Chapter 28

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Hello fruit pack! We assemble once again for the lovely Tsukasa!><

I had a dream about Tsukasa last night and the best part was...he was a yandere and we were best friends! But then my mom woke me up! T-T

I'm sorry for the delay when posting this chapter!🥺


Tsukasa chuckled. "Oops! Oh well! I'll do what I please!" He teased before gripping the apparitions wrist. "We're just here to play!" Tsukasa smiled. He pushed her into the ground and smiled sickeningly. I smiled happily. After all, he told me that she loved to play.

She growled as she kicked his feet, making him stumble. She quickly stood up and summoned her sythe. Wisp let out a concerned chirp as it looked up at me. I gently pat her head. "It's okay. We're just playing! She likes it when Tsukasa and I play with her!" I exclaimed.

Chloe swung her sythe at Tsukasa only for him to dodge. I flung some fire at her. She jumped away. Tsukasa quickly took the chance and grabbed onto her head. He threw her down onto the ground before floating back down and smashing her head into the ground once again.

He kept pounding her head into the ground relentlessly. She yelled before trying to throw her sythe's blade at Tsukasa. He quickly twisted her wrist and kicked her sythe away. He grabbed her neck and lifted her up. With a flick of his wrist, the apparition was sent flying into the wall.

Her hood fell off, revealing her bloodied forehead. The tips of her blonde hair that framed her face were coated in blood. She stood up shakily. Her cloak was thrown on the floor as she took it off.

Tsukasa smirked as he picked up the sythe. "This contains all the spirits you've collected, right?" Tsukasa smirked. "Y/N, take this!" Tsukasa threw it over to me. I quickly caught it while it was still in the air, that way ot wouldn't break. I floated back down to the ground gracefully.

"Y/N? So that's what you've been calling her now," Chloe panted. Her eyes widened at the sight of me holding her sythe. "Give it back! Give my sythe to me!" She shouted. Her voice cracked. Was she afraid?

"Oh? So you want it back?" Tsukasa chuckled. "Sorry, we went to far. Here-" I stepped forward, but was abruptly stopped when Tsukasa put his arm in front of me. "Tsukasa, what are you doing? We're making her upset. It's time to stop the game. We came here to make her happy and play with her. We should stop-"

Tsukasa stayed silent. He quickly stole the sythe from me and smirked as he twirled it around. "No, our game has just started. You know what? I think I'll keep it. Come on, my flower," Tsukasa grabbed my wrist with his free hand.

Chloe ran over as she held out a fist. "Give it to me!" Chloe threw a punch to his face. Tsukasa didn't seem to mind the pain. He looked down at the teenager and smirked before throwing the sythe to the side. Chloe tried to pry Tsukasa's hands away from her throat as he began to choke her. He laughed before throwing her into the wall once again.

" back," Chloe struggled to speak. Tsukasa pulled me along when he grabbed the sythe again. He held my body close to him before teleporting away. As the smoke engulfed us, I got one last look at the apparition. Tears started to make their way down her face. She looked...broken...

The familiar scenery of Tsukasa's boundry appeared around us. Tsukasa kept a hand on my waist while he examined the sythe. "Your memories lie just in here, if we mess with it, we may be able to bring your memories back," Tsukasa smiled michivously. His fingers danced around the area of my waist.

"You have such a nice body. I can't wait until I'll finally be able to claim you as mine~" Tsukasa slurred happily. My face went beet red. "H-hey! You can't just go and say things like that!" I exclaimed, moving my hands to cover my blushing face.

He placed the sythe down on a table in his boundry. I sat down on the couch and held Wisp in my hands. "You look tired. You can return to our boundry if you would like," I offered. Wisp chirped happily before vanishing, leaving small particles its blue feathers.

I yawned softly while stretching my arms out. "Don't you think we should give it back? She seemed disheartened when we took it away," I explained calmy. Tsukasa shook his head before grabbing my hands. "We can't give it back. After all, we're just playing hide and seek! It's all good! We're all having fun! She's just acting," Tsukasa lied again.

If only I was aware of the ways he manipulated me....would things have been different?

I nodded, my H/C hair bouncing slightly as I did. "I see. Are you sure she's having fun?" I asked. Tsukasa nodded, a smirk evident on his face. "Yeah, she's having lots of fun, kitten. Just like we will~" Tsukasa teased. His soft hands caressed my cheeks while he smiled softly.

I rubbed my eyes tiredly. I grumbled softly before burying my head into his chest. "Tsukasaaa," I whined playfully. "I'm tireddd," I whined again. I could hear him chuckle while he played with my hair. "Very well, come on, little flower," Tsukasa picked me up and brought me to a small room. "Ta da!"

Tsukasa smiled brightly as he introduced a new room to me. I looked around before spotting a bed. "This is where we'll be sleeping! If you're tired, you'll be able to rest here!" Tsukasa placed me on the bed. I yawned and smiled contently. "Its so soft..." I mumbled. Tsukasa layed down behind me.

He snaked his arms around my waist and buried his head into my neck. I turned around to bury my head into his chest. My hands lay against his chest. With that, I soon fell asleep. "Thank you...Tsuki.."

I woke up to a peculiar ringing in my head. I sighed softly. This was the feeling I got when someone was near my rumor. It served as a sort of warning that I may be summoned soon. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before carefully removing Tsukasa's arms from around me.

I floated out of the room and left his boundry. I flew out of the broadcasting room and into the library. I should see who it is. For all I know, it could just be Wisp or the group from earlier.

Suddenly, I started to hear muffled cries. They sounded as if they came from a small girl. I opened the door to the library and looked around. "Hello?" I called out. When no one replied, I traversed further into the room.

I followed the sound. If got louder the more I followed it. I turned the corner to see the figure of a girl that looked to be about fourteen. As I got closer, I recognized the long blonde hair. "It's you..." I mumbled. "You're the apparition from earlier today.." I spoke softly.

Her knees were tucked close to her chest. She looked up at me with broken blue eyes. Tears fell down her cheeks. "It's you.." She spoke. I kneeled down in front of her. The wounds inflicted on her were still there. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"Tsukasa took my yorishiro away from me..."


Hello! I hope everyones day has been going well! I'm sorry for posting a little later today. I was with my friend for a long time today xD

I hope this chapter was okay! I was watching AMV's for Toilet Bound today and I am so motivated to write right now-

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