Book 2 || Chapter 4

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Hello fruit pack! I'm totally not interrogating my friend about her type as we speak- 🤗

I've made a whole list and everything-


"Tsukasa!" I exclaimed, my face beet red. "I-I can get changed my myself," I puffed out my cheeks. Tsukasa chuckled and leaned in closer to my face. He brought his hand to my chin and traced his fingers over my lip. "I just want you to depend on me..." Tsukasa pouted.

I smiled softly. "I depend on you. Don't you worry. The very thought of you kept me going," I smiled, happy to be in his arms again. Tsukasa leaned in and captured my lips in a kiss before leaning back and smirking.

"I'll reclaim you as mine. He'll know to not mess with my kitten," the apparition smirked. I nodded and smiled. "I'll get changed later. I'll ask Sakura for some spare clothes if I see her. It's been a month after all. Who knows what's happened," I shrugged.

"Besides-" I smiled, holding up my sleeves. "Oversized sleeves are so much fun! They're really cute to!" I  exclaimed happily. He poked my nose gently. I laughed and puffed out my cheeks playfully. "Hey! You stole my nose! I need that to smell you!"

He smiled happily before kissing my nose and wrapping me in his arms. "I'll think about giving it back~" he teased. Tsukasa's fangs showed as he gave a big smile.

My knees buckled and I almost went falling to ground before Tsukasa caught me. "Tsuki! My legs are sleeping!" I whined. He chuckled before bringing me over to the couch.

I sat down and looked down at him as he crouched in front of me. "Even after all this time...." a voice called out. "You two are still in your own little porn!" I turned around quickly. My eyes widened at the sight of Mitsuba.

"Mitsuba! You're awake! You're really here!" I tried to stand up, but it was to no avail before I fell to the ground. Tsukasa glanced over at Mitsuba before picking me up. He brought me over to Mitsuba. I smiled brightly before hugging him tightly.

"You're back Mitsuba! You're both back," Tears formed in my eyes. "No more touching," Tsukasa pulled me back to his chest. Mitsuba pouted. "Hey! I like Y/N too!" The pink ghost pouted.

I chuckled and smiled brightly. "I like you too Mitsuba! I missed you! I have such a story to tell you!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms up in the air, my oversized sleeves falling over my hands.

The door swung open. I looked over at the door to see two familiar faces. "Sakura! Natsuhiko!" I exclaimed happily. "Oh! Look Sakura! They're all back!" Natsuhiko exclaimed, pointing at the three of us.

I smiled cheekily before slowly bringing my foot down to the ground, studying myself on Tsukasa. "Sakura, I have a small favor to ask of you. Do you have an extra dress? Tsukasa doesn't like this one since the guy from earlier gave it to me. Wait-" something occured to me.

"He has my clothes from earlier still! That little creep! Give them back Kyler!" I yelled out. Tsukasa pulled me close to his chest protectively. "No...he can't come back. Don't say his name. He's a big meanie," Tsukasa pouted. "S-say my name instead-" Tsukasa pouted, a small blush on his face.

Mitsuba crossed his arms before puffing out his cheeks. "Ahh! I'm a third wheel now! I was never here; okay?! You got that!? I was never here!" Mitsuba panicked before dissapering. Sakura nodded before stepping into a small room.

"I have a spare dress you can borrow. It may be a little big though. Let me go find it," Sakura spoke before dissapering into the room. Sakura soon came out with a small dress in hand.

I tried to take a step, but my legs felt numb. "Ah-" I pouted. "My legs are still asleep!" Tsukasa picked me up by my shoulders before handing me over to Sakura. "Help her get out of that horrid outfit," he muttered before sitting on the couch.

Sakura helped me into the room before handing me the dress. Sakura went to the door, but before closing it, she gave a message. "No peeking. A girl needs her privacy," Sakura closed the door.

Tsukasa pouted playfully before inching closer to the door. "Tsukasa! Didn't you hear Sakura?" Natsuhiko teased before attempting to grab Tsukasa. "What are we going to do with you-" He sighed playfully. Tsukasa whined. "Noooo," the apparition whined.

"My kitten is aloneeee," Tsukasa pouted before inching closer to the door. It opened slightly to reveal Sakura, a book in hand. "Pervert," Sakura spoke simply before dropping the book on his head and closing the door once again.

Once I was done, I opened the door and walked out. I wore a short black dress with oversized sleeves and a belt to help keep it in place. Sakura held my old outfit and handed it to Natsuhiko.

"Go ahead and burn this. The cat's practically hissing at it," Sakura glanced at Tsukasa before Natsuhiko bowed and smiled. "Anything for my angel," the boy winked before walking away.

Tsukasa smiled happily before taking me in his arms again. "Aww!" He smiled brightly. "Cute kitten! Oh wait! Sakura, where is it?" Sakura walked over with a small box before leaving the room, or more importantly, leaving the love-ghosts.

He opened the box to reveal a small necklace. "Y/N, the boy mentioned that we weren't official. I asked Sakura and she told me about a girl-friend," Tsukasa inquired.

"Y/N? Will you do me the honor of being this girl-friend for me? I want you to always depend on me. Always..." Tsukasa smirked. I smiled softly before hugging him tightly.

"Yes.., yes! Of course, Tsukasa!" I hugged him tightly, trying my best to stand. Tsukasa smiled softly before gently pulling out the necklace. He moved my H/C hair gently and wrapped the necklace around my neck. A small 'T' was engraved into the heart pendant on the necklace.

Tears pricked my eyes. I smiled happily before bringing my lips up to his. I smiled softly, a blush on my face before I spoke.

"I guess we're official now. Tsukasa, now I can say this with true meaning...I love you, babe,"


Chapter 4 done! They're official fruit pack! Go girl! You gain that confident Y/N!!

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