I wasn't sure. How does someone even respond to this?! "I-I'm not sure...Tsukasa," I mumbled. Tsukasa's grip only tightened. "My flower, you have to stay. I need you! That apparition will come after you again! I need to keep you safe!" Tsukasa pleaded as his voice slowly got darker.

"I'm not sure! I'll have to think about it!" I exclaimed, getting a little scared. I'm sure it showed in my expression because Tsukasa loosened his grip and let go. "Sorry Y/N.." Tsukasa mumbled as he just floated in front of me. He placed his hands on my cheeks. "Y/N, what do kisses taste like?" He asked.

I thought before shaking my head. "I don't know. I've never kissed anyone before," I addmitted sheepishly. Tsukasa smirked. "Wanna find out?!" He exclaimed. My cheeks went red again. "I don't kno-" I was cut off when Tsukasa placed his lips on my own.

My eyes widened before I closed them and gently kissed back. I could feel Tsukasa smile before he cupped my cheeks and started to play with my hair. I put my arms around his neck. Tsukasa slowly got rougher and licked my lips. I chuckled softly before pulling away. "Y/N!" Tsukasa whined. I smiled and layed my head on his chest while my arms stayed around his neck.

"Tsukasa, thank you for helping me...with everything," I smiled contently. Tsukasa smiled and wrapped his arms around my smaller figure. "I have to keep you safe don't I!" Tsukasa smiled as he rubbed circles onto my back. "There are lots of apparitions that will hurt you. I just want to protect you!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

I chuckled and smiled and sat up. I smiled as I gained the courage and gave him a quick peck on his cheek and pulled back. "T-there, take t-that as a thank you. Now you know what kisses taste like," I admitted sheepishly. Tsukasa looked as if he was in euphoria. Tsukasa smirked. "Will you stay here with me then?" He asked.

I smiled. Even though he's done all of this bad, there's still the Tsukasa that's here. The one that's right in front of me. This is the Tsukasa that I know. This Tsukasa isn't like the one I saw with Mitsuba and Kou. "Yeah! I will! I know that you'll keep me safe! I trust you, Tsukasa!" I exclaimed.

Tsukasa smiled as a small hint of red made it onto his face. "Y/N, could I...kiss you again?" Tsukasa gripped tightly onto the cloth of his shirt. He seemed to be suppressing something. I nodded meekly. "I guess.." I answered in a meek voice.

Small lime I guess 🤪

Tsukasa only smirked before he smashed his lips onto mine. He was rough as he licked my lips again with his tongue as he asked for entry. He wrapped his hands around my waist as he brought me closer to him while he moved his head to the side as he deepened the kiss. Tsukasa slowly ran his other hand across my arm and it honestly tickled a bit.

I chuckled softly, making my lips part slightly. Tsukasa did not hesitate before sliding his tongue in my mouth. He gently explored all the inches of my mouth before pulling away, a thin line of spit connecting our mouths.

Tsukasa smiled as he quickly licked it up. My face was certainly beet red by this time, but somehow, I didn't mind like before. I actually quite liked Tsukasa's personality. He was childish, but he didn't blame me for getting into trouble or for doing stupid things. He seemed familiar as well. I couldn't explain it.

Tsukasa smiled as he leaned down by my ear. "Only I can see this face of yours, my flower..." Tsukasa mumbled as he gently kissed the sensitive skin under my ear. I tenses slightly before letting him go on. Tsukasa seemed happy in the weirdest way when he did this. It was quite odd...

He gently nipped at the sensitive skin before giving quick kisses all around my neck. He licked my neck some and I flinched. "That tickles Tsukasa!" I chuckled. Tsukasa trailed down to my collar bond as he gently moved my school uniform and gently started to suck on the sensitive skin of around my collar bone.

He gently nipped at it before getting rougher, earning a small moan from me. Tsukasa smiled before going back to my ear. "That's a nice sound. Only I can hear it Y/N..okay?" Tsukasa smiled before turning away.

Lime End

"I have to do something. Stay here Y/N," Tsukasa ordered before he gave one last kiss to my forehead and floated off. I was left in shock as I touched my neck and smiled. " I like him?" I mumbled to myself before groaning playfully. "No! Feelings are difficult!" I whined playfully before I left to clean myself up.

"I bet Yashiro could give me some advice! It's not like Tsukasa will know I left if I get back here before him," I planned out loud before I ran to the bathroom where Yashiro would meet Hanako. I walked in to see Yashiro next to a hand. "Yashiro? What are you doing?" I asked as I stood by Yashiro, intrigued by her weird actions.

"Y/N!" Kou exclaimed as he walked over. "You're okay!" Kou smiled. I nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay! I don't really want to talk about it though. I'm glad you're okay young exorcist!" I smiled, using a nick name I had called him before I knew his name.

Yashiro suddenly made a small noise. I turned behind me to see Yashiro being pulled into the mirror. "Yashiro!" I exclaimed as I grabbed her hand. "Hold on!" I added as Kou and Hanako helped me. It wasn't too long before I felt myself and Yashiro being pulled into the mirror. Everything went black.

I groaned softly as I opened my eyes to find myself in a weird place. In the corner of my eye, I saw a familiar figure. "Yashiro!" I exclaimed as I shook her. "Wake up! Please!" I cried desperately. Yashiro slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Y/N, where are we?" She asked.

The shadow of another figure soon could be seen. The color pink was all I could see before the figure became clear.



Hello! Another chapter is up! I started to just write out what I felt like writing and then this happened! The first kiss has happened!

*Happy dance of an author Kiwi*

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Their relationship is certainly growing. I also just want to thank you all for supporting me! I truly love all of you! I love all of your comments xD

Your reactions are amazing! Ya'll stay safe and awesome and remember you are beautiful! Have an awesome morning/afteroon/nigh!🤗

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