Chapter Eighteen

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"Tabitha, you need to wake up sweetheart, there are a few things we need to go over" Drake whispered in my ear. I opened my eyes and saw it was daylight out.

"Oh, shit I'm late for school" I said sitting up but then I remembered everything that went on, "I don't really have to go to school, anymore, do I?" I asked looking at Drake while he was propped up against the headboard.

"Honestly if you don't want to then no you don't, you no longer run-on human laws baby" he said with a smile. "This will take time getting used to all of that" I said laying back down and relaxing for a change.

"What did you need to talk to me about?" I asked rolling over on my side to face him.

"The cops found Tony's body but don't worry no traces of you were around there, just his so you are safe there, plus I would just whisk you away to where I reside, and no one could touch you there" he said with a smirk on those lips of his.

"It's still hard to believe that he's gone, we grew up together and now I won't ever see him again" I said closing my eyes, even thought he was an ass and we fought constantly it still hurt a bit.

"That's the thing sweetheart, Tony's human body is gone, remember he was transformed into a demon, so he is still very much around now just not looking like human Tony" he said with an edge to his voice.

Sitting up I turned to look at Drake, "so let me get this straight, Tony is in Demon form full time now, which means what exactly?" "It means he is more lethal this way, his human body slowed him down but now in this form I can fully control him" he said sitting up looking at me.

"Okay so you can control Tony and he cannot attack me anymore, right?" " he cannot touch you; he can show up and harass you if he chose to, but I think with you being my wife he wouldn't want to risk the wrath of me" Drake said taking my hands in his.

"Well, that makes me feel better, what else is there I can see something else going on behind your eyes babe" I said smiling, feeling a bit lighter now that I know Drake can protect me one hundred percent.

"It's about our wedding, I am going to need to take you to where we will reside most of our time" he said looking at me, waiting for that tiny light bulb to turn on.

"Wait, are you telling me I have to go into hell to get married?" I asked, getting a bit nervous, "yes baby but you will be safe there, no one would even dare think to harm you they all know how I get when one demon displeases me.

I got onto my knees and crawled over to where Drake was sitting on the bed, he raised his one eyebrow at me, "so you can get cranky huh?" I asked as I straddled his lap.

Putting my arms around his neck I kissed his lips and then his jawline, my hands went over part of his wings that connected to his back and I felt a deep growl vibrating off his chest.

That made my core wet, and my body responded to his instantly, since we were both naked at this point, my core was right above where his cock was.

I could feel it press at the opening of my core, so without any notice I slid down on top of him and started to rock my hips and move ever so slowly up and down on him.

Next thing I knew I was on my back, and he was above me, thrusting deep inside of me, "so my love, is that a yes to go into hell and marry me and rule by my side?" he asked as he thrusted deep and hard into me.

"Yes" I screamed out as we both climaxed together and marked each other's shoulder again.

The rest of the day we spent between the bed and the kitchen, I let Drake know that tomorrow we would talk about the wedding and all the details and tomorrow night we would venture to where my new home would be. 

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