Chapter 7

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Okay I know that it's Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, but I love the music too much! The videos I usually put at the top are usually what I use for music when I write. Today, it is Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood!

(Y/N) p.o.v

Since I was so late I ended up running through the halls. Once the door to the broadcasting room was in ny sight I smiled big. When I got there I immediately opened the door. Since I was in such a rush, I ended up slamming the door. Inside I could see Sakura and Natsuhiko staring at me. I rubbed my neck nervously.

"I'm sorry about slamming the door," I stated nervously as my (E/C) eyes trailed to look at the ground. "I'm sorry about being late as well. Something came up," I spoke I looked up to see a certain apparition.

"Ahh!" I yelped as he engulfed me in a hug. The impact making me fall onto the ground. The apparition didn't care as he hugged me happily as he nestled into my chest. As if he hadn't seen me in fifty years. I laughed as I pat his head not really knowing what to do.

"Hello to you too Tsukasa," I chuckled as Tsukasa looked up and pouted.

"You took so long, (Y/N)!" He whined. I smiled and chuckled nervously, still on the floor.

"Sorry, as I said, something came up. Had to bring something to a friend," I explained. Sakura walked over and pulled the apparition off of me.

"Off Tsukasa," she said simply in her monotone voice. Natsuhiko walked over and took my hand and helped me up. Tsukasa whining as he got Sakura to let him go.

"Thanks Natsuhiko!" I told him with a smile while rubbing my neck nervously. Natsuhiko winked at me and smiled.

"No problem!" He cooed as he walked back over to Sakura. Tsukasa floated back over to me as he smiled before looking at the ground, his black hair and hat casting a shadow over his face.

"I was worried you weren't coming  (Y/N)," Tsukasa whispered. His voice suddenly going deeper and darker. Looking up, his eyes turned to a black color as he smirked. "Wouldn't want to break your promise know would you?" He spoke. Sakura's face showed a little concern as she went back to her work. Natsuhiko looking away as well with a face of pity.

I started to get a little scared. I thought that I was imagining it before. But, now I see that I was wrong. Perhaps, this apparition could kill me. He seems childish, but, in just a second his whole personality can change. I slowly took a step back, but I didn't take any more when I saw his eyes narrow slightly. I felt so small and weak whenever he did this. It's  so scary.

"R-right," I stuttered as I took a deep breath, my hands coming up to my chest. "It's bad to break a promise," I added quietly. My voice soft, but a little shaky. He smiled as he floated over. My body went stiff as he went close to my ear and placed his hand on my head.

"Good girl," he whispered, causing shivers to go down my spine. I was petrified, to scared to say anything, or even move a muscle. Tsukasa sighed as he floated away from me. He smiled as his eyes went back to normal, as if nothing had happened. I sighed in relief that it was over, hopefully at least.

"Want to play a game!" Tsukasa asked happily. But, his tone of voice made it sound more like a demand than a question.

From then, I spent more time with the apparation until it was time to go home. I was able to leave after convincing the apparition.


The next morning the alarm clock woke me up like normal. I got ready like usual and walked to the school. Once I was there, I sat in my seat located in the back of the classroom.

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