Y/N p.o.v
I just let the apparition drag me through the hallways. During this I got lost in my thoughts, not noticing the apparition let go of my hand. I subconsciously followed them through the hallways. Many thoughts went around ny head.
What does he want? Why the broadcasting room? Is he going to kill me there!? I bet he is! Apparitions are trouble and I'm just asking for bad things now! Who even are they? I belive their names were Tsukasa, Sakura, and Natsuhiko. Such cool names! No! Bad me, don't compliment them! What if-
I was cut of from my thought when I tripped on thin air and started falling. I closed my eyes and braced for the impact when none came. I opened my eyes and saw Natsuhiko. Apparently he had caught me.
"Hey! Are you from heaven becuase you look like an angel?" He asked me with a wink and a flirty face.
"Let go of me. Right now please," I asked him. But I really wasn't asking him, more like demanding.
"Why would I let go of such a beautiful angel?" Natsuhiko continued. I could feel my eyebrow twitch in irritation.
I should probably be counting out loud but I don't care.
Okay! It's been two seconds. Now he's done it!
I sighed as I pushed him off of me and punched him on the head. Natsuhiko whined as he sulked in the corner and held his head where I hit him. I whiped my hands and then put them on my hips and gave him the same closed eye smile as before.
"I told you to let go and you didn't. I told you I wasn't afraid to hit you on the head," I said sweetly. Tsukasa laughed as he looked at Natsuhiko.
"I like her Sakura! She's fun!" Tsukasa exclaimed happily. Sakura sighed and walked over to me after I had settled down.
"Don't pay any attention to him. If he annoys you feel free to do that again or tell me," Sakura put her hand on my shoulder and then continued to walk as I stood still next to the apparition . Natsuhiko whined as he stood up.
"My lady," Natsuhiko whined as he started to walk next to her, seeming fine now. I smiled as I looked at the appariton.
"What are even going to do at the broadcasting room?" I asked him. Please don't be planning my death! I have an education I need to finish! Tsukasa just smiled and put his finger on his cheek.
"That's a secret! Come on! We're almost there!" Tsukasa grabbed my wrist and started pulling me again. I knew it! He's planning to kill me! What else could it be! But why am I so set on that? He could just be nice, but he is an apparition. I started whining in my head starting to think of all the possibilities of what could happen.
"We're here!" I heard and looked up to see what I assumed was the broadcasting room."Already?" I mumbled looking around the broadcasting room. Tsukasa smiled.
"I told you we were close, didn't I?" He spoke childishly. "Sakura! Could you get some tea and muffins?" Tsukasa asked of the green-haired girl. She slowly nodded her head. I looked at Natsuhiko as he just followed Sakura. I then turned to face the apparition as we were the only ones left in the room currently.
"So," I started carrying out the last sound. "We're here now. What were you wanting to do?" I asked him while smiling to hide my fear. Belive it or not, I really thought he was going to kill me. But, this was just the start of our friendship.
"Play a game!" Tsukasa replied simply as he smiled. When he smiled I noticed his canines, but I also noticed that there was a eerie aura. But it soon vanished. I didn't really think too much of it. As I was excited as soon as I heard the word 'game'.
"Really! A game! I thought you were going to kill me this whole time! But! A game sounds much better than that!" I exclaimed happily. I really did love games. I hardly ever got to play them, I really was a child at heart.
Soon after I said that, Tsukasa floated closer to my face. His amber colored eyes seeming a little bit darker. I got a little scared at this, but it really just looked like he was studying me.
"You like a lot like someone I know! You're almost exactly like them too!" Tsukasa smiled. He floated away from he and I sighed in relief that it was over.
"Really? I do? Who?" I asked him, truly curious. There was someone almsot exactly like me? That seems impossible.
"That's a secret! Now-," he stopped abruptly turning to look at me. His eyes were black, looking at them caused shivers to go down my spine and send me a little fear. I suddenly felt so small compared to him. "How about that game?" He finished.
There we go! Sorry it's a bit short. I have to get to bed since I have school tommorow. But, I really wanted to get a chapter out. I hope you're satisfied. I'll try to update soon, but I got a cold and I only have two more days left of school before break. Hopefully then I'll be able to write a bit and get a few chapters out. Bye! I'll see you in the next chapter soon. Have a good morning/afternoon/night!

Supernatural Love || Tsukasa X Reader
Romance(Y/N) has always been able to see apparitions. She tries her best to ignore them. As a child she loved speaking to the apparitions. However, everyone started to call her crazy which caused her to be extremely shy and stop. As she grew up she ignored...