Chapter 24

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Hello! Another chapter has arrived! I told my friend last night that I love Tsukasa and that he's basically a murderer and she gave me the weirdest look ever xD

Also, logic may not be 100% accurate  here. I haven't read the perfect picture arc in a while xD

Also, there are a lot of yandere themes in this chapter, if you're uncomfortable with that-


He hesitated before he took my hand. My fingers interlocked with his. He stood up and smiled. "Fine, but I won't let Fate take you away," He smirked. "To the real world we go! Wait!" My eye brow twitched. "How do we leave?!" I exclaimed.

Tsukasa chuckled. He suddenly picked me up and started floating, like he always did. I wrapped my arms around his neck. "Don't drop me!" I whined playfully. Tsukasa's laugh echoed throughout the clocktower. Black smoke engulfed us.

The surrounding area changed to the broadcasting room. "Are we really back?" I asked. Tsukasa nodded solemnly. "Yeah, we're back," Tsukasa replied. I winced as a small pain went through my arm. "Yup, definitely back," I mumbled.

I rubbed small circles on my arm before hugging him. "Thank you!" I  exclaimed.

The day soon went by. Before I knew it, it was the morning before the new moon. I walked out of my last class and immediately went back to the broadcasting room. "Tsukasa! I'm here! Early even!" I smiled. "Y/N!" Tsukasa's voice came as he hugged me again.

I walked over to the couch and pulled out my backpack. "I actually brought some candy with me to school today. I didn't have the ingredients to make muffins, so I did what I could," I explained as I pulled out a small bag with candy inside it.

Today was sure to bring some bad news. I wanted to do something to make Tsukasa happy. He did help me get home after all. He's always helped me through hard times. "Oooo! Candy!" Tsukasa exclaimed.

I pulled out a small loli pop and put it into my mouth. I handed Tsukasa the bag. "You can pick whichever piece of candy you'd like," I offered. He took the small bag and looked through it. Meanwhile, I pulled out my homework and pencil.

Tsukasa P.O.V

I looked through the small bag and pulled out a small loli pop. I crumpled up the wrapper and threw it to the side. I put it into my mouth and looked over Y/N's shoulder, her work never made any sense. It was a bunch of scribbles. Her H/C hair draped over her shoulder. I moved it to the side carefully. Her neck was in plain sight.

Being so close to her, her scent was so strong. I took in a deep breath and sighed contently. She could be candy herself. I suddenly went into a daze. I pulled out my loli pop, coated in my saliva. I put the loli pop on her neck, my saliva touching her skin.

She turned to look at me and gave me a weird glance. "My neck is sticky now!" She whined playfully. "At least you didn't get any in my hair," she mumbled. Her voice was somewhat muffled because of the candy in her mouth. I quickly took it out of her mouth and rubbed her saliva on her neck.

A shaky sigh left my mouth. I slowly brought my tongue over to her neck and licked it up. It sent shivers down my spine. My saliva was on her neck with hers. Now it was in me. I pushed my head into her neck and took in a deep breath. The scent of the candied saliva remained faintly. It was enough to send myself into euphoria. It always did.

I grazed my fangs over her neck, as if teasing her. Her eyes were glued to that homework of hers. I needed attention. I placed the candy in the bag as a safe keeping. After all, they were the first pieces of candy that our saliva was on together.

And I knew just how to get it. I slowly licked her neck amd made sure to graze my fangs against her sensative skin once again. I slowly started to suck on her skin.

"Tsukasa? What are you doing?" She chuckled softly. My gentle sucks on her skin just got rougher when she spoke. She was like an angel as she said my name. I stopped and looked up at her and pouted playfully. "You were ignoring me~" I whined.

"I want attention," I whined. She sighed and smiled as she pat my head. Y/N turned to look at me. "I already gave you candy. What else do you want? I have to get my homework done," she explained with a playful tone. I smirked. "You said I could pick whatever candy I wanted. Who's to say that isn't you?" I smirked.

Her cheeks went red again. "H-hey!" She exclaimed. Sakura and Natsuhiko walked into the room together. Natsuhiko gave Y/N a small wink. I went on the protective and gave him a glare before sitting on her lap, to give him the sign that she was mine.

The rest of the day soon passed by. Y/N spent most of it with me. That's how it should always be. My kitten should always need me. I smirked. Sakura and Natsuhiko left. I sat next to her on the couch, before I closed my eyes and fell into a light sleep.


Tsukasa fell asleep. I looked at the time, 11:47. I had to go see the apparition. I slowly got up and opened the door. It made occasional creaks, but I tried to be as quiet as possible.

I walked out of the room and ran up to the clock tower. I stood there and waited for a small time. Her cloak started to form. The apparition soon stood before me and nodded. "I see that you made it out," She spoke.

"Now, it's time I explain myself. I think I've found a way to fix Fate. I already have Emilia's soul. I can take your soul, combine them as one again, and then have your souls together make a wish and sell your soul to me," The apparition explained.

"But, I would die then..." I mumbled. Emilia slowly made her way into the room after opening the door to the clock tower. There were cracks forming all over her. "Y/N, would you want to do this? We could be the same person again and Chloe will gain her payment. Her rumor is already dying out. Without her rumor, Chloe can't exist," Emilia explained.

"Chloe, is your name? It's very beautiful," I smiled at her before turning to Emilia. "I'm not sure....what about Tsukasa?" I asked. Emilia was about to answer before being cut off by a new voice.

"And what about me?"


Hello! I had a little bit of a hard time writing this chapter xD

But it's here! I hope it's okay! We're getting into our own plot now! Hehhehhe

The ending is closer every chapter-

I'm starting to think about my next book. Since I'm watching InuYasha currently. How would you guys feel about me making a Koga x Reader?

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