Book 2 || Chapter 14

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Hello, fruit pack! I'm back! I'm still surprised that I let myself write a lemon >///<

Did you guys think that it was okay? I'm still unsure on how I feel about it xD

Oh! I drew some Tsukasa and Y/N fanart! I totally didn't draw in my English class, but I have finals next week and I am terrified T^T

I finished the four projects I had at once and now I can write to my hearts content😇😎

I just realised that I've been putting Haku-Joudai instead of Koku-joudai.....bad Kiwi! You're supposed to know you're Tsukasa xD

I'm sorry if that's been annoying anyone🥺


My eyes fluttered open to meet Tsukasa's amber ones. I chuckled softly before poking his nose gently. Tsukasa hugged me to his chest, burying his face in my face, taking in my scent.

"You were such a good girl last night~"  Tsukasa purred. I groaned softly. "I knew that you would do this-" I puffed out my cheeks. "You can't resist being such a tease, but~" I sang happily, looking up at him. I buried my face into his neck, whispering in his ear. "You were a good boy last night. That's my Tsukasa~" I purposefully spoke in a sweet, silky voice. I always loved to tease him and I always will.

His hands gripped the back of my clothing tightly. "Only for you, my kitten," He breathed. His grip tightened; as if he was holding back a powerful urge. "Y/N, you always know what I want. There's no better girl than you. You're my kitten and my precious; obedient girl~" Tsukasa slurred, dragging his tongue across my neck.

"You're such a cat," I chuckled softly. I placed my arms around his waist, causing him to shudder. He pulled me into his lap and looked at me, tilting my chin to look at him. His eyes were a dark void, half-lidded. This powerful urge showed in his eyes.

"This again?" I sighed softly, knowing what it meant. His eyes always seemed to turn black when he was turned on in some way. He took my wrist in his hand and took one of my fingers into his mouth. His tongue circled around my finger happily. Tsukasa's cheeks dusted pink as be licked my finger before pulling it out.

"Drag it across my chest," Tsukasa slowly took off his shirt. I puffed out my cheeks before slowly dragging my finger down his chest. "Good girl~" he pat my head and smiled. "That's better," He sighed contently before he stood up and hugged me tightly.

Tsukasa gripped my hands slowly and frowned. "Your hands are burned. Haku-joudai," the apparition called out. He pulled his shirt back on as his two orbs appeared. "Find some bandages," he stated.

The Haku-Joudai has dissipated into the black smoke. His amber eyes gazed into my E/C ones before he spoke softly and abruptly. "I'm sorry-" Tsukasa pouted. He laced his hand with mine gently, being careful of the burns.

I looked up at him suddenly, confused. My head cocked to the side, I replied. "Why? You have nothing to apologize for," I chuckled happily, showing him my same carefree smile. "I let you get hurt. I didn't make art for you either," he pouted, puffing out his soft cheeks.

"That's alright, Tsukasa," I smiled contently. "We can make some art another time...together," I spoke softly, rubbing circles on his hands. "I don't regret anything. I was able to get you back. You never gave up when I lost my memories-" I shook my head, looking into his eyes and leaning close to his face, our foreheads almost touching. "So I could never give up on you! You've always been protecting me from danger. You saved me from dissapering from this world! Chloe was finally freed from her suffering because you never gave up on me!"

I gave a bright, toothy smile. "I had to pay you back for everything. No matter what you say," I proclaimed. His eyes slightly widened. "You've already paid me why did you call yourself a burden?" He asked, the same shadow cast over his eyes.

A lump suddenly formed in my throat.  I struggled to find the correct words. " always get hurt because of me. You're always sending me to safety, leaving you to stay in the fight. You always keep a smile, but...a smile can show happiness just as much as a silent cry for help! I don't want you to suffer just to save me," My voice gradually got quieter. My hand trailed up his shoulder to grip his sleeve tightly. I cupped his cheek and forced him to look at me with my other hand.

"You always fight my battles, so please listen to me when I say this...." I said confidently. My steel stare never faded. "Allow me to fight with you. We'll help eachother in our battles. You've sinned so many times for my sake. I don't want that anymore! From now on, if you sin, I'll sin! We'll fight together. We'll sin together. None of us should have to pay the other back...because we're in this together," I smiled.

Tsukasa opened his mouth for no words to come out. He abruptly chuckled softly. "You'll sin with me? Do you know what you're saying? You'd make art with me?" He asked; his amber eyes showing a look of compassion and almost...sadness.

I nodded, huming softly. "Yeah! I'll make art with you. I'll make art with you all of the time! I was about to make some art myself earlier. I'll sin with you. After all, I fell in love with a michivous apparition like you," I giggled. Tsukasa's eyes widened.

Tsukasa had always had violent tendencies. His family quickly learned of that. Even Amane was afraid of him to a small extent. Everyone tried to find ways to make him stop...even isolating him. No one had ever accepted him for who he was. No one had ever accepted that he had possessive and violent tendencies. Much sin with him...

Suddenly, the Koku-joudai had teleported back into the boundry. Tsukasa quickly put on a smile, reverting to his childish ways. "Bandages! Give me your hands!"

He slowly wrapped the bandages around my hands. Even if Tsukasa didn't say much. I could tell that he was grateful. He didn't seem as torn up about it as before. That was all that I wanted.....

For him to be happy


I stayed up late again- whoops-

Who needs sleep anyway?! (throwback to that one chapter when Y/N claimed she needed eight hours of sleep-)

Oh yeah! This was the art I did!><

And it's sideways....does anyone know how to fix that problem?😅🤣

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