Pig Pt. 1 (S)

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Sapnap stared at the ceiling drained of emotions and energy. He had just streamed with the other members of the dream team and then ended up crying for two hours after. He didn't know exactly why he was crying but he really didn't care at this point.

Well, he did know why, he just didn't want to confront it. He had this stupid schoolboy crush on both of his best friends. And they constantly flirt with each other. In front of him. He didn't wanna speak up about it because that would mean confessing.

He didn't know who to talk to anymore. He could talk to Karl, but he was focused on Alex and streaming. Same with Alex. He really couldn't think of who to talk to until he got a notification from Twitter.


I need content. Someone please come give me free clout.

5:01 PM 12 Mar 21

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💬 🔁 ❤️

Sapnap smiled. He never knew Techno well but he always found his humor funny. He tuned in to every stream he could, which was most when he wasn't streaming. Techno basically never streamed.

He took that as an invitation for someone to talk to. He opened discord and pinged the pig. He almost immediately got a response.

What do you want nerd?

I was wondering if I could talk to you?
Just as a friend?
I need someone to talk to

Uh yeah sure.
You wanna vc?


Sapnap was thankful that Techno agreed. He didn't know who he would go to if the pig hadn't agreed. Sapnap started a call and Techno joined quickly and spoke quickly.
"So why'd you call? I would assume you'd wanna talk to Clay or George over me." Sapnap hesitated.
"Yeah um. They're busy."

It was quiet before Techno spoke again.
"Sapnap I may not know you very well, but I can tell that you're lying."
"Right um. Can I vent?"
"Go right ahead."

Sapnap sighed.
"Where to begin. Um, well I came to you instead of them because right after the stream we all did together today, they got off discord and face timed. They do it every time. And I wanna hang out with them sometime other than when we stream but when I ask, they're always with each other." Techno had turned his camera on and was nodding.

Sapnap turned his camera on as well and looked to be on the verge of tears.
"And the worst part is that I like them both. And they flirt openly in front of friends and streams, and it's frustrating because I like them both but they like each other and they're too dense to realize me."

Techno sat there contemplating before speaking up.
"Have you ever considered the fact that maybe you don't like them and you just jealous that they spend so much time together and leave you out? 'Cause you sound more like you're frustrated with them leaving you out, than you liking them."

Sapnap froze. He was so caught up in his head and the heads of every fanfiction he'd ever read, that he hadn't considered that he just missed his friends.
"Yo- your right. I miss my friends." Sapnap dropped his head into his hands.

Techno huffed.
"Sapnap it's ok to miss them. They're your closest friends and they've been ignoring you. That's not right. Maybe you should take a break from them and hang out with me and the rest of the sleepy boys?"

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