Chapter One

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Sitting in the graveyard at two in the morning was not something I used to do. I used to love hanging out with my friends, listening to music, and watching movies. But that was a few years ago, everything changed when I met this one guy at a party.

I never dated a guy let alone kissed one, I was the one with just a couple friends but never wore makeup, or dressed a certain way, my attire was more of jeans, t-shirts, and boots with a leather jacket.

I never really did care what others thought of me, I was happy just as I was or well to a point, but I did not worry. I was not bothered when my friends would start looking at guys or talking about them. That was what being a teenager was all about for most girls.

Until senior year, when my friends and I started to drift apart, they were dating and hanging out with their boyfriends, and me, I just decided instead of being the third or fifth wheel I stayed home and watched movies.

It was not until around Halloween when they all talked me into going to at least one party my senior year. "Tabs it's going to be a blast and you just have to come with us" Terra would whine, she was known for getting her way and if she did not, she would whine until she did.

"Fine" was all I said to her, I did not bother to dress up, I knew I would just blend into the background as I always did in school.

My friends gave up trying to get me to at least try to socialize with others, but I knew I did not fit in and so I did not bother.

The doorbell rang and since my parents were out of town, I ran downstairs to get the door. Once opening it I gasped, all my friends were dressed as a certain character I thought but knowing them they could have made it up also.

"Tabs you're not dressed for the Halloween party" Terra said looking upset, "I'm going as me and that's how it is" I said shutting the front door and locking it.

I was not about to dress up for a few hours only to come home and take it all off, I was comfortable in my black jeans, black tank top with my black leather jacket that had roses around the sleeves.

It was how I felt the best, I knew I was the oddball out but who cared at this point, we got into Terra's car, and she drove off, while the other two girls yapped about their boyfriends I leaned back and looked out the window.

Fall in Michigan was always nice, the changing of the colors of the leaves and the air always held the smell of life and death in the balance, this was always my time of the year, it was where I was not teased mostly for how I dressed.

There was always the odd comment, but most ignored me since I never commented back but would just stare at them until they took off.

We pulled up to the house where the party was being held at, oh great it was Tony's house, he was the jock type that thought he was everything.

We have not gotten along since we were five years old. Our parents were best friends, so he and I were forced to play together. That never went well.

"Tabs, it'll be fine, I'm sure Tony will be busy with his newest girlfriend" Terra commented. I knew what she was getting at, and I took a breath and slowly let it out.

I opened the door and a chill swept over me, I glanced around but did not see anything, all three of my friends got out and started to head off to the house as I dragged behind them.

Stepping into the house, it just felt wrong somehow but I was not sure why I was feeling this way, I have been in this house a million times growing up and never felt this way until now.

"Tabs come on" Terra just had to yell, as she grabbed my arm and pulled me along, a few people noticed and started to snicker. Rolling my eyes, I let her pull me along.

"So, you decided to join the actual living instead of hiding out in your room" Tony whispered into my ear as he snuck up beside me. "I wanted to see what a lame ass party you throw" I said under my breath hoping he would and would not catch it.

Ever since we were little, we always tossed insults at each other like complements. I had no idea why we did this, but it is our thing apparently.

And by the look on his face, he heard what I said, the look in his eyes was nothing short of your ass is in trouble and my body decided to shudder at the thought.

Tony was a very good-looking guy and he stood at six foot four and I do not think any part of his body was not muscular, his stomach had those washboard abs and when he wore a T-shirt it fit snug against his body.

Every girl in the school was after him except one, me. I found him attractive especially with the blonde hair and chestnut brown eyes. It was a contrast, but it fit him perfectly.

I knew he would not go for me; I was not his type. Tony was into the popular cheerleading kind of girls, tall, long hair, skin that was perfect, skinny that if a twig hit them, they would break.

Then there was me. I stood a mere five foot two, my hair was pure black, and my eyes were deep brown, my hair hung to the tops of my shoulders, and I had a bit of weight on me, nothing major I guess, I could pass as athletic type since I worked out and ran a lot, but no one knew this.

Not even my friends, I kept a lot of what I did to myself most times.  

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