Chapter 15

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Y'all better get ready. Tea will be spilt today. Answers are coming! Also, this chapter may confuse you, but as the reader, you're know just as much as Y/N, so you just have to learn with her^^

I also suggest listening to the video above as you read. It really helped set the mood as I wrote the chapter-



I was so confused. My eyes widened. "What..," I questioned. "What do you mean by payment?" I asked calmly. The apparition only shook her head.

"I've waited long enough. Emilia can't protect you anymore. If we wait any longer, the both of you will cease to exist. I've been waiting for my payment for 100 years!" The apparition finished. A large gust of wind blew past me as the apparition shouted. My H/C hair blew in the wind, small strands blew in my eyes.

"What do you mean? I don't understand! I'm not even that old!" I retorted as my hands grew into fists as I gripped the edges of my school uniform. "I want answers! Who is Emilia? Whoever she is, I've never met her!" I shook my head.

The apparition only stayed silent. "Answer me! Please! If you know something about my lost memories, you have to tell me! I just want understand!" I exclaimed as the harsh wind only blew harder.

"I can't tell you. It is not the time for you to know. You'll learn in time. However, I need to save your soul Y/N! For the benefit of your life and to put fate back on course!" The wind only blew harsher every time the cloaked figure shouted.

I shook my head and placed my hand on my chest and stood confidently. I refused to give in. Not when I'm so close to learning more about myself! "Tell me! Why must you save my soul? What is this payment you speak of?" I asked. All sound of my childish nature left and was only replaced by a dark and mature voice that demanded answers.

"Enough! Give me your soul!" The apparition shouted as she swung the sythe in a circular motion. I quickly jumped out of the way and landed on the soft grass of the garden. Crash! I turned my head to see that a whole tree had been scathed by the sythe. The wind still blew, but I couldn't give up. I stood up, despite the harsh wind.

"Tell me! What gives you the right to seek my soul!? My soul is my own and doesn't belong to anyone else!" I proclaimed.

The apparition only stood silent before speaking in a solemn voice. "I only wish to save you before you are erased by Fate permanently," The cloaked figure spoke as her cloak blew vigorously in the wind. The sky was clouded, no sight of blue in the sky. It was if a faint storm was present.

My expression softned at her reply. "Why.." I muttered before in the blink of an eye it happened. It was if time had stopped. "I'm sorry..." The apparitions voice was barely a whisper as the sythe was quickly swung at me. I had no time to prepare and I was hit by the blade.

The force pushed me back into the wall. My head hit the back of the wall hard before I fell onto the ground. My E/C eyes were dull and my hair fell over my face as I tried to stand. "Tsukasa..I'm sorry.." I mumbled before falling back onto the ground. I was only slightly conscious, but it was slowly leaving me.

The wind suddenly blew harder as I felt cold arms wrap around me. "Y/N, I found you at last," A voice came as they held me bridal style. I slowly looked up at the newcomer. My vision was blurry, but I could make out who it was. "Thank you, Tsukasa...I'm sorry. I really got myself..into a mess this time," I chuckled softly as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest.

"Y/N.." Tsukasa mumbled with a small smile as he kissed my forehead. "I'll take care of this~" his voice got dark, but I didn't notice. I removed my arms from his neck before coughing and giving him a reassuring smile. "Alright.." I mumbled before falling unconscious.


Author P.O.V

Tsukasa smirked as he looked up at the apparition. "Ne, you shouldn't touch what dosen't belong to you," came Tsukasa's voice. His eyes were black and dark. A void of possession.

"Don't get in my way! Tsukasa Yugi!" She shouted angrily. The wind blew harshly. Tsukasa smirked and laughed as his grip tightened on Y/N. "I should destroy you for hurting my flower, but, I have to keep her safe. I'll be coming back for you, cloaked apparition," Tsukasa claimed as the koku-joudai surroned him in a black fog. "And expect to feel pain.."

His voice echoed as the two dissapeared. The apparition growled. "Tsukasa Yugi!" She growled in frustration before she disappeared into nothingness.

Tsukasa appeared again in the broadcasting room. He gently sat Y/N down on the couch. He gently pushed her hair out of her face before turning to play with her hair. He hugged her tightly, despite her being unconscious.

"I won't let you get hurt again my flower," Tsukasa spoke possesively as his grip tightened. "I'm the only one who can see the look of fear on your face," Tsukasa chuckled as he looked at Y/N's peaceful expression as she slept. He caressed her cheek and chuckled.

"I'm the only one that can keep you safe. All the others will just hurt you-" Tsukasa chuckled as if he was delirious. He kissed her forehead again and smiled. "So, I'll just have to keep you here. With me. Where I can protect you," Tsukasa smiled as he hugged her again. "I won't let you leave me..."


Guys! Yandere Tsukasa is here! I hope this chapter was to your liking. Hopefully, this chapter didn't confuse you too much xD

I decided to give Y/N a little nickname, decided by Tsukasa. I hope you all are excited for things to come! Things are just getting good...


I also found some old art I did of the 'don't touch what doesn't belong to you'

Sorry! I don't know how to fix when it's sideways T-T

I also found some other art I did of Y/N and Emilia

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