Chapter Twenty-Four

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I took his hand and followed Zeek upstairs and into my bedroom, "what are we doing?" I asked as he walked me into my bathroom. Turning around he looked down.

"You need to unwind after today, so take a nice hot bubble bath and soak for a while, then once done I will fix us a snack and we can watch a movie until either you fall asleep, or Drake comes home" he said as he walked out and shut the door.

I turned around and did not need to be told twice to take a nice hot bath, I started up the water and once it was ready, I stepped in and let the bubbles cover me as I slide down into the tub.

After the bubbles disappeared and the water was starting to turn cold, I stepped out and drained the water. Drying off I saw Zeek had also put a pair of night shorts and a tank top on the vanity for me.

I put on my nightclothes and brushed my teeth, opening the door I walked into my bedroom and there on the bed was Drake, laying up against the headboard with a smile on his face and he was naked.

I ran and jumped on the bed, Drake wrapped his arms around me and pulled me on top of him. Kissing him, "I missed you," "missed you to love."

Being in Drakes arms was all I wanted in life right now, he was home for me, no matter if we were in the underworld or up in the human world. But I know now that this is home.

The rest of the night, neither one of us slept. Having wild passionate sex was always the best stay up all night kind of night. Afterwards, laying in his arms, a yawn snuck out and Drake kissed my forehead as I closed my eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

I could feel Drake get out of bed, but I was not about to open my eyes or get up. The bed felt like I was sleeping on a cloud, and I was staying there for as long as I could.

I could smell the coffee brewing from downstairs, groaning, I knew I had to get up. That creepy demon was coming over today to get me fitted for my wedding dress.

I wonder what kind of dress he has in mind, I always had a vision of my wedding dress, full of lace with dark red and black ribbon throughout it, the waist would be flowing but the top would be form fitting.

My hair would be down, and the veil would be attached to the middle of the back of my head, and baby's breath flowers tucked in various places in my hair.

The bouquet I would be holding would be full of black roses, I love all flowers, but those ones always stood out to me for some reason.

After using the bathroom, I headed downstairs to the delicious smell of coffee that I followed. "Good morning my love" Drake said as he wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

"Good morning love" I said as I hugged him back and rested my head on his massive chest. He let go and I saw a cup of coffee waiting for me, I smiled up at him and gave him a quick kiss on his sweet lips.

Sitting down at the kitchen Island I wrapped my hands around the mug of sweetness and brought it to my lips and after the first inhale of the scent, I raised the cup to my lips and took the first sip.

The first sip was always the best as the flavor touched my tongue, I let out a soft moan, and I could hear Drake chuckle as he always did when I had my first cup of coffee.

"That will never get old" he said smiling at me, who would have thought the king of the demons was falling in love with me.

Well, I am no longer a girl but a demon that still doesn't seem to have any powers besides stealth and my hearing has improved ten times from when I was human.

"There better be coffee for me" Zeek said as he stumbled in, "maybe, maybe not" I said smirking over my coffee cup at him and I had to laugh when he growled at me.

One thing with Zeek, he was playful and harmless even when he would growl at me, but do not let that fool you. He was a hell of a warrior demon that would rip you apart if you were in his way.

You could tell Zeek, and Drake were close, I found out Zeek and Drake had known each other for hundreds of years. Anything other than that I have no clue.

Somethings I realized are not worth poking around in if you weren't ready to know the truth. At this point in time, I was happy just as things were.

"The tailor will be here in about three hours Tabs" Drake informed me. "Oh joy" I whispered as I sipped on my coffee, I know Drake ignored my comment, but I saw Zeek smirk over his coffee cup.

"Don't you worry your pretty little head on that one princess, I will be there to keep you safe" Zeek said, I had to laugh on that one, we both knew he wanted to be there just to rile up the tailor. 

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