Chapter 14

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Guys! We're already at chapter 14! I'm really happy at all the support you all have given me. All of your fun comments have given me the motivation to write! I had given up on this book a couple months ago becuase I wasn't sure where to take it. But! With all of your comments I have regained motivation!

I hope you all will continue on this journey with me. I feel like I have grown so much as a writer with this book. Also, I was wondering if I should make a book on my own ideas that I've been developing. Would you all be interested in something like that?

Also, here comes Mistuba T-T
Come cry with me-


Sakura soon finished the rumor. She pulled off her headphones. "That's how you do it. It's simple, really," Sakura explained. I nodded. "I see," I smiled. "I think I can do that!" I smiled and nodded by head. Tsukasa looked at the door to the broadcasting room before turning to Sakura. Natsuhiko stood up, finally recovering from the book.

"I have to do something-" Tsukasa stated as he fased through the door and left. "Tsukasa!" I started before he left, but I just shook my head. "I should go let Yashiro know I'm okay, I'll be back!" I exclaimed. I left the room and hummed a small tune as I walked.

"What the heck are you doing?!" The voice echoed throughout the hall. "It sounded like Kou..." I mumbled, my E/C eyes wide. "I could be wrong, but who else would be at school this late-" I mumbled. I looked at the bathroom hesitantly before looking back to where the voice came from. "Sorry, Yashiro-" I mumbled before I made my way down the hallway.

Suddenly a large crash came. I turned the corner to see a horrifying sight. It was Kou, and....I gasped as I put my hand across my mouth in horror. Kou lay against the wall, that was the crashing sound.

"Wasn't that your wish? For everyone to remember you?" Tsukasa spoke as he gripped the other boys hair and lifted him up so he could see his expression. "Are you really satisfied with just one person remembering you? That can't be right..can it? Mitsuba?" His voice held a childish tone, but it sounded dark and sinister at the same time.

I glanced at Kou. I wanted to help, but I felt stuck. I was terrified. This couldn't be Tsukasa..

Kou made small movements and put his hand on Tsukasa's shoulder tightly. "Hey, who the heck are you?! Stop doing this to Mitsuba!?" Kou shouted. Half his head was bloodied from the impact with the wall. Tsukasa's koku-joudai whisped around Kou and sent him flying into the wall. "Kou!" I screamed as my body moved on its own. I put Kou into my arms and looked up at Tsukasa, tears growing in my eyes.

"Tsukasa...this isn't you.." I mumbled. Tsukasa's eyes went dark as he smirked. "I'm an apparition. I grant whomever summins me a wish and take one thing in payment. Amane grants wishes for those that are alive and I grant wishes for the dead. Mitsuba wished and I answered. So! I'll grant his wish!" Tsukasa explained.

Kou slowly sat up and gave Tsukasa a glare. A radio was summoned from the koku-joudai. Tsukasa gave me a glance and smiled. It was if he relished the expression on my face. "Hey, Y/N," Tsukasa called. "Didn't you say you would help me?" Tsukasa's eyes went black. My eyes widened as the tears streamed down my face.

"Not of it hurts others!" I shook my head. "Sakura only said that we would help them have their wish granted. Not hurt them!" I cried. Tsukasa only chuckled. "Sakura, everything's ready!" He smiled.

A rumor started to play. Mitsuba soon changed into a different creature as a whole. "Mitsuba!" Kou shouted as he attempted to stand up. I helped him as I clung to his arm and stood behind him slightly. "I'm sorry..I can't do anything.." I mumbled.

Tsukasa only continued to speak. It was if he had fun torturing me like this. Kou stayed shocked with a mix of anger. "Now go Mistuba!" Tsukasa smiled as he floated to the side. Bandages soon came out of Mistuba and restrained Kou. "Mitsuba! Stop! Can't you hear me?!" Kou shouted out desperately.

I turned to look at Tsukasa. I walked over to him and put my hands on his shoulders. "Tsukasa! Stop it! Turn Mistuba back to normal! You're hurting Kou!" I shouted desperately as my grip tightened on his clothing. "You're scaring me.." I mumbled as the tears streamed across my cheeks.

Tsukasa brought his hand up to my forehead, as if something was brought to his attention. "Y/N, sleep," he spoke as he brought two fingers up to my forehead. Everything around me got dizzy as I felt myself start to fall. All sense of consciousness left me. "Y/N!" Was the last thing I heard Kou shout, before everything went black.


Author P.O.V

Tsukasa wrapped his arms around her before she could fall and hurt her head. Tsukasa smiled softly as he adjusted her position and held her bridal style. He slowly kissed her forehead as he noticed Hanako come in the corner of his eye. Kou stood by the remains of the apparition once known as Mitsuba, looking as if he was broken.

Tsukasa chuckled. "Doesn't she look just like her? Y/N acts just like Emilia as well! It's so weird, isn't it Amane?" Tsukasa spoke. Hanako shook his head. "Tsukasa!" Hanako growled. Tsukasa only laughed as he floated over towards his brothers face. "Say! Amane, let's play! Just like we used to-" Tsukasa spoke softly before he dissapeared, Y/N in tow.

Kou looked over to see that the two were gone. "Hanako! He took her! And Mitsuba is..." Kou stopped speaking. He had lost the will to. Kou simply felt empty after loosing the both of them. "Can't we bring him back...?"


Tsukasa P.O.V

I carried Y/N back to the broadcasting room and set her down on the couch. "You didn't leave her? It seems like she found you.." Sakura mumbled. Tsukasa chuckled. "She was scared, but her face was amazing! She looked so frightened, but she was still so beautiful," Tsukasa smiled as he brushed small strands of H/C away from her face.

"Tsukasa..." Sakura mumbled before she stood up. "I have to go home. It's late," Sakura and Natsuhiko left the broadcasting room. Tsukasa's eyes went dark as he put his head into the corner of her neck. He took in a deep breath. "She almost smells a flower. No, she's my flower," Tsukasa smiled as he kissed her forehead.



I slowly groaned as I woke up. I looked around, but I saw no one. I didn't even see Tsukasa around. I stood up and decided to wander around the school.

I made my way out to the front garden and walked over to a patch of flowers. "Camellias," I named the flowers as I stood up and hummed softly.

A looked up at the front gate to see a figure. A cloaked apparition. All of a sudden, in a blink of an eye, they stood in front of me. A sythe appeared in their hand as they pointed it at me.

"Y/N L/N. It is time for me to receive your half of the payment,"


Guys! Next chapter is out! I think this may be one of my longest chapters yet! I had so much fun writing this one. Get ready guys, next chapter will bring yandere and answers that may confuse you, but oh well! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and have a great morning/afteroon/night! Kiwi out!

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