Chapter Eight

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The rest of the day went by too fast, but I was good with that, Drake was coming over to spend the night with me. He liked me asking him since he did not make a fuss about it.

He just gave me that smirk that promised a night of passion and romance, well I am wishing that is what it will be.

"I'll be right back baby, meet me at the bike" he said as he kissed me and turned and went towards the office. I grabbed my stuff out of the locker and as soon as I shut it Tony was standing there.

"Where's your Mr. Perfect at?" "He went to the office for a moment, why Tony, are you missing him?" I said with a sarcastic tone, I knew I should not push him but sometimes I just cannot help it.

"You know Tabs, some days I wonder about you, never knew what you were like until Drake came to town, and here you are all wrapped up with him, makes me look at you in a new light" he said as he grabbed a strand of my hair and played with it in his fingers.

I moved my head back slightly, "Tony what do you want?" I asked starting to get annoyed, he never talks to me unless it is something his parents want all of us to do and I know that is not the case since they are on vacation together while we are stuck at home.

"Tabs we have known each other most of our lives, I think we should maybe hang out at my house or yours and start to get to know each other again, since we both know our parents want us to get together" Tony said looking over my shoulder.

I glanced over my shoulder to see what he kept looking at, I did not see anything as soon as I turned around Tony grabbed the back of my head and put his lips on mine.

Pushing him away "what the hell Tony?" I asked backing up, "I want you Tabs, always have and now that you're with Drake, I can't let that happen he's not right for you" he said stalking me until my back hit the wall.

"That's too bad for you Tony, I'm with Drake now and I'm happy" I said turning to leave, he pushed me up against the wall, leaning in he smelled my hair.

"You do smell nice Tabs, I always thought that about you, and your body is very nice even under all these clothes" he said as he ran his hand up my waist to try and get under my shirt.

Pushing his hand away I kept trying to push him off me, "Tony I swear to god if you don't get off of me Ill hurt you" I said as I pushed at him.

Tony laughed, "Tabs you couldn't do shit, and I like having you under me" Tony could not finish what he was about to say as Drake was right behind him and he grabbed him, tossing him to the other side of the hall.

The two guys were standing there facing each other, "Drake, she isn't yours, you know she was promised to me" Tony yelled, "I don't give a rats ass Tony, she is mine and mine only" Drake's voice dripped with venom.

"We will see about that one," Tony said as he stormed out of the school.

Drake walked over to me and wrapped his arms around me, I wrapped my arms around his waist and buried my head into his chest, taking a breath I noticed I was shaking a bit.

"It'll wear down slowly baby" he whispered while holding me tight, and within a moment he pulled me back a little and I looked up "did he touch you or hurt you?" he asked, I just shook my head.

He did not physically hurt me; he never does, it's always the mental abuse that he likes to put me thought.

"No babe he didn't, he was just messing with my head as usual, it's like a game to him but he's upped the Anty since we are together now" I said looking at him.

"Come on let's get you home" he said as he took my hand and we walked to his bike, getting on after him and wrapping my arms around his waist, I felt a lot better.

Within a few minutes we were pulling into my driveway, that ride was too short, Drake helped me off the bike and walked me to the front door.

"Are you coming inside?" I asked him after I unlocked the door, "I'll be back in a bit there's a few things I got to take care of, and I also got to get a bag of clothes to bring here" he said and kissed me.

I stood there and waited till he left before I went inside and closed and locked the door. Heading upstairs I wanted to take a shower and change before I started dinner.

Not sure when he was coming back, I hurried with my shower and changed my clothes.

Walking into the kitchen I was not sure what to make, I knew I was not experienced in the kitchen but could make the basics. So, I settled on grilled cheese with fries.

I sat at the table looking at the clock, it was already past five and Drake dropped me off around three in the afternoon. Where is he, I thought as I decided to start eating.

After I ate and cleaned up it was past six already and there was no sign of him, not even a text, but then again, I could not remember if I gave him my number or not.

Shrugging it off, I decided to go up to my room and work on my homework, grabbing a drink from the fridge I went to my room and turned on my television.

Finding a good horror movie, I settled on my bed and began my homework.

It was after eight when I finished, putting my books in my bag for tomorrow and making sure my alarm was set for the morning, I checked all the locks in the house and the lights for outside were on.

I changed and got ready for bed, climbing in leaving my television on but down low, I fell asleep watching a good movie. 

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