Don't mind meeee🎵
I'm just casually appearing after three or four weeks-
I'm so glad to be back though!! I'm ready to write dramaaaa😌😖
I hope you all are okay fruit pack! Have you all been Tsukasa deprived? Well no fear! Tsukasa and Y/N are baackkk!!
I also just read the Kamisama Kiss and Black Butler manga and I LOVED it><)
I walked across the halls with Yashiro and Mitsuba. "Did Hanako or Kou say anything about where they were going?" I called out. Yashiro shook her head, her hair gently swaying as she did.
"No. I'm afraid that they didn't," came Yashiro's reply. Mitsuba gave audible sigh. "Just go and look for them! I've already broken the first rule the scary ghost gave meeee! I only came so I could take photos!" Mitsuba panicked, shaking me back and forth.
"Rules?" Yashiro mumbled, clearly confused. I nodded. "Yeah, Tsukasa told Mitsuba to watch me for the time being. As I mentioned, Tsukasa left to see the one they call Father. He didn't want me to get dragged into things. And now Mistuba is stuck with watching me and I dragged him along!" I exclaimed, a large smile on my face.
Yashiro nodded slowly. "Oookayy?" She chuckled softly. The three of us continued to navigate the hallways. Suddenly, the sound of voices could be heard. I stopped abruptly, the others following after me.
I could see that there was an open door ahead. I slowly inched towards the door and listened in carefully. At least, I could assume that the source of the voices were coming from inside. Vaguely, I could make out three separate voices.
"You came," an older male's voice came. "I did. Now, tell me, now do I unbind the mark?" I gasped softly. It was Tsukasa's voice. I peeked into the room, being careful to not be seen.
"Is Hanako there?" Yashiro asked quietly. I glanced around the room to see the older man, Tsukasa, and another boy. His long black hair covered one of his eyes. His eyes were as red as blood. They were cold. Empty.
"You're getting straight to the point? That's no fuun," the older one chuckled before his smile faded. "I'll tell you if you listen to my offer."
"I want nothing to do with it and you will do your best to tell me-" Tsukasa was cut off. "Yashiro!" A voice exclaimed. I whipped around to see Hanako clinging onto Yashiro. My eye twitched. "It's the second pervy ghost!" I whispered.
All of a sudden, I felt a chill go down my spine. "Oh? It's that apparition. Yashiro, you found 'er!" He exclaimed. I held a finger to my mouth. "Shhh. Yes, it is me Hanako. I don't mean to be rude, but could quiet down," I explained.
Mitsuba gave a soft sigh before he rubbed his neck. "You could've gotten here earlier, but if you aren't quiet he will find out what I did!" Mitsuba panicked. My eye twitched. I ran over to Mitsuba and put my hand over his mouth. "Quiet!" I said quietly.
Hanako floated over to me and pried me off of Mitsuba. "There's no need. We'll all be quiet now," Hanako spoke. "Maybe-" he muttered after. I sighed softly before I felt something on my shoulder pry me away from Hanako.
"Mine, Amane!" A familiar voice whined. I turned around to see Tsukasa. I smiled brightly. "Tsukasa! Don't worry, Hanako didn't do anything," I smiled. He only wrapped his arms around me. "I told you not to follow me," He whispered in my ear.
"Mitsuba," Tsukasa called out. "I thought I gave you orders to not let her leave," the apparition spoke. I suddenly shook my head, remembering our situation. "Not the time!"
"Right!" Tsukasa glanced back at the room and held my wrist tightly. "Stay here this time," Tsukasa spoke before he let go and walked inside. Hanako followed him inside after telling the same to Yashiro.
Their conversation only continued. "You're just going to leave them waiting? That's not the behavior of a gentlemen," the Father teased. The other male only nodded and gave a smirk. "It's a shame. They're so pretty too," He teased with a smirk.
"Project 7, go and fetch Undine. She's been playing with that exorcist for far too long," The Father suddenly spoke. Project 7 nodded. "Very well," he started walking towards the door, closing it behind him.
"What's with you wearing all of that black? Do you have no sense of style?!" Mistuba snickered. Project 7 sighed before running a hand through his black hair.
"Undine, stop playing with that exorcist already,"
Project 7's voice rang in my head. I gave hin a concerned look, wondering what he was doing.
"Oh come onnn. He's already beaten to a pulp. Just let me kill him. I want to see him struggle a bit more! He's been ever so entertaining-"
My eyes widened. Before I knew it, I had turned around and had started running through the halls. "Heyyy!" Came Yashiro's cry. "Just head back to Hanako and Tsukasa's boundries. I'll take care of everything!"
It could've all been a trap. However, if Kou's life was on the line, then I couldn't risk it. Even so, Kou was my friend and I didn't want him to die. He shouldn't have to get caught up in the life of an apparition. Especially with his brother, Teru.
Before I knew it, I had led myself back to where Tsukasa and I had first met Undine. I pushed the door open and ran inside. "Oh! Look who came to join the fun! Look, little exorcist, it's your little friend!" Undine crouched in front of Kou as Kou sat against the wall, cuts and bruises lined across his body, his clothing tattered and damp with water.
"Get away from him!" I shouted, acting on impulse. "Wisp!" My mind didn't seem to be all there, but even so, before I knew it, I had scorched Undine's face with blue fire.
She let out a scream tumbling back and running to the water. I wrapped Kou's arm around my shoulder and quickly helped him out of the room. "It's okay. I've got you. Just hold on for a minute. I'll get you to safety, okay? What would I tell Mitsuba if you died, huh?" I mumbled to myself, trying to calm myself and Kou.
I eventually got us to the infirmiry. I set Kou down and started to look for any medicines I could use to help hin. "You mentioned Mitsuba earlier," Kou started. I nodded as I tended to the wounds on his body.
"Yes, I did. Mitsuba is doing well. He hasn't changed much, still always shouting about porn and whatnot. I've made sure that Tsukasa doesn't hurt him. Mitsuba deserves happiness. You're a true friend to him, Kou," I explained. A soft smile was placed on his face.
"I'll be back. I want to go and check on Yashiro and Mitsuba. I'll be sure to tell Mitsuba that you're here! I know how much you care for him. Until then, please, get some rest," I explained before stepping out.
"And look who it is," a voice spoke. I looked up to see Project 7. "I thought that you were supposed to get and get Undine. I may have burned her face-" I muttered. He chuckled softly.
"I assumed that was what happened. Wisp did dissapear for a little bit and we all know that you need to have Wisp to use that fire of yours," He smirked.
I only gave him a glare. "You have that smirk on your face. Tell me, what do you want?" He smiled and shook his head. "Nothing, I want nothing," he repeated.
"I simply found a soul that was very entertaining,"
I did ittttt!! It took me soooo long to get this chapter out and for that I'm soooo sorrryyyy!!! T^T
I hope that it was okay though! We're delving deeper into the story at every moment~~~

Supernatural Love || Tsukasa X Reader
Romantik(Y/N) has always been able to see apparitions. She tries her best to ignore them. As a child she loved speaking to the apparitions. However, everyone started to call her crazy which caused her to be extremely shy and stop. As she grew up she ignored...