Book 2 || Chapter 6

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Hello!! I hope that all of you are having a wonderful time, no matter where you are. I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!^^

It's a bit of a longer chapter today, but last chapter was a bit short so I guess this will make up for that!^^

Enjoy the fluffiness!😊


"Y/N!" a voice whined. I slowly opened my eyes to see Tsukasa shaking me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Yay!" I exclaimed happily, wrapping my hands around him.

I nustled my face into his chest. "Did you sleep well, kitten?" His head tilted to the side, his hands rubbing circles on my arm. He clung to me tightly, but it was to be expected.

A vague memory came to mind of the events from earlier. I brushed it off to the side, my mind didn't feel like it was in the right state. "Slept like a kitten!" I exclaimed, my cheeks a flushed red. My mind felt hazy, it was very peculiar. It was as if, I felt delirious.

"But that makes sense, I am your kitten after all," I teased and gave a small wink. Tsukasa gripped my shoulders possesively. I noticed the red stains on his hands. I took his hands in mine.

"What did you do?" I pouted. "You can't go anywhere without me!" I whined playfully, my cheeks puffed out. A sigh left his mouth. "It was dangerous, besides, you wouldn't have liked it there. There was a lot of bloo-jam!" He changed his wording unexpectedly.

"There was a lot of jam and a hand that was covered in it! There were a lot of screams and yells as well! It was a delightful show!" Tsukasa gushed happily before catching himself, not wanting to expose me to the violence that occured.

I nodded and planted a kiss on his cheek. "Okay! Well than-" I grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the bathroom. "Let's get you cleaned up then! You're covered in a lot of jam!" I almost tripped over my own feet on the way, but I was still 'alive' by the end, so I was in good health.

I turned on the sink and began to wash his hands in the sink with Tsukasa's chest to my back. "That tickles!" He chuckled happily before leaning down to my ear. "I didn't get to see you at all last night," he pouted. In many ways, he was a lot to handle, but I could care less. I got myself into this situation. Not many may approve, but by now....I don't think that I can tell right from wrong anymore...

I continued to scrub the 'jam' from his hands as I continued to speak to my boyfriend. "I didn't either. I guess that we'll just have to make up for that then!" I smiled happily, my cheeks a red hue, my face looking flushed almost.

"Yeah! You know-" his voice got deeper, a shadow over his eyes. "It's never too early to start. I missed you, didn't you miss me?" The apparition pouted. I smiled softly and nodded. "Of course I did you ghost pervert," I teased.

My attention was fixed on his hands as he entangled his fingers with mine, holding my petite hand in his. Something wet made it's way across my ear. "That tickles Tsukasa! Why do you always have to lick me? I'm starting to think that you're more of a cat~" I laughed. "I bet Sakura would have some cat ears as well!"

His hot breath made it's way down my neck as he smiled. "Nah, we should save those cat ears for you, my kitten," He smirked playfully. "Tsukasa-" I called out, turning to look up at him. "Can you lick me again? It's just so cute when you do it," my eyes sparkled, my smile as big as the room.

He smirked playfully before licking my ear once again. "You're just like a kitten~" Tsukasa tugged on my hand and turned me around so I could face him properly. Only small remnants of blood remained on his hands. However, his clothes, were a different story.

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