Chapter Nineteen

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I do not think I hardly slept at all last night; I was nervous as all hell thinking about what I was going to be walking into. What was hell like?

Was it a fiery pit like some people say it is? Is it full of the damned roaming around like zombies? Was it full of lavish stuff? Was his castle I am assuming he has a castle; wouldn't the ruler of all demons own a castle to live in?

Therefore, I hardly slept; my mind was racing with a million different questions.

To top it all off, we are supposed to be getting married, and he wants me to rule next to him, he is the first boyfriend I have ever had and to find out he is Lucifer, the main demon that was an angel once upon a time ago.

What was I to wear? Oh, my head hurts, getting up I went downstairs to grab some Tylenol, why do I get headaches if I am a demon now also, I got shafted on this whole thing.

After taking the pain meds. I figured why not and started the coffee pot; I was not going to sleep any time soon and it was only two in the morning. I know Drake was fast asleep upstairs, that guy could sleep through anything.

Grabbing my cup and as soon as the coffee was done, I poured myself a cup and put on a blanket over my shoulders, going to sit outside in the backyard under the gazebo.

One thing I loved about this, at night was all the little white lights that I put up a while ago looked like twinkling little stars. I grabbed the cushion and sat down with my coffee making sure the blanket was wrapped snuggly around me.

Even though it was November, it was chilly out but not freezing yet. I was sipping my coffee when I saw a shadow appear about ten feet away from me.

Just outside of the gazebo, I saw it was not Tony, but who would be out here at this hour in my back yard.

"Sorry to bother you, Drake has us standing guard around the house" he informed me and disappeared into the shadows again. Oh, great, now we have guards around the place.

One of the many things I am sure he forgot to mention. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath; I can get through this, I whispered to myself.

Finishing my coffee, I went inside and filled my cup, and decided to go back outside since I was safe. Making sure to wrap my blanket around my shoulders I went back to the gazebo and sat down.

"You know you shouldn't be out here alone love" Drake said walking up behind me, holy hell he scared me, "Drake you have got to stop scaring me like that, besides, you have security around the house so I'm good" I said taking a sip of my nice hot coffee.

"Tabs inside now" Drake said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me up and my coffee cup fell to the ground. Once inside "what the hell was all that about?" I said standing there watching Drake.

He was pacing back and forth, "I never had security around here Tabs" he growled. I sat down, "so the person I was talking to wasn't one of your guys?" I asked.

Just then Drake was right in front of me, "you talked to him?" he asked, looking me in the eyes, I could tell this was serious.

"Yes, he said "Sorry to bother you, Drake has us standing guard around the house, and then he disappeared into the darkness, I just assumed you had forgotten to tell me about it."

Next thing I knew Drake was no longer human Drake but the demon lord himself, full wings and claws and razor-sharp teeth, yellow glowing eyes and his skin was now dark red with black running through it where veins would be.

I heard a low growl coming from Drake, and that sound scared me to my core. It was one I never have heard until now come from him. "Go upstairs and shower and get dressed in what I have laid out for you on our bed, please no questions right now just do this for me" he walked over and kissed the top of my head.

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