Chapter Five

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My body started to get warm, opening my eyes I saw Drake's arm wrapped around my waist, then it all came rushing back to me, I had sex.

The one thing I thought I would not ever have, and I smiled to myself, it just felt right. Not rushed or forced, he left it up to me to decide. It was as if I was meant to wait for him.

But my bladder had other things that were more important than laying there thinking of Drake and his lips on me. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom.

I went downstairs and looked at the clock, it was already three in the afternoon on a Sunday, I had all day to be lazy before school on Monday.

I wonder if Drake was in school with us or if he already graduated but was at the party since he must have known someone there, it seemed like he knew Tony by how they talked.

"Hey baby" he said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head.

"Hey" I said leaning back against him, I could get used to this. "Was wondering if you're hungry?" "For you, always but if you want food, I could take us out to eat instead of fixing something if you want?"

He wanted to take me out in public after this morning, I smiled "that actually sounds great, let me shower and get dressed then we can go?" I asked looking up at him.

That smile was going to be the death of me, he was so damn hot with that smoldering look in his eyes and the smile that could light up the darkest of nights.

"Go take your shower baby and I'll lay in bed and see what's on television, so no rush" he said as he took my hand, and we went back upstairs.

After the shower and getting dressed I put on a bit of makeup, it is the third time in my whole life wearing this stuff. Looking in the mirror I think I did it right.

Opening the door, I saw Drake watching a movie laying on my bed, and damn does he look good on it too. He turned his face towards me and smiled.

"You look really good baby" he said as he sat up and turned off the movie. "Thanks" I said as I could feel my cheeks grow warm, I took a breath and went over to him.

He sat there and wrapped his arms around me, we were eye to eye this way, which for a change was nice so my neck did not have to strain to look up at him.

He leaned in and kissed me softly, "ready love?" he asked as he kept kissing me, "if you keep that up well end up staying here in bed" I said with a smirk but was not stopping the kissing.

A girl could get used to this, especially since he is the first one that has kissed me.

Drake stood up and took my hand, leading me downstairs we went out the front door, after I locked it, I turned to see he had a motorcycle, "oh wow its stunning, but I haven't ever ridden on one before" I told him.

"That's okay baby, you just wrap your arms tightly around my waist and hang on, I won't let anything ever happen to you, you are too precious to me" he said and once he got on, I climbed on behind him.

I did as he said and was glued to his back, I could feel his body shake as he laughed but I did not care, this was going to be amazing.

We drove through town, feeling the freedom that a motorcycle gave you was something else. He pulled into the diner parking lot. I looked up and saw it was where all the high schoolers hung out.

Everyone that was hanging outside watched as Drake got off and I could see the girls start to drool right away, but the shocked looks that were on their faces once they saw that I was on the back of his bike, which made me smile.

Once off the bike, Drake took my hand and made sure I was beside him, as we walked in, he made sure everyone knew I was with him, and I was fine with that.

I saw Terra and a few other people I knew over in the booth talking about whatever they talked about. Terra's head shot up and her mouth about dropped when she saw me.

I just gave her a small wave and went with Drake to our own booth, he had me sit next to him which I was fine with, the heat he gave off was soothing.

The waitress came over and handed us out menus and was gone right after, "get whatever you want baby, need to keep you fed" he said and winked which had me giggling.

When did I giggle? wow he really has brought out a new side to me.

"So, are you going to introduce me to your new friend?" Terra said as she stood there looking a bit irritated, "Terra, this is Drake, Drake this is Terra" I said looking at the menu.

After last night I was not too happy to talk to her right now, but she was acting it did not even cross her mind because I was not social to her.

Drake did not even say hi, he just nodded his head which inside I was laughing since I knew Terra, she always wanted attention no matter who it was from.

I looked up and saw Terra just looking at us like she was trying to figure out why he was with me, I was about to say something but then Tony walked in.

I tried to put the menu up to hide my face, Drake saw what I was doing, and he lowered the menu, "let him see you baby, he will regret saying anything if he does" Drake said as he kissed my neck.

Terra just shook her head and walked back to her table, but she kept watching what was going on over at my table.

Tony looked up from the whispers and we locked eyes, the first time I saw his mouth drop when he saw I was sitting there with Drake. I could see the anger fester inside of him.

Tony was about to walk over but I saw Drake shake his head letting Tony know it was a bad idea if he did, just then Tony's eyes squinted at me, and he stormed out of the diner. 

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