Chapter Twenty-Eight

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I knew I had nowhere to go at this point, stuck in a tub and Tony locked the damn door, I also knew Zeek could break down anything that he wanted to.

"Tony it's not happening between us, so just go before you get into massive trouble" I said hoping he would listen but if Tony was still Tony, he wouldn't listen and just do as he wanted too anyway.

"Tabs, I'm not leaving without you, so if you insist on staying here then I guess so am I" he said laughing, not even bothering trying to hide the fact that he was in here with me.

"Tabitha?" Zeek called from behind the door, "Zeek" I called out just before Tony put his hands over my mouth, "you will shut your mouth" he angrily whispered into my ear.

"Tabitha why is this door locked?" he asked as he was trying to open it. I wasn't sure at this point what I should do, do I dare and bite Tony's hand to warn Zeek, or keep quiet?

I couldn't figure out Tony anymore to know if he would or wouldn't hurt me, was I willing to risk that chance?

Without any warming the bathroom door obliterated in a million pieces and Drake stood on the other side of what used to be the door.

Drakes' eyes went to me and saw that I was in the tub and Tony's hands were over my mouth but what I didn't notice was the knife to my throat.

Right behind Drake was Zeek and the look of fury on his face told me all I needed to know. Both males were about to rip Tony apart to where his demon was going to be gone for good.

"You take one step in here Drake, and I will make sure no one gets her" he said and just then he pressed a little bit harder and that is when I felt the knife bite into my skin.

I mumbled something, so Tony took his hand away from my mouth, "what was that Tabs?" "I said you mother fucking piece of shit, holding a knife to my throat now?" I asked.

I couldn't believe that he had the nerve to do that to me, I was talking to him, and not crying uncontrollably, shocked him to the point when he looked at me is when Drake and Zeek rushed in and grabbed the knife and Tony away from me at the same time.

Drake had Tony and Zeek picked me up from the tub and rushed me into his bedroom and shut the door.

Zeek wrapped me up in the blankets, sitting on the bed with me keeping his arms wrapped around me, I knew I was safe at that point and with Zeek.

I let the flood gates opened and I cried, letting everything flow and not caring one bit. A few minutes later Drake walked into the room. He rushed right over and picked me up.

As soon as I was in Drakes' arms, I cried even harder, but I knew I was safe as his lips kept kissing the side of my face. "Sweetheart I am so sorry I wasn't around" he kept saying over and over.

Looking up at him, "where have you been?" I asked, trying my hardest to stop crying long enough to hear him. "I was away on business that needed taking care of in one of the realms."

"Oh" was all I had to say, on our wedding day he was busy with business, was this how my life was about to be? I remembered what Zeek had said, that I had to find my own life that was separate from Drakes when he was away from home.

"I'm good to stand now" I said in a tone, Drake wasn't sure of, but he let me go and slowly put me down to stand on my own. I stood back, "are you going back to work till tonight?" I asked looking into his eyes.

Drake took a breath and slowly let it out, "in fact yes I have to, I will be gone for a few days, but Zeek and Darius will be here with you" he said.

I was about to explode, "gone for a few days? What about our wedding?" I asked, trying to remain calm.

"I already postponed that till I get back; I was coming upstairs to talk to you about it until I felt Tony in the bathroom with you" he said.

"So, our wedding is postponed till you feel like marrying me" I growled, oh I was over this. I turned on my heel and stormed out of Zeek's bedroom and down the hall to my room and slammed the door.

Within a few minutes the door opened, I wouldn't even look at Drake, "Zeek I packed a few bags, I wish to stay at my house in the human world" I said and walked right past Drake.

Zeek picked up my bags and walked out with me, before Zeek teleported us, I turned and saw Drake pissed, at that moment I turned my back on him. 

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