Chapter Twenty

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It took me a few moments to adjust my eyes, it was so vivid where we were at, not at all what I pictured in my mind, thanks to movies and books.

It was like the sun was full force on brightness, that you had to squint until your eyes adjusted to it. The land in front of me was full of green grass, mountains in the distance and a lake was nearby.

Looking up at Drake, "okay this has to be a joke, right?" I asked confused, "love, the underworld or hell which ever you want to call it, isn't all fire, rocks, and death, which is made up to sell movies and such.

This part of the underworld is where I live, our home is just over there behind that hill, and when we have kids, they will grow up running in these fields" he said kissing the top of my head as I looked around.

The landscape was so perfect, green fields as far as the eye can see, with mountains in the far distance, a lake that shimmered with the reflection of the sun.

Drake took my hand, and we walked following a dirt path around a hill and there stood the most amazing home you could have ever asked for. It was not huge and intimidating but smaller in scale and it felt like home just by looking at it.

The front of it was made of stone and had windows that had flowerboxes on it. I stood there with my mouth gapped open, "I know it wasn't what you were expecting but I saw one of those magazines that you always read and saw you had it circled as a would love to own, so I designed our home like it" he said looking down at me.

My eyes teared up "you did this for me and for us?" I asked, he nodded his head. My heart was about to burst from the love I had for this man, demon whatever he was, all I knew is he was mine and I loved him.

"Thank you" was all I could get out before we started walking, I could not wait to check out the rest of the house. He opened the door but before I could walk in, he picked me up and carried me into the house.

I laughed, "Baby we aren't married yet" I said looking into those stunning yellow eyes of his, "I know but first time in our new home and I wasn't going to let you walk in" he said as his lips came crashing down onto mine.

We stood there for a moment lost in time as our kiss became heated between us. He broke off the kiss, "tonight you are so mine baby" he said and gave me a quick kiss.

"You better believe it love" I said and giggled as he growled and nipped my ear.

Once he let me down, he held my hand as we explored the house, the kitchen was huge but then again, we had a total of six guards with us that I already told Drake that I was feeding them as well as us.

He just smiled and I saw the guards all smiling as well, I can see they are going to enjoy a bit of niceness towards them, even though they are the main demons that guard the ruler of the underworld.

After the kitchen was the dining area and what I fell in love with was the family room that had a huge fireplace in it, the family room where you could easily fit over a hundred people and still have plenty of room for more.

The staircase was circular and made from wood that I found out was cherry wood, and it was stunning. Once upstairs you could go left or right.

To the left was a small hallway that led to double French doors, opening them up was the master suite. A huge king size canopy bed that had those little twinkling lights was wrapped around the top canopy incased in the material.

There was also a vanity to the one side, my heart was just so filled with love that Drake thought of all of this for me, he took my hand and we had double walk-in closets and a door that he opened where my mouth hung open.

There was a garden tub that was made for four people but knowing how big Drake was, it was only for us two. The shower was made for us and a huge countertop with two sinks and a mirror that went the full length of the wall.

I was so speechless over all of this; Drake was seeing how happy I was. I saw his smile and a twinkle in his eye in the reflection of the mirror.

"Plenty more to go my love" he said as he had to pull me out of the bedroom, and we went to the right and there were two other bedrooms, one was a nursery and the other was a kid's bedroom.

"For when our little one arrives" he said as he placed his hand on my stomach. Smiling up at him, he had made my dream house a reality. He listened when I talked about what I would love to have one night.

There is a special room I had built just for you; he took me downstairs and in the family room there was a bookcase that was a secret door.

Pulling the red book, it slides to the side and in the room was the biggest library I had ever seen. The fireplace in the family room connected to the one in the library.

There were chairs and couches in there among hundreds of books, and a desk with a computer for me to do whatever I wanted to do on.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him the tightest I could. Drake picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and kissed him.

"Thank you so much baby for all of this, everything is what I dreamt about growing up and you made it a reality" I said in-between kissing him.

"I want to give you the world baby but making your dreams come true is what makes me happy" he said as he deepened the kiss. Right there on the carpet in front of the fireplace we made love for the next few hours.

Afterwards we left the library and went into the kitchen where all the guards were sitting at the table. I went to the fridge and saw a fully made-up pitcher of Iced tea.

"Oh, thank goodness there is this" I said and getting a glass and pouring myself a glass and drank it all down. Putting the glass down I froze and realized I just downed a full glass without stopping in front of everyone.

I peeked over and saw all the guards smirking at me, I could feel my cheeks blush, "anyone want any?" I asked, hopefully changing the subject.

"We are good but thank you though" Zeek said still smirking, ugh they must stop I thought.

Drake walked in, all their smirks fell away, and all six guards looked elsewhere which got me laughing. I could not help it; I knew their weakness now.

Zeek looked at me and winked and I smirked back looking right at him, he just turned his head and looked out the window.

Drake looked back and forth with a puzzled look for a moment then shrugged his shoulders which for an eight-foot demon did not look right on.

Drake poured himself a glass and finished it in one gulp, my eyes could not believe it but then again anything here is possible.

"I was thinking my love, I need to have a tailor come here to get you set up for a wedding dress if you want, and I also want to take you to see some shops" Drake said as he refilled his glass.

"Okay" I said a bit confused by all of this, "what's the matter baby?" I could tell Drake was getting serious suddenly. "Nothing major, just this will take some getting used to since well I was brought up thinking the underworld or hell, was all fire and rock and the damned roaming around being punished" I said looking down.

"That's on the other layers not the top one" Darius said, "other layers?" I asked looking really confused, I am sure.

"Come sit sweetheart and we will explain what is around here for you" Drake said taking my hand and leading to the table where I said down, and Drake sat next to me and then picked me up and sat me on his lap. 

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