Y/N p.o.v
That apparition. He looks exactly like Tsukasa. I glanced over at the apparition and squinted my eyes. It definitely wasn't Tsukasa. Which meant, that I was in trouble. He just happened to be an apparition that looked like Tsukasa! My curiosity can't be helped! I sighed as I went back to my paper. Mr.Ailoja told us to take notes about what was on the black board.
I did take some notes. With glances at the apparition every once in a while. I studied the apparition out of the corner of my eye. He looked almost identical to the apparition. Except, his tag was white, his facial features were very similar, but still different, not as childish. He had the same hat, but different clothing. He also seemed to act different, not as clingy. As I was naming all these things, the apparition turned his head and looked my direction.
Not wanting to be discovered, I quickly looked at my notes. Operation:Not be Seen by the Apparition starts now! Well, it started as soon as he came in the classroom, but whatever!!
I went back to doing my work. I was able to get a bit done before hearing Yashiro yell. I looked over and saw her face really red and the apparition snickering.
"Quiet Yashiro! You're still in class!" The apparition told her cheekily. Yashiro sighed as she sat back down, covering her face.
"Do not disturb class again Yashiro. I don't want to send you to the principals office," Mr.Ailoja told her as he went back to teaching.
"You're so mean Hanako," Yashiro muttered. Somehow, I was able to make out what she had said. Hanako. That was the name of the apparition. Definitely not Tsukasa. The names aren't even similar!
My (E/C) eyes were glued on the apparition. The apparition stopped snickering and looked at me. His face turning into one of confusion and shock. I realised what I was doing and quickly turned back to my paper flustered. I had been seen! Hopefully, Hanako will leave me alone. If I don't look at him again, he will think I really can't see him! Right!?
Continuing my work, I worked silently. I would hear Hanako and Yashiro mumbling to eachother. But I couldn't make out any words. It was so hard not to look! I keep wanting to see what they're doing ot mive closer so I could hear them. I really just wanted to ask Hanako why he looked like Tsukasa. Oh! Maybe I could ask Tsukasa when I go see him later today!
Soon enough I felt someone taping my shoulder constantly. I glanced over amd saw the apparition who was with Yashiro. Why me! I can't break my rules! For the third time! Or I might as well stop ignoring them altogether!
I kept working, hoping that Hanako would stop and go bother Yashiro. He continued to poke my shoulder and it was getting quite annoying. It was starting to hurt too! As I kept writing things down, he eventually sighed and floated away. Most likely back to Yashiro.
....After many hours of work, Mr.Ailoja dissmissed us. I stood up and grabbed my bag. Since Yashiro sat behind me I was expecting to see Hanako,the apparition who was with her. But, I was surprised to not see him at all. Suddenly, Yashiro left the classroom quickly not even grabbing her bag.
"Yashiro!" I called out to her putting my hand out in front of me. To no avail she kept going down the halls. She was definitely going to need her bag for tommorow and to get homework done as well. Everyone else had left the classroom, the teacher as well. I sighed and grabbed her bag. Looks like I would have to run a small errand before going to the broadcasting room.
As I walked through the halls looking for Yashiro I thought that I heard her. I stopped abruptly and looked around. I didn't see her. Anyone else for that matter. Looking at a nearby clock, I saw that it had been about 10 minutes. Of course, most students would be out by now. I heard another sound that sounded like Yashiro. I heard it again and walked closer to the sound. Following it, I found myself in front of the bathroom.
"Am I sane? Or am I going crazy?" I mumbled to myself. I was startled when I heard it again. It definitely sounded like Yashiro. But, upon getting closer, I could also hear a boys voice. "But this is a girls bathroom? Why does it sound like a guy?" I asked no one in particular. Listening to my curiosity I opened the door, holding Yashiros' bag in my hand.
After opening the door, I saw Yashiro and the apparition. I averted my eyes back to Yashiro quickly. Yashiro looked really confused and startled.
"Um hi (Y/N)!" Yashiro called out nervously. I slowly waved to her, quite confused myself.
"Hi Yashiro. Are you talking to yourself? Oh! And I have your bag!" I asked her before holding her bag out to her. Yashiro took her bag happily.
"Thank you so much! I didn't realise I forgot it! Thank you (Y/N)! You really didn't have to," Yashiro told me. I smiled softly and shook my head.
"I know that. It's just nice to do something for a friend! I just came here to give you that, but Yashiro?" I started.
"Yes?" Yashiro asked me. In the corner of my eye I could see Hanako staring at me suspiciously.
"Are you okay? I heard you talking," I spoke as I looked around. Pretending not to see the apparition. "There's no one else in here but us,"
Yashiro waved her hands around frantically. "I! Um...," Yashiro stopped trying to think of an excuse. I gasped lightly as I thought of something. I walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Don't worry! I know you're not crazy! I know exactly why!" I exclaimed with a smile on my face.
"You do?!" Yashiro asked confused but also a bit worried. I nodded my head.
"You have an imaginary friend! Don't you?" I asked her happily. Of course, I knew the real reason, but I had to fool the apparition. I glanced over at him quickly before looking back at Yashiro, hoping Hanako didn't notice.
Yashiro sighed in relief as she smiled slightly."I guess you could say that, (Y/N)" Yashiro told me akwardly. I took my hands off her and walked back a couple steps. Hanako then floated in front of me. I tried to act as if he wasn't there and decided that I had to get out now!
"Alright then Yashiro! I did what I came to do! Bye!" I exclaimed as I waved and left the bathroom. As soon as I was out, I went to the broadcasting room. Hopefully they aren't upset that I'm late.
Author p.o.vTwo figures watched the (H/C)nette leave the bathroom in a hurry. One figure had her hair in a ponytail with two braids connecting to her ponytail. She wore a white crop top with a black under shirt that had long butterfly sleeves. A white skirt that went to her knees and black leggings. She floated next to the second figure.
This figure was another girl, but she wore a black cloak with a hood, concealing her face and had a sythe in her hand. The one with the sythe spoke.
"I don't understand why I can't just do it now. She's not even doing anything to complete her task," the hooded figure spat as she gripped her sythe tightly. "I'm tired of waiting. It's been so long,"
The floating girl chuckled softly. "Yes, she is! You just haven't given her enough time!" She whined. "(Y/N) does it subconsciously. Even if she doesn't realise it. She just met Hanako and Tsukasa recently! You have to wait. You'll get it in due time," she explained to her, her voice gradually getting softer.
"Fine. But I'm not waiting much longer. You do know that there isn't much time left. It's going to start happening in small waves," the hooded girl spoke. Her voice actually sounded quite young. The hooded apparition soon dissapeared into smoke.
"I know that. But, thank you," the girl with the ponytail mumbled before dissapering as well.
Guys! It's done! My longest chaper yet! I'm quite pleased with it. I know there wasn't much Tsukasa, but there was plot! More Tsukasa will be coming soon. I do have plans for a Tsukasa chapter. Thank you for reading! Have a good morning/afternoon/night!

Supernatural Love || Tsukasa X Reader
Romance(Y/N) has always been able to see apparitions. She tries her best to ignore them. As a child she loved speaking to the apparitions. However, everyone started to call her crazy which caused her to be extremely shy and stop. As she grew up she ignored...